Page 2 The Quilfor6ion The Guilfordian is printed by the students of Guilford College, weekly except for examination periods and vacations. The office is in Cox Old North. The telephone number is 292-8709. Address: Guilford Col lege, Greensboro, N.C. 27410. Subscription rates: $3.50 per year; $2.00 per semester. Craig P. Chapman . . .Editor-in-Chief Peter B. Ballance . . .Business Manager Associate Editors: Jeanette Ebel News Ted Malick Sports Jean Parin Managing Tori Potts Contributing Bob Price Advertising Phil Edgerton Contributing Jerry Clawges, Stuart Sherman, Jim Willson---Photoeraphers Kelly Dempster Cartoonist Michele VanGobes-Proofreader Frann White, Ellen Turner Circulation General Staff: Jeanette Ebel, Clare Glore, Jeff Bloom, Helen Macarof, Carla McKinney, Patty Lyman, Deanna Day, Doug Scott, Jim Shields, Nan Mengebier _jitk REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVERTISING BY National Educational Advertising Services TT A DIVISION OF f°f RBADIR'* DIOMT SALM MMVICKS. INC. H 3SO Lexington A v.. Nw York. N.Y. IQQI7 I I John Ladd's Letter In the Letter to the Editor titled "Ladd Cites Student Frustrations" John Ladd charges that the wild rampage of week ago last Wednesday night occurred "because of the need to express the pent up frustra tions that this campus yields." Among the causes which Ladd cites as responsible for this frustration include "working well over a year on the extension of women's hours and for all intents and purposes being ignored" and "having all sorts of proposals we would like action on in a state of limbo." In addition Ladd cautions that "the cam pus may well see a real 'wild rampage/ a rampage not erroneously aimed at a court yard or a hut, but at a group of men and/or their buildings." Certainly no one can deny that the Guil ford campus yields pent up frustrations. Nor can anyone deny that in some extreme circumstances, such as the ghettos which pervade American cities, life becomes so deplorable and the oppression so severe that pent up frustration may be used as an excuse for the spontaneous combustion which occasionally occurs. However for Guilford College students, the "pent up frustration cry" is completely unacceptable as an excuse for the pillage and terroriza'ion which occurred one week ago last Wednesday night. In the first place, despite Guilford's man; shortcomings, the college campus, is not a ghetto. Campus residents find themselves blessed with towering trees, green grass, comparatively clean air, and some degree of peace and quiet. In addition the residents have at their disposal a supply of competent faculty mem bers and administrators who are willing to work with students to resolve basic griev ances. Moreover most Guilford students, are classified as functionally literate and are equipped with the skills necessary to ef fectively communicate their concerns devoid of mob style tactics. With this distinction between excusable and unexcusable expressions of pent up frustration in mind, it would seem that the students themselves ought to be able to responsibly map out solutions for their problems. Perhaps before Guilford's frustrated stu dents throw any more garbage or blowup any more toilets, they ought to consider the course of action that consumer advo- THE GUILFORD IAN cate Ralph Nader pursued in his success ful drive to improve the safety of auto mobiles. THE NADER WAY During his studies at Harvard Univer sity Law School Nader came to the conclu sion that American consumers were en titled to safer cars than the automobil industry was producing. However it is worth noting that Nader's conclusion did not prompt him to hurl his garbage into the street or blow up his toilet. In fact Nader meekly declined to make any threats against the lives and property of automobile industry executiyes. Instead Nader devoted long hours to pains taking research on the automobile safety question and eventually published his find ings in a book titled UNSAFE AT ' ANY SPEED. The wisdom of Naders course ol action is evident in the growing list of safety features found on new automobiles. THE FRAZIER SCANDAL Last spring a smiliar though obviously less shattering form of student activism was evident in THE GUILFORDLAN'S pub lication of then trustee chairman Robert Frazier's involvement in the Gillespie Street slum controversy. Although the staff members in charge ol the Frazier articles were disheartened by Frazier's relationship, they carefully re frained from blowing up THE GUILFOR DLAN'S lone toilet and throwing their trash from the windows of THE GUILFORDLAN'S executive offices in Cox Hall. (Staff reg ulations prohibit such acts). Instead the staff writers assigned to the case chose to constructively devote their energy to thoroughly researching their assignment. Undoubtedly the success of their ef