Basketball Page 4 Volume XLII Eleven Seniors Make Who's Who J. A skins C. Atkinson C. Mackie I M. Long NEWS BRIEFS "The Alchemist" starts at 8:15 tonight and tomorrow night. Ad mission is free to students. Tomorrow the Quakers take on Western Carolina at 2:00 on Hobbs Field. The Social Committee will honor the football team tomorrow night with an informal dance at 8:00 p.m. "House of Blue Lights" is to be the theme. "The Guilfordian" is planning a special Christmas issue with liter ary contributions (poems, stories, articles) from various members of the student body. If you want to contribute, have your piece in by December 10. After the basketball game next Saturday night, the WSG is spon soring an informal dance in the Student Union. The Methodists are having a meeting Friday night November 22 at 7:00 in the hut. A Look at Little Rock Students See For Themselves (ACP) —Six Drury college stu dents went to Little Rock, Ark., recently to observe for themselves the "segregation disturbance," rep orts of the Drury Mirror at the Springfield, Mo., school. They entered Little Rock's Cen tral High with the prepsters, un noticed. But inside, one was taken to the principal's office where he said he was on a "psychological survey." He was told to return in a couple of days when "tension wasn't so high." The others spent their time getting student quotes like, "If the colored students would start in the first grade and gradually mix in the schools, this trouble wouldn't happen." Tf>e Quilfortocm 'Pu6li&6ed Cy. t6e Student* o£ t&e Sout£ '& Only 12*ta4tr @olUsc m *Jspm ' r M. Baker W. Finley In R. Newton E. Murray Social Committee Will Sponsor Informal Dance At The Union Tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. the Social Committee is sponsoring an informal dance in the Student Un ion to honor the football team. The theme will be "House of Blue Lights." As the only decorations blue lights will flood the Student Union. Doug Clark and his colored combo from Chapel Hill will fur nish the music. This combo consists of four instrumentalists and two vocalists. The band specializes in rock 'n roll music but will divide between fast and slow tempos. During the intermission Coach Appenzeller will introduce each member of the football team. On November 30 the WSG is sponsoring another informal dance. It will be held in the Student Union immediately after the basketball game (the first game of the season). Music, a floor show, and refresh ments are being planned. IN MEMORIAM Late Saturday afternoon, November 9th, happy Guilford students thronged the walks and roads, chattering excitedly about their first football victory of the season. Less than twenty-four hours later, one of these same students, one our classmates, who had laughed and rejoiced over the same game, was missing from our midst. "James Carl Bell, Jr.," as a Greensboro newspaper related, "died Sunday of injuries suffered in an automobile accident late Saturday night. He was a passenger in an automobile which left the curve and rolled down a twenty-foot embankment." Jim lived on in a hospital room until a little before two o'clock Sunday afternoon. He died quietly, just as he had lived. He was a good student, so he was respected; he was understanding and gentle, so we liked him. He was always cheerful and friendly, so we were friends. And still the Guilfordians walk the cobbled stones to their classes, and cheer excitedly at football games, all as before. But now in our classrooms, one seat is always empty, and one cheerful laugh is heard no more; something is missing, even though there is no apparent change in the crowded halls. And no doubt some of our teachers will find it hard to forget the picture of a small toddler, a little over eighteen years ago, brought to class by his uncle; hard to forget how Jim always laughed and claimed to really be "a part" of Guilford, having "grown up" with the school. Jim still laughs as he watches our football games, and still smiles gently at our chapel programs, but he now sits in another classroom, with a new Professor. And one of Guilford's best students walks safely on the paths of the Home Campus. GUILFORD COLLEGE N. C., NOVEMBER 22, 1957 C. Livcrman Ail MSB HI K. Redman As part of the floor show Bergit ta Leander will sing a native Swedish song accompanying her self with a ukulele; a girl's trio will also sing. Other acts are indefinite. The refreshment committee plans to have a fire in the fireplace to roast marshmallows over. Re cords will furnish music for the dance. NOTICE The Guilford College Business Office has requested that all ver terans who are entitled to training allowances from the government fill out their Veterans Administra tion monthly certificate forms as soon as possible after the first of each month. This will help the Business Office make sure veterans receive their checks by the twentie th of each month. Eleven members of the Senior Class have been elected to represent Guilford College this year in the annual