PAGE 8 Nulcraker at NCSA The North Carolina School of the Arts Ballet will present their fifth annual performance of The Nutcracker Ballet in Reynolds Auditorium on December II and 12 at 8:00 p.m. The music by Tschaikovshy will be performed by the Winston-Salem Symphony, with John luele, conductor. The Nutcracker, based on a story by Felix Hoffman, was choreographed by Robert Lindgren and Sonja Tyven. Special choreography is by Duncan Noble. The familiar story concerns a little girl's dreams about being escorted to the Kingdom of Sweets by her soldier shaped nutcracker who has come to life. Simple in story but difficult in execution, the ballet has become as much a part of Christmas as Santa Claus. Tickets are available for the Friday and Saturday evening performances at the Winston-Salem Symphony office, 610 Coliseum Drive or by mail. Winter Institute The Intercollegiate Studies Institute will present its 1970 Winter Instituee on December 28-30 at Swarthmore College. The program based on "Tradition and Liberty: Their Relationship in a Free Society" will combine lectures, seminars, and panel discussions, examining the subject from political, liistorical, economic and philosophical perspectives. The Institute will provide an opportunity for qualified undergraduates, graduate students and faculty members to study with some of the most eminent teachers and scholars in the country, including Thomas Molnar, M. Stanton Evans, Ernest Van Den Haag and Sylvester Petro. Any students interested in attending the Institute should contact Dean Burris for further information. R ADIO SCHEDULE— —| ______ 4 6 6-8 8-1Q 10-l^ Mon. * r nh CL R Magical Mystery Tour : S " Helen David Don Storm Tue, | Howard j™, Lny ""■** A|a „ 11/ J C D U CL R MM T Bob Helen David - Don Thurs. Howard George Danny UHDOr i Bob f, * ! g Helen David Don Sat. J Howard David K. UHDOC (4-7) (7-10) R Alan This schedule is subject to continuous revision as new announcers join the station. MOR-Middle of the Road CLClassical R-Rock 4 Flowers' at Barn by Douglas Scot I "Send Me No Flowers" now at the Barn Dinner Theatre is a sick play, one might say if in a punishing mood. Rather than say that let us say that iit is a play about a hypochondriac who gets it into his head that he is going to die. What ensues is a quite entertaining play, marred only by the simplicity of plot. George Kimball (Herbert Jarvis) over hears Dr. Morrissey (Bruce Borin) talking on the phone about a patient with a bad heart. Being a hypochondriac, he of course thinks it's him. His faithful next door neighbor Arnold Mash (Geralk Finley) stays smashed for the entire time when he hears the news. Kimball's wife Judy (Suan Fisher) must be provided for after he's gone, George decides, what better to do than to marry her off to the house guest, old boy friend and 27'/i% off the top Texas 1500 American servicemen are believed to be held prisoner by North Vietnam. Several of these men and their families are from the Triad area. Tha one possibility of getting them released seems to be through public pressure. You can help by writing a few lines to the North Vietnamese leaders. Compose your own, or use one of the samples below. Mail it before December 15 to: WRITE HANOI c/o Central YMCA 1015 West Market Street Greensboro, N. C. 27401 Your letter will be delivered to the North Vietnamese delegation in Paris during Christmas week. THE GUILFORDIAN noxious oilman Bert Power (Todd Ortone). Barn regulars will recognize most of the last production, HAPPENSTANCE, in SEND ME NO FLOWERS, in particular Todd Ortone and Bruce Borin. Todd Ortone is again playing the "country boy" and Bruce Borin the smart aleck, each less broadly and more effectively. Borin's laugh is at times worth the admission, being a cross between LBJ and Satan (there is a difference, isn't there?). To sum it up, the show's not the best in the world but the cast handles what little they have well. And it's sometimes fun to be able to guess correctly the plot before it gets there. Combine the show with the usual excellence of the buffet (Seafood Newberg, Roast beef au Jus) and youll find a bargain evening. But where to go after the theatre? PTaMciny Wil/i ( S/e^ea by Gloria Bunk Dear Gloria, I was just flabbergasted when I read the last issue of the GUILFORDIAN! Your cartoonist has created an atmosphere of fear and distrust on this campus. The deans are scared to stand still in public for any length of time for fear of being spotted. How can he do such a thing? Mobberly-west Dear New Mobe, Gloria spoke to the cartoonist and he said he was sorry for the situation but that he felt that it was serious enough to be commented on because he had heard rumors that some of the dogs on campus are Narc dogs, and that there may be a security leak to one of the Deans soon. Dear Gloria, Please pass along this mole-hill to student legislature. I'm sure they can make a mountain out of it in no time at all. JCG P.S. It isn't really DIALOGUEWITH GOD by The God Squad Bullmoose Snot is staring at a newspaper in front of him. Headlined on the newspaper is More Bombing in North Viet Nam. Slowly he sits down. Then he crys out: Hey, God. I'm back again. You there? Of course, I'm here. So what else is new? Nothin's new, God. Why look at this newspaper... 1 don't have to. 1 saw the news happening. Then you know. More bombings and killings and the crime rate went up this month. People just hate each other. Racism! Violence! Why can't people be at peace with one another? I wish I knew a way out of this mess. Snot, you do know the way. You just haven't stopped to think about it in a long time. You're great at evading the thought by dressing it up in long, empty words. Now, God, I haven't been hyperpolysyllabic in a long Oh yeah? Are you trying to tell me that hypepolysyllabic isn't a long empty word for using long, empty words? Not really, God. 1 was evading your answer. You know, the one you said I knew. How do I get out of this mess? First, how do you expect to get out of a mess when you are one? You got to get at peace with yourself before you can do anything about anyone else. 0.K., God. How do I get at peace with myself? First off, you could ask me. Like I've said it before, but maybe this time you're listening, so I'll try again. Peace I leave with you; my own peace I give you. I do necessary to abbreviate Beautiful Speaker. Dear JC, Concerning your P.S.--no one ever has! Dear Gloria, I had a large quantity of dope in my roon that I was going to use over Thanksgiving vacation. When 1 came back from dinner on Friday (the 20th) it was gone. Do you know what might have happened to it? I'm relunctant to make any official complaints. High on the list Dear High, As for you letter, the FBI is analyzing your paper and ink. You may expect a visit within the next few days. As for your drugs, student personnel has properly disposed of them and now they truly do understand your pleasures, er, problems. Confidential to J.R. Boyd: The song Grim was singing was "Oh where, oh where has our new conference gone?" not give it to you as the world does. How can I receive peace again? I'm not too sure I understand that answer. Simple! By faith in Me. That seems too easy. Try it, if it's so easy. Through faith you can get right with Me, and you will have peace with me through the Lord Jesus Christ. Through His person, I died for you and rose again to bring the fruits of the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility, self-control. There is no law against these things. And you are' put together by them too. With your life straightened out this way, you can have peace with Me and yourself. But God, how can I be sure? 1 have told you this so you will have peace through your union with me. Oh the world will make you suffer. But chin up! I have defeated the world. All right, all right-but I still want to try this alone-after all, yor lid me a free will. O.K. You've evaded me again. But can you really be happy without me? (Verses used this week are John 14:27, Romans 5:1, Galatians 5:22, and John 16:33.) The several reactions which the God Squad has picked up in the past few weeks add up to "How do we presume to speak for God?" Actually everything contained in this column is based on the Bible-we do not presume to speak for God, but we let God speak for himself. We hope that you will allow God to speak to you.