PAGE FOUR J|pj - ~~ ■ *1 ||lB *3sx j&mhm h|ms I ft MB ■ jtejfej3WH|Kgv Photo by Truslow The Doctors Bog By Arnold Werner, M.D. Copyright, 1973 Address letters to Dr. Ar nold Werner, Box 974, Lansing, Mi. 48823. QUESTION: I have recently been told that pregnancy could be prevented by gettinc the sperm drunk before inter course. The drunk sperm sup posedly are unable to find their way to the egg. Is the alcohol level in the blood stream being high sufficient to cause sperm intoxication, or must some other method be used? ANSWER: From time to time, people have accused me of making up the qi'astions that appear in this column. Let me reassure you all, in my wildest dreams I could riot think up questions like this one. Some times it's even hard to think up answers. Sperm are single celled hemi-organisms who have no brains and whose function is strictly governed by the biologic environment surrounding them and the place where they are deposi ted. To the best of my know ledge, these guided missiles are only indirectly affected by the alcohol intake of the per son who launches them. While a small amount of alcohol tends to decrease in hibitions, large amounts of alcohol resulting in intoxica tion often decreases the abili ty to perform sexually. More cases of impotence are related to alcohol intoxication than any other single cause. QUESTION: Please answer this question as soon as possi ble as I am getting married in a couple of months: I have hair around the nipples on my breast and I would like to get rid of them. What is the best method of doing this to insure smoothness and safety? Also, does shaving around this area cai. e cancer? ANSWER: Hair around the nipples on a woman's breasts is very common. In no way is it a sign of a lack of femini nity or need it be of particu lar significance. The easiest way to get rid of them if they bother you, is simply cut them off. Under no circumstances would I suggest pulling them out. The area around the nip ples is rather sensitive and you would be inducing needless pain and irritation. I would also avoid the use ofdipilato rieson this part of your body. Permanent removal of the hair is possible through elec trolysis, and may be worth the fuss if this hair really bo thers you. I once had an idle conversation with a woman electrologist who told me that a fair number of women she sees consult her for just the problem that you mentioned. If you decide to see an elec trologist you should get a re ferral from your physician, a plastic surgeon or a dermato logist to make sure you see a reputable person. It is impor tant that the electrologist au toclaves (steam sterilizes) the needle used to remove the hairs, so that there is no risk of the spread of hepatitis. Electrolysis works by destroy ing the cells at the base of the hair follicle which produce a new hair shaft. Under no cir cumstances could I imagine that shaving around this area could cause breast cancer, though it would seem to me that shaving might be a little tricky. I gather from your initial comment that you are worried about the impression you might make on your fiance. If there was ever a powerful argument for nudity, it is the one that states that if we were exposed to nudity on a regular basis, we would get quite ac customed to the way other people's bodies look anc wouldn't be so up-tight about our own body. It takes quite a while to get used to appear ing undressed in front of ano ther person. Some couples manage to avoid this for their whole life. Most tend to adapt to the new situation with the increasing realization that their partner is as human as they are and hope they both are forgiving for the trivial ways in which they do not meet each other's idealized versions of what a man or wo man should look like. If they do not, they are in plenty of trouble when they hit the sag gy-baggies of middle age and late life. QUESTION: I have been told that infectious mononucleosis is communicable by oral sali va, but I was wondering if it could also be transmitted by intercourse. ANSWER: The means of com municability of infectious mo nonucleosis has not been pro ven. Saliva has often been ac cused of transmitting the in fection, but there is no evi dence to back up the claim. At least with regard to ac quiring infectious mono, in tercourse should be no more dangerous than kissing. THE GUILFORDIAN Union Chairpeople Solicited For '73-'74 In an attempt to broaden the scope of the College Union, applications are now being accepted for the posi tion of chairperson for the following committees: Publi city and Calendar - this com mittee designs and publishes the monthly Union calendar; publicizes campus and com munity events and keeps a re cord or Union activities and sponsors