publication Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities. They are: Charles Atkinson, James Askins, Mack Baker, Woody Finley, Carolyn Newlin Liverman, Mary Ann Long, Craven Mackie, Eileen Murray, Robert Newton, Roger Red man, and Rachel Richardson. Selection to Who's Who is one of the most revered and desired honors that a student may attain during his college career. The number of candidates from each sphool is based on enrollment; Guilford's enrollment of 677 permits a quota of eleven nominees. A vote of all students and faculty members determines the candidates; the final decision is left to the Committee on Con vocations, composed of both stu dents and faculty. The qualifica tions considered as a basis for selection are: character, service to the school, leadership and practical qualities, contribution to extra-cur ricular activities, scholarship, and potential usefulness to business and society. The activities of this year's nom inees are listed below: Charles Atkinson Charles Atkinson is from Fair mont, N. C., and his major is his tory. Charlie was a member of the MSG both his freshman and sopho years. As a freshman and sopho more he played on the baseball team. This year he has a variety of duties as vice-president of the Senior Class, secretary and treas urer of the MAA, and president of the BSU. James Askins James Askins, ofGoldsboro, N. C., is a struggling pre-med stu dent. He became known to his fellow classmates as a freshman by being elected president of his class —a position to which he was re elected as a sophomore; his third year he served as class vice-pres ident. Jimmie has been active in sports; he played football and ten nis his first two years and his fresh man year was runner-up in the North State Tennis Tourney Dou bles. He also plays intramurals and has been in the Monogram Club all four years. The MAA has taken much of Jimmie's time; two years ago he was secretary and treasurer of the organization and last year was president. Last year also he was chief marshal, on the Honor Board and Social Committee, and president of the BSU; he was vice president of the BSU his sopho more year. This year Jimmie is president of the SCA, head waiter, and winner of the William F. Over man Scholarship. He has been on the President's Advisory Council for three years and a member of the SAB four years; last year he was vice-president of the SAB and this year presides as president. Mack Baker A biology major, Mack Baker is from Burlington, N. C., and will graduate in August. He played golf the first two years at Guilford and has been a member of the Mon ogram Club all four years. A FTA member for three years, Mack served as vice-president last year and this year is president; he is also president of the Biology Club and a member of the Canterbury Club R. Richardson Reveler's Club Page 3 of which he was president for two years. Last year Mack was a mar shal, representative to the MSG, on the SCA cabinet, a member of the Social Committee, and spent his third and last year as a member of the Spanish Club. Again this year he works on the Social Committee. Mack is an ex-Navy man and is married to the former Eleanor Mc- Cain. Woody Finley Woody Finley is a sociology major and last year transferred from Warren Wilson. His home is in Xocenpich, Yucatan, Mexico. While at Warren Wilson, Woody was captain of the baseball and soccer teams, a student deacon in the church, president of the Stu dent Body his freshman year, and president of the Sophomore Class. At Guilford he has been a writer on the GUILFORDIAN staff for two years, is sports editor of the Quaker, section manager in intra murals, a member of the Social Committee, and president of the MSG. Carolyn Li verm an Carolyn Newlin Liverman is an English major who hails from Bur lington, N. C. As a freshman, Car olyn was a choir member, vice president of the French Club, reporter for the GUILFORDIAN, and was chosen as a cheerleader. Her next year she was again cheer leader and last year led the cheers as head of the squad. In her sopho more year she was secretary of her class, treasurer of the Wesleyan Fellowship, Associate Editor of the GUILFORDIAN, and a member of the Social Committee. She was again Associate Editor of the newspaper and Social Committee jnember last year as well as being a member of the SAB, marshal, and delegate to the State Student Legislature. Last spring Carolyn was elected to serve this year as Managing Editor of the GUILFORDIAN, vice-president of the SAB, and Social Committee mem ber. She has been on the Honor Roll every semester at Guilford and is president of the Scholarship Soc iety. She received the Leora Sherrill O'Callaghan Award for Excellence in English and was recently chosen as a member of the May Court. Carolyn is married; she and her husband, Tom, live in the Alumni House. Mary Ann Long Mary Ann Long is not at Guil ford this year but is studying at Westbrooke School, Selly Oak, Birmingham, England; she will graduate from Guilford in August. (Continued on page six) Number 5