Jfab Tl /tab JP®L TT)c QuilforOiott ,/PSL VOLUME CMLXIII Who?.. Who?.. Who?.. MM Ek ■^M From left to right: top row—Dottie Alley, Bunny Brewer, Meha Cole, Carolyn Cooke, Lynn Dorsett; middle row—Topsy Floyd, Bonnie Kirby, Kay Leave), Clara jo Macon, Nancy Merritt; bottom row—Donna Newman, Published by the Students of the Lone Quaker Institution GUILFORD COLLEGE, 25 OCTOBER, 1965 Sally Stedman, June Tuttle, Bede Walker and Guilfordian Darkhorse. Al thoueh tbe five members of the court, Dottie Alley, Meha Cole, Nancy Merritt, Donna Newman, Rede Walker, have already been chosen, the question remains—which will reign as queen?? NUMBER 1