10th Ward Lecture Given Tonight (Page 1) Volume XLIV J4omecoming, Qedtivitied cAre Scheduled Tomorrow's Dance Is Sponsored By WAA The 1959 Homecoming celebra tions will be brought to an ap propriate end with the annual Homecoming Dance tomorrow night. The Women's Athletic As sociation is responsible for the affair again this year. The dance is scheduled to begin at 8:0Q p. m. in the college gymnasium, and will last until 11:45. The 1959 Homecoming Queen, with her Maid of Honor and her Court, will be introduced at the dance into a figure out on the gym floor. The six girls that comprise the court are: Betsy Winsett from Pinnacle; Caroline Primm from Snow Camp; Miriam Almaguer from Miami, Florida; Carol Triplette from Winston- Salem; Merle Mallard from Wall ace; and Lucy Garcia from Cuba. Music for the annual semi formal affair will be provided by Johnny Shields and the Mello tones. Tickets for tht dance can be purchased from any member of the WAA, either before the dance or at the door of the gymnasium tomorrow night. These tickets are priced at $1.50 per couple and 75c stag. The Homecoming Dance is semi-formal, and is not neces sarity a flower dancl. Refresh ments will be served. . Waldrep Is Alternate Honor Board Member Jerri Waldrep was chosen by the Student Affairs Board as the new alternate member of this year's Honor Board. Jerri re placed Betty Lou McFarland, who became a regular member of the Board when Ann Car michael did not return to Guil ford this fall. The Honor Board selected sev eral people whose names were turned over to the Student Af fairs Board. The SAB, in turn, selected the new alternate mem ber. Regular members of tht Honor Board this year include Miriam Almaguer Betty Lou McFarland, Charles Chase, A. T. Barbee, and Tom O'Briant, chairman. Mr. Stu art Devlin, assistant professor of economics, is the Board's faculty advisor, and Mr. Herb Apen zaller, head football coach, is the alternate advisor. ■ - ' • .. — BH^ Jerri Waldrep TV QuilforScw Published by the Students of the South's Only Quaker College ' Betsy Winesett • J Carole Triplette HOMECOMING COURT--1959 Tenth Annual Ward Lecture To Be Given By Dorothy Gilbert Thorne Founders Day commemora tion, which began yesterday in chapel, will be concluded by the Ward Lecture to be given by Mrs. Dorothy Gilbert Thorne at 8 p. m. tonight in the auditorium. Her subject will be "Quakerism in Fiction and Poetry Recently Musical Production To Be Staged Here The Convocations Committee has approved and allotted funds for a brand new idea, that being a student production of Roger's and Hammerstein's "Annie Get your Gun." The musical comedy is to be presented in March at Memorial Hall, and the main goal for the program is a quality performance. Mr. Smyre and Mr. Deagon will direct and the cast will be chosen completely from the student body, if possible. The try-outs are to be held November 23 and 24; all inter ested are invited to show their talents, which should consist of a little acting ability as well as being able to carry a tune. The music department will co-operate with the home-eco nomics department, which is to help with the costuming, and the physical education department which is to provide dancing in adding more student participa tion. Everyone is urged to par ticipate if interested, and to show complete co-operation to make the show a success. Anyone desiring a backstage job should also contact Mr. Smyre. GUILFORD COLLEGE, N. C., NOVEMBER 6, 1959 & V, i Caroline Primm iiiiiillllll'iillW w Merle Mallard Written by Women." Mrs. Thorne has a long teach ing record at Guilford and a thorough knowledge of the his tory of the college. She is the author of Guilfords A Quaker College. She received an AB degree from Earlham Colege and an AM degree from Columbia Uni versity. She did graduate study at the University of Wisconsin and the University of North CHAPEL CALENDAR NOVEMBER 9 - 13 Tuesday, November 10 to be scheduled. Wednesday, November 11 The Future Teacher's Association will present a sptaker in con nection with the National Edu cation Association. Thursday, November 12 The Chactauqua Society presents Rabbi Rypins. Friday, November 13 The Chautauqua Society presents Rabbi Rvpins. NOVEMBER 16-20 Tuesday, November 17 The Young Friends will be in charge of the program. Wednesday, November 18 The Young Friends will be in charge of the program. Thusday, November 19 The Reveler's Club will present preview scenes from the play "The Wayward Soint." Friday, November 20 The Revtler's! Club will present preview scenes from the play "The Wayward Saint." J^H * Miriam Alamaguer * JL Lucy Garcia Carolina. Her duties at Guilford, beginning in 1926, included pro fessor of English and also acting librarian for a while. A continuation of Founders Day activities will be homecom ing tomorrow. Many former stu- Continued On Page Two News Briefs All the cheerleaders extend a welcome to Judy Wells, the new alternate creerleader from Wal lace, N. C. Judy is a member of the freshman class and lives in Mary Hobbs Hall. There will be a special pep rally tonight, after the Ward Lecture. Everyone is urged to go to the gymnasium at the end of the program to show the football team that they have our support behind them for the Homecom ing game with Appalachian Mountaineers tomorrow. The cheerleaders send an extra special invitation to each stu dent. A reminder the quarter ends and the grades are due in to the office one week from to morrow, on Novmber 14. These grades will be issued shortly thereafter! Individual pictures for the Quaker will be taken on Novem 'ber 9-17. These pictures are scheduled to be shot in the Con lege Union, and nothing else is to be scheduled in the confer ence room during these eight days. The price is $1.50 per per son. Reveler's Go Into Action (page 4) Queen To Be Crowned At Halftime Of Game The 1959 Homecoming Court was chosen by the entire student body in chapel elections last week. On Tuesday, October 27„ and Wednesday, October 28, ten candidates were presented in chapel programs to the entire college. Of these ten, six were chosen to compose the annual Homecoming Court of Guilford College. The Queen, who is the court member with the largest number of votes, and her maid of honor will be announced dur ing the halftime of the Home coming game tomorrow after noon. The Homecoming ceremonies will kick off tomorrow, the cli max coming when the Quakers meet the Mountaineers of Appa lachian State Teachers College who travel down from Boone, on Hobbs Field at 2:00 p. m. The dormitories will be decorated, and a group of judges will be visiting them during the morning to pass their final decision. A prize will be given for the best, and a prize will also be given for the best float. These will be awarded during the halftime ceremonies. Held in suspense until the last moment, the Homecoming Queen will be crowned by Dr. E. Daryl Kent, Guilford's Dean of Men. This year's Homecoming Court consists of: Betsy Winsett, a sophomore from Pinnacle, N. Q.- Betsy is majoring in elementary education. She was on the Home coming Court last year, and is being sponsored by the Women's Athletic Association, this year. Caroline Primm is a senior from Snow Camp, N. C., and is sponsored by the Men's Student Government. She is an element ary education major, and is a member of the 1960 May Court, also. Merle Mallard is a sophomore music major from Wallace, N. C. Merle is sponsored by the Choir. Miriam Almaguer is from Miami, Florida. She is a junior math major and is being sponsor ed by the GUILFORDIAN. Mir iam is president of the junior class and also president of the International Relations Club. She is also a tutor for the Spanish department. Lucy Garcia is a sophomore from Cuba. She is a chemistry major and is being sponsored by the International Rtlations Club. Lucy was also a member of last year's Homecoming Court. Carole Triplette is tht only freshman member of the Court. She is an elementary education major from Winston-Salem, N. C. and is being sponsored by the Monogram Club. I WEDNESDAY IS * r T' VETERAN'S DAY Number 3