SPECIAL ATHLETIC ISSUE Vol. LIV Students Canvass For Ward System As the November 4 election approaches the Citizens for Rep resentative Government are working on various means to gain support for the modified ward system. Canvassing for the ward system Sat. morning, Guilford College and UNC-G students, passed out pamphlets in Greens boro shopping centers. Drs. Lin coln Ladd and Donald Darnell, professors of English ai UNC-G working with the drive, expressed enthusiasm at the morning turn out of students. Monday at 4 p.m. in the Moon Room there was a meet ing of Guilford faculty members interested in working for the ward plan. Mrs. Beth Keiser, head of the group, asked for suggestions Republicans Relate Views of Party The Guilford College Young Republicans will hold their first meeting November 5 at 8 p.m. Business will include the elec tion of officers and the pres entation of a speaker. Karen Keeling, acting presi dent of the group, stated ihat the aim of the first semester will be defining and understanding Republicanism, explaining that "We want to directly relate to m m, i M Nick Marshall and Nan Mengebier, rehearsing for "The Boor" to be presented in Dana Auditorium on Friday night. Revelers To Act November 6-8 The Guilford College Revelers •will present three one-act plays in Dana Auditorium on November 6, 7 and 8. There is no admis sion charge. The first play will be "The Boor," by Chekov. Nick Marsh all, Nan Mengebier, and Steve Wessells will headline this play which is about a wealthy widow and impoverished Russian gen eral. Saturday's play will be Shaw's "Dark Lady of the Sonnets." The story is about an evening when Queen Elizabeth and Wil liam Shakespeare meet. The starring roles will be handled The QuiffonScm for soliciting student help at Guilford. It was decided to set up a table outside the cafeteria on Thursday and present the need for faculty and student as sistance. Dr. Darnell, who was present at the Guilford meeting, outlined door to door solicita tion routes for Sat. and Sun. Mrs. Keiser and others will take Guilford students to work in various districts Saturday. Dar nell also explained plans for an ad in the Greensboro Daily News to list ward system supporters. The League of Women Voters, the Greensboro Chapter of the NAACP, and other civic organ izations have endorsed the mod ified ward plan. our party, and we must be able to see how we can take our views, such as the participation in the moratorium, to our party." Secoad semester the group will emphasize the primary elections. In addition to old members, Miss Reeling stated that the club is looking forward to the mem bership of "some of the vital and stimulating freshmen and transfer students. by Sally Peterson, Hank Hac kett, Eddy Simpson and Sandra Shansky. The last play, Edward Albee's "The Death of Bessie Smith," will be presented on Sunday, Nov. 8. Aaron Graham. Sherrv Malone, David Sheppard, Steve Elrod, Ruth Reid, Clarence Yok ley, and Rich Aldrin will star in this play about the death of a famous blues singer in Mem phis, Tenn. The three plays are directed by Sandy Forman and technical work is handled by Donald Deagon and David Glenn. Saturday, November 1, 1969 ?%w3BgWl3^tt^^nr^.gr"tt^ mr * vMWm>^!Ux&£atfo.-ItS*. kg"\^iHSg{Wfc^Bir'BE£l In f Tan ~ iVr M%*i rfT "^aM l jnw^glri^aW^ypJß3W!BßS^^ (Photo courtesy of Greensboro News-Record) Car in which Margaret Elizabeth Thompson of Gaffney, S.C., was killed Oct. 24 on W. Market Street near Holden Road. Auto Crash Kills 1, Injures 3 One Greensboro College stu dent was killed and three Guil ford College students were in jured in a wreck on Friday last week. The wreck occurred short ly before midnight on West Market Street. Killed was Margaret E lizabeth Thompson of Gaffney, S. C. Thomas Hagan, a Guil Leg. Drink Committee To Consider Policies Monday night the Student Leg islature organized a committee to work on presentation of new drinking policies for the Student Affaii's Committee and the Board of Trustees. Craig Chapman was appointed chairman. Other com mutee assignments included the designation of Susan Hester as chairman of the teacher eval uation committee. David Mahaney, president of MIG, reported on a meeting held concerning the recent SAC veto of House Council Resolution 1, concerning drinking rules at Guilford. Mahaney said letters are being sent to many colleges anil universities to obtain copies of their rules pertaining to drink ing on campus. These letters cover a wide variety of insti tutions, including some of Quaker background. Mahaney stated that inquires were being made into state alcohol regulations. SOCIAL HOURS Other new business entailed presentation of the idea of doing away with the "related function" clause of the dorm social hours. It was pointed out that bands for social hours cost S3OO or more. Sara Cox, president of WSC, announced that an extensive sur vey on open hours for women would be made soon. It will be in the form of a specific question naire, including an information sheei explaining various types of open hour plans. Some disap- ford student and driver of the car, was admitted with a frac tured left leg and multiple bruises to the intensive care unit of Wesley Long Hospital. His condition is now very satisfac tory. Guilford students taken to Moses Cone Hospital and re leased with minor injuries were pointment was expressed from the floor that men will not be polled at this time. Further new business was a presenta tion of the need for fire alarms and proper student respect for them. Catalyst Meets Students continued work on a structure within which campus issues can be supported at the Catalyst meeting last Monday night. Members expressed the need for pressure on the diversified social action committees now on campus. Other issues discussed at the meeting include the committee on drinking rules, P.E. facili ties and finances, women's hours, the ward system, foreign studies program, efficiency of medical facilities, homecoming activities, and Vietnam Mora torium developments. Catalyst has established an opinion board in Founders to give all students an opportunity to ex press opinions concerning issues at Guilford. Students who need I.D. cards are requested to have their photos made on Wednesday, November 5, from 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. in the Registrar's Office. ENJOY YOUR HOMECOMING No. 8 Evelyn Wood of Abington, Pa., and Peter Fay, of Swampscott, Mass. Police said the car, eastbcund on West Market Street, went out of control on a curve just east of Holden Road. The car then struck a sign post, hit a tree, and went down an embankment Police filed no charges. \\ JB William Buckley, Jr., newly elected president of the fresh man class. Other officers elec ted in Monday's rur-off elec tion include JohnCres :nzo, vice president; Martha Pickett, sec retary; Bob Lowdernulk, treas urer; and Randy Mcore and Doaglas Scott. Studen: Legisla ture representatives. Washington Moratorium The Guilford College Union is sponsoring a trip to Washington for "March Against Death- A Vietnam Memorial." The group will leave on chartered buses on Friday, No vember 14, returnii ? on Sunday. Total cost is sll. This Washington march repre sents a culmination of anti-war events throughout the country. The March Against Death will be a single file procession of Prisons moving past the White House.