forts was a prime reason for Frazier's subsequent trustee inactivity as well as the decision of the Board this fall to politely oust Frazier from the trustee chairman ship. NO APOLOGY With such a record of success for re sponsible student activism, we will not as John Ladd requests, apologize for either our news story or our editorial covering the rampage of a week ago last Wednesday night. Instead, we urge John Ladd and those who share his point of view on this matter to reconsider their own positions and stop making excuses for the uncivilized behavior of Guilford's ambitionless students who are too lazy to work responsibly for rules changes. Letter To The Editor Ladd Cites Student 'Frustrations' Dear Editor, I was very impressed by the editorials on the first and sec ond pages of THE GUILFORD IAN in reference to the "wildram page.'' I was glad to see that the administration didn't have to tire themselves out writing their own opinions; THE GUILFORDIANdid it for them. It is obvious to most of us that the actions of Wednesday night were immature. However, the reactions of THE GUILFORD IAN and the House Council were almost as immature. Did THE GUILFORDIAN or the House Council ever wonder why the events of Wednesday night oc curred? Is analysis the ex clusive burden of Doug Scott? It appears that the only reaction the House Council could muster was the Pavlovian response of law and order, rather than at tempting to understand the whys. God bless banality and super ficiality! Why did Wednesday night have to end as it did? Because of the need to express the pent up frustrations this campus yields. There are more pent up frustra tions within our students than any of us can comfortably admit. Why? We are told we are to be responsible adults, but are we allowed that "priviledge by our "benevolent" despots? No. In the finest parochial traditions of the turn of the century (19th) we are not allowed in the girl's dorms, nor they in ours. Also, the scourge of the devil, alcohol, is not allowed here. Guilford has let the fine tradition slip a bit by allowing it's women to stay out to the unladylike hour of 1:00 a.m. That may seem insigni ficant but it kept us from win ning the Bob Jones University Award for Vigilance last year. We are told we are here to become adults. We are allowed the responsibility of flunking out if we wish but damn near no responsibility for our personal lives, the dichotomy, a certain amount of academic freedom, but none in our personal life. Frustration is made of such stuff. Frustration comes from not be ing allowed to drink in our rooms even when that priviledge is given us by state law. Frustration comes from not being able to have women in our rooms when we know damn well we could if we lived off campus. Frustration March 16. 1970 is built from working for well over a year on the extension of women's hours and for all in tents and purposes being ignored. Frustration comes from having all sorts of proposals we would like action on in a state of lim bo. In short, frustration is built up by hearing fine sounding re marks about how we are to be adults and then being treated as if we were four year olds. And these frustrations build up in us until we have to do something immature like getting drunk, or throwing bottles just to keep some semblance of internal sani ty. These frustrations aren't nearly so deeply buried as most of us would like to think. In the fall it took a power failure, in March it took a basketball game. Dammit, doesn't that say some thing to you? Can't you draw a few conclusions from that? It tells me that the angry frustrations are kept from expression only by a very thin veneer shattered at the least provocation. It also tells me that our frustrations are released with pitiful mis guidance. What I fear, "Moms", is that the students will realize that their frustrations are not aimed at a quad or a hut but at a group of people who cause their frustrations in the first place. Then this campus may well see a real "wild rampage", a ram page not erroneously aimed at a courtyard or a hut but at a group of men and/or their buildings. If certain closed eyes, closed ears, and closed minds aren't opened it could happen here. I would like letters of apology sent to the student body from "The Board of Trustees, Dean William J. Lanier, and Head Resident Landrum Cross" and the House Council and THE GUIL FORDIAN asking our forgiveness for their shallow shortsightedness and inability or unwillingness to see what is really happening here. To the superficial observer the events of the''wildrampage" might seem to jeopardize re form. However, the careful ob server I feel certain will see that these events merely point up the need for reform much more powerfully. The boiler is about to burst. Is anybody listening? Sincerely, John Ladd