Volume JJWTI LV/1 HmutM £ "T/W? T£ PUS $ JL OCJOBBfI 3.1 —1 I - V by Fred Edinger "Take the Bus, October 11." You may have seen the posters around, but what's it all about? The College Union, in cooperation with the Greensboro Volunteer Action Bureau is sponsoring a free tour of two agencies which use volunteer help, in order to stimulate campus interest in volunteer work. The Bureau, a division of United Community Services, has listings of many challenging and worthwhile jobs in our area. The bus will be leaving from the .ront of New Garden Hall this coming Wednesday afternoon at 1:45 P.M. The tour will be led by Judy Lund, director of the Volunteer Action Bureau. The trip is free but is limited to 40 persons and reservations are a must. These can be made by filling in the blank below and returning it promptly to the Student Activities office in 1968 Residence Hall. At the Cerebral Palsy School we should be able to observe many activities, including speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. Ample time will be given for questions. The Alonzo Hall Towers is a high rise apartment complex for the retired. We will split into small groups, visit with the residents and take in such things as ceramics class, basic education, and sewing class. If you are interested in volunteer work, in sociology, in psychology, therapy, or child development, why not come along for the ride? We plan to be back by 5 P.M. We hope that the "Take the Bus" tour will serve at least three purposes. First, it will give Guilford Students and faculty an opportunity to become aware of the types of agencies operating in this area and the chances of helping these agencies. Secondly, it will help these agencies make their programs and services more widely known throughout the community. The Guilethargy Thirdly, the tour can help make known the "volunteer-job referral service" available in the Student Activities Office in the Guilford campus. The job file is open any time during office hours, in the Student Activities Office. Job listings give such information as type of work, agency, name of person to contact, hour volunteers needed, etc. The office is glad to serve as a mediator between students who are interested in giving of their time and talent and community agencies which are in need of volunteer help. "Take the Bus, October 11th." YES, I PLAN TO "TAKE THE BUS, OCTOBER 11" SAVE ME A SEAT. name Campus Address (Return this slip to Fred Edinger, Student Activities Office, 1968 Residence Hall.) LOGO FOR UNION The College Union would like to offer a prize of $15.00 to the person who designs the best identity symbol for the Union. Entries should be brought to the College Union office in 1968 Residence Hall or given to Bob Bussey. The name and the hall room number of the person doing the drawing should go on the back side of the work. The final deadline for enteries will be Tuesday, October 17th. Decision on the best symbol will be made Wednesday, October 18th. Students needing S information concerning voter S I registration deadlines, I J absentee ballots, and whether 1 or not they may register by | Sfe mail should contact either The h Guilethargy or Democratic fi B Headquarters in Cox 221. Any 9 W students not already registered 5 K are urged to do so quickly for ! 2 the deadlines in some states S Shave already passed. Deadlines S for receiving applications for ft S absentee ballots are fast I 1 approaching. To Vote Is I 9| Revolutionary: REGISTER t NOV !paapaiawpap&wrS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1972 COUPLE MUGGED IN CIRCLE On Thursday, September 28th at approximately twenty minutes after eleven the residents of English Hall heard cries for help from the center of campus. The occupants of English who were meeting in the dorm lounge at the time, dismissed the cries as the voice of a prankster. Several minutes later a couple entered the dorm, knocked on the do r of resident Contest Winner Having been swamped by all the entries the decision was difficult, but as of this issue the Guilfordian will assume the name submitted by sophomore Tim Moeller: The Guilethargy. Because of a close staff note on the new banner, the staff has awarded Tim the $25.00 prize with a runner-up prize of $5.00 going to senior Diann Bonner for her submission of 'The Guilford Apathy.' The Guilethargy would like to heartily thank the entire Guilford College community for their interest in the contest we sincerely hope you will continue to offer as much support in the future. News Briefs The College Union is now selling shares in the Oct. 30 concert of Charles Byrd, classical guitarist. Any organization (or individual) may purchase shares for $l.OO each, but a minimum of 50 shares must be bought. Co-sponsers of the concert become co-profit sharers, and all proceeds will be divided among sponsers. Union Board members Mark O'Connell, John Greene, Esther Hall, John Beede, and Jeff Pratt, accompanied by Student Activities Director Cliff Lowery, attended the National Entertainment Conference in Charleston, S.C., Sept. 30 Oct. 3. The purpose of the trip was to secure popular and cultural programs for the second semester. As of this printing, Guilford co-ed Sharon Boyd has been missing from campus for close to sixteen days. Sharon is a first semester fresfVman living in Binford 205. The Guilethargy was first notified of Sharon's disappearance I ast Wednesday. Since that time the Guilethargy has been unable to contact administrative officials or her parents for comment. A few of Sharon's friends are offering a reward for any information leading to her whereabouts. If you have any information to offer which might help in locating her, please call 292-8709. coordinator Shelly Putnam and asked to use the phone in order to notify the police that they had been assaulted and robbed at gun point by six black males in the campus circle. Randy Catoe and Jeannie Campbell, both Guilford Students reported that their assailants had fled when Catoe called out for help. Catoe, who lost an unestimated amount of change, was struck several times Draft Counsellors The following men have offered their help as draft counsellors: Ed Burrows - 292-6718 Carroll Feagins - 292-5103 BUI Jeffries - 288-6543 Bob Driscoll - 292-4801 i vy Physicists' Opens by Bob Bussey ' The fall production of the Guilford College Revelers will be "The Physicists" by Friederich Durrenmatt. It will be presented Oct. 26-28 in Dana Auditorium with curtains at 8:15 p.m. The play is set in a decadent palatial mansion which has been converted into a mental asylum. It is to this refuge that Mobius, the central character, runs. Mobius has learned the secret of Universal Discovery. He feels that if he shares the secret with the world, results would be disastrous, so the madhouse is his only escape. Complications arise, however, because of the sanatorium manger, Doktor Von Sahnd, a crippled descendant of nobility. Now in rehearsal, the cast for "The Physicists" is headed by in trie LAUE auu MUMJU in the chest. X-rays taken later in he week revealec/a cracked rib. Miss Campbell reported having been struck once in the head as the group fled. 'They asked me for a light," Catoe recalled in an interview this week, "and then one of them pointed a gun at me and asked me if I had anything to go with it." Catoe's account of the event appears elsewhere in this issue. The blacks, who were described by Catoe only as "medium to large build with moderate hair lengths" are thought by Greensboro Police to be connected with similar incidents which took place at Greensboro College and UNC-G during the same evening. (See page 4 for complete narrative.) Meals for Shut-ins The Student Involvement Committee and the Guilford College cafeteria announce that any resident who for medical reasons is unable to dine in the cafeteria may secure a meal by having a friend present the resident's ID at the door. Upon return of the tray, dishes, and utensils, the ID card will be returned. Minnette Coleman as Doktor Von Zahnd and T.R. Wailes as Mobius. Dean M. Regenos is directing in the absence of Dr. Donald Deagon. Other cast members are Ed Simpson, Henry Hackett, Julia Mclver, Rae Bland, Pam Henry, Nan Mengebier, Dan Rumfelt, Jane Fairchild, Jimmy Johnson, Peter Reiss, Anita Jones, Ken Shommer, Rob Lehman, Mike Messenheimer, Clint Brown and David Brown. Reservations may be made by phoning Dana Auditorium, 292-5513 Ext. 46 Monday through Friday from 2 to 5 p.m. Members of the Guilford College Arts Series will be admitted free. Tickets are $1.50 for adults and 50 cents for non-Guilford students. Number '

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