surveys of the cam pus and solicits feedback. See Bob Bussey, current chairman, for information. Recreation - this committee assists in cam pus intramural programs; is involved with recreational e vents for the campus such as camping, road rallys, etc.; schedules bridge, foosball, frisbee, and chess tournar ments; acquires new equip ment; and plans student re creation. Tim Crawford is the present chairman. Films - the Films Committee brings Hol lywood and vintage films to the campus. It may schedule personality festivals and fea ture programs such as student produced and foreign films. The committee also works with the Arts Series in coor dinating their film needs. See Kelly Dempster for informa tion. Involvement - the Invol vement Committee allocates funds for new projects initia ted by the students, such as drug information. Free Uni versity, and bicycle rentals. The committee is a flexible one that responds to campus needs. See Esther Hall for information. Travel - this is a new, and consequently un defined, committee. Ideally, it will plan short trips and eventually group trips, at re- DEAR © Is AIDY § Dear Gladys, Is there any way to get Gina Bon Bon appointed to the Guilford faculty? Eyes Dear Eyes: I would hope so. Think of the assets she would add to the P.E. department ... no problems then with the P.E. requirements. Dear Gladys, Where can I find this Su perwomen, Esther Hall, whose pictures have been plastered all over the men's bathrooms in Milner? Tennessee Stud Dear Stud: She lives in Bryan Hall C-32, phone number 294- 6166. Dear Gladys, Are there any contracep tives to protect us from get ting screwed by the adminis tration? Sign me . . . Tired of get ting Knocked Up Dear Up: Withdrawal Dear Gladys, When will we get DEEP THROAT in the campus film series? D.O.M. Dear M: Are you kidding? Only after we get "I Am Curious (Guilford)" . . . rated G% by Esther Hall duced prices, over vacations to Hawaii or wherever stu dents want to go. There is a great deal of information re garding the planning and set ting up of a campus travel center for anyone who is in terested. Please see Esther Hall for details. Advancement - this committee exists to promote the College Union on campus and throughout the Greens boro community. It will be especially vital next year as the new student center is built. See Bob Bussey for in formation. All students are encouraged to apply for a position on the Union Board regardless of their class standing. If interes ted, please schedule an inter- Folk Dancing David Henry, nationally re nowned folk dancing teacher, will hold a workshop in inter national folk dance on Friday, April 6, from 8-12 p.m., and on Saturday, April 7, from 9 a.m. • noon, 2-5 p.m., and 8-12 p.m., in UNG-G's Curry gymnasium (at the corner of Forrest & Spring Garden). Cost is $1.50 per session, and $5.00 for the entire work shop. Sponsors are Jerry and Lili Meisner of the Greensboro Folk Dancers; for more infor mation, contact them at 379- 5330 or 292-3128. Dear Gladys, I've noticed an increase in toilet flushing. Is this signifi cant? Charmin Dear Char: Chose one: . . . The flashing blue light and cop car or. . . Return to cafe teria food. Dear Gladys, I am 17 and an innocent young co-ed (or such is my image on campus.) I have been having an affair with a mar ried man and I've found out I am pregnant. I also wrecked my car last week and when the police came to fill out the accident report they found an ounce of marijuana and busted me. The school tells me that I am not human ... I flunked 'Man'. My problem is - how do I tell my parents? UPshitz Creek Dear Creek: Tell them "Liv ing is an education ..." Dear Gladys, What did Guilford give Coach Jensen and the TEAM for their victory? Wilbur Dear Willie: Bronzed sweat socks and a raise. FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1973 view with the College Union president, Esther Hall. Each applicant will be interviewed on March 26, 27, a* 28 and will be asked questions regard ing his views on the general Union philosophy, what his plans are for the committee, and what new ideas he would like to see implemented in the Union program. Animals' Sex Lives Regulated (CPS) The sex lives of dogs and cats are now included in the legislative records of the Shriveport, Louisiana City Council. Preliminary legislation, re cently passed, forbids female dogs with amorous intent to leave their own yards. Under terms of the ordinance, ani mal owners are admonished to guard against overprocrea tion of dogs and cats. Persons are prohibited from unleash ing cats outside. It is also il legal for a dog or cat to have more than 24 offspring per year. j Jbpp VM 91 iiliiiillHi am |g *flp Please: Help prevent forest fires. Q