The QuiffonScw Vol. XLII Development Plans For Guilford College ' w&m /* * * MWp * jj|B s ; wEy Pictured above is the incompleted structure of the Student Union building:. The inclement weather conditions have slov/ed up the work on the building considerably, but now that pleasant weather is ap proaching, the job should move at a rapid pcae. For those of y on who have been wondering how soon the building would be completed, the approximate date is May the fifteenth. Men's Lounge To Be Completed Within The Next Week Charlie Strider Within the next week, the base ment of Center Section will have been converted into a lounge for the men. It will consist of a ma roon and grey room with a tile floor and celotex ceiling. There will be included in the room, a television set, a soft drink ma chine, and nab machine. This is being done as a cooperative proj ect by the Men's Student Govern ment and the Student Christian Association. Anyone else who is interested is welcome to come down and help also. For the past several years there has been nothing for the boys to do unless they could get into town or were members of the Mono gram Club. With this addition there will at least be a television set for any of the boys who are lucky enough to be free from GUILFORD COLLEGE, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1956 work for a while. This type of en tertainment will not only be en joyable but relaxing as well. This type of break is very good for any one who has been putting a lot of work on his books or any other form of labor which tends to dull the senses. In doing this work the boys have put a lot of time and energy into getting it done right. When it is finally finished, it will be some thing to take pride in and also to take care of. If everyone will do his part and take an active inter est in keeping it looking good, it will give good entertainment for a lot of people, over a long period of time. If we can show the administra tion that we are willing and able to take care of the things which they fix up for us, then they will give us more and more things with which to improve our facilities. Men's Dormitory, Auditorium- Chapel Head Future Plans In talking with Dr. Milner about the promotion and development plans for Guilford College, he also pointed out the part we must play in furthering higher education, and the distinct advantages Guil ford College will derive from the Greater Greensboro development program. "Colleges are and should be dif ferent, and they should always strive for standards of excellence. Colleges should understand and clearly state their purpose and program. Many types of institu tions of higher education are needed and should be provided. Each institution should offer dis tinctive opportunities and assume definite responsibilities for select ing, enrolling and training those students for whom its program is best suited. "The distinctive liberal arts col lege is not a vocational school, a technical or mechanical school, nor is it a community Junior Col lege. However, all who are en gaged in higher education are in the true professional sense Part ners in Education. "The trustees and administra tion have restudied the place of Guilford College in relation to the present educational situation and have decided to maintain the unit at Guilford College as a small col lege with emphasis on the liberal arts. It is planned to have a sus tained enrollment of 550 students pursuing a degree course at Guil ford. "With adequate equipment in Greensboro, Guilford College can take its share of the responsibility in meeting new educational de mands. This will strengthen the liberal arts unit at Guilford. Through wise and careful selec tion ox students, only those vitally interested in a degree course will be enrolled in the Guilford Col lege unit; other students will be as carefully counseled to select vocations, special or terminal courses, especially suited to their interests and needs and will be en rolled in the Greensboro Division." In connection with the promo tion and development of Guilford College itself, the erection of the following buildings is being plan ned: A—Erecting nn Auditoriumi- Chapel-Religious Educa tion Building This will provide a room to seat 1,000-1,200 to serve the double purpose of chapel and auditorium. It would also be equipped for drama, music and religious programs and would have facilities for voice recording and instruction, live broadcasting, and projection of 35mm. as well as 16mm. films. The plans include pro vision for the work of religi ous education, with a large classroom, a small seminar type classroom, office, and a small Friends Meeting Room. It will also provide the neces sary classrooms and studies for the Department of Music. B'— Men's Dormitories 1. A New Men's Dormitory— to provide housing for 50 men and a faculty apart ment for a resident Dean of Men and his family. A lounge room, a recreation room, a conference room, and an office will also be included. 2. Remodeling of Cox Hall— adding 8 additional rooms and providing an apart ment for a faculty student counselor. (Continued on Page 2) Calendar of Events FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24 8:00 P. M.—Judge Richardson Preyer Lecture ' Jazz Music" SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 25 7:30 P. M. —Movie SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26 9:00 A. M. —College Sunday School Class, Shore Lounge 6:00 P M.—Westminister Fellow ship—Music Building in Founders Parlor 7:00 P. M. —S. C. A. in the Hut TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 28 4:45 P. M.— Guilfordian meeting Founders Parlor NO. 12