THURSDAY APRIL 5, 1973 Faculty Approves Teaching Evaluation by Tori Potts The Guilford College Fa culty met in a special session in the Moon Room on Wed nesday March 28, to consider teacher-course evaluations for this semester. Earl Redding opened the meeting with a reminder that the Quaker bus iness procedure requires the responsible and thoughtful participation of all present in order to discover the best course of action for the com munity. He termed the meet ing "an experiment in Quaker community." After a period of silence, Kathy Sebo reported for the Teacher Evaluation Sub-com mittee that Lewis Aiken, of Guilford's psychology depart ment, had offered to com pose, administer and compile results on an evaluation form geared particularly to Guil ford's needs. The committee's original proposal had been that an Educational Testing Services standardized form be used. The committee stated that they now supported the use of Dr. Aiken's form for seve ral reasons. In a memo to the faculty the committee stated, "The alternative (Aiken) form has numerous advantages ov er the SIR form: 1. Cost. The printing and tabulation costs are far less than the SIR. Dr. Aiken has graciously volunteered to help tabulate the results during the early summer. Student gov ernment funds would then be devoted to printing of the questionnaire and sharing the costs of student assistants for the tabulation. 2. Availability to the en tire college. Both campuses would be able to pursue com prehensive and uniform course evaluation. The Urban Campus student government does not have the funds to pay for the SIR form. Socol Reinstated Last Tuesday night, March 27, Scott Socol was asked by Bryan Hall head resident, Ron Cruickshank, to keep the noise down at the party being held in his suite. The next morning, he was awakened by Cruickshank and Director of Housing, Ken Schwab, who informed him that he would have to be moved out of the dorm by Friday. After work by members of the Commun ity Senate, that order was rescinded and an apology was extended Socol by Andy Gottschall, Dean of Students Socol tells his s.ory on page two. A New Keiser John Christopher, 8 pounds, 13 ounces, was born to Professor and Mrs. Melvin Keiser on Friday, March 30. Our congratulations to Mel, Beth, and Megan. 7V Quftfbrtton 3. Ease of continuity. By having our own form, we would be able to use it on a regular basis, for all classes each semester. Development of teacher effectiveness from semester to semester would be ascertained through the repetition of the evaluation process. 4. Brevity. The "Aiken Form "is considerably shorter and more precise than the SI R form. 5. Flexibility. Revisions of the form from semester to semester can be made to suit the goals of the Guilford com munity. There remains the option of each faculty mem- Preßegistration For Next Fall Preregistration for First Semester 1973-74 * Hours: 8:30 A.M. - 12:00 Noon and 1:00 P.M. 4:30 P.M. Rising Seniors Thurs. and Fri., April 5-6, 1973 Rising Juniors Mon. and Tues., April 9-10, 1973 Rising Sophomores Wed. and Thurs. April 11-12, 1973 Any Student not previously preregistered Fri., April 13, 1973 The above schedule indicates when classified students may preregister. Students are urged to preregister carefully and take as much time as required. Completing a sound preregis tration on the last day is preferable to preregistering in such a way that changes are inevitable. PROCEDURE Every eligible student should see his advisor and preregis ter at a mutually convenient time. To change his advisor a stu dent should complete a "change of advisor" form with the chairman of his new department prior to preregistration. 'Eligibility Requirements: (1) $lOO re-admission deposit paid. (2) Satisfactory Business Office and Library Accounts. Violin Prodigy Performs Monday by Lynda S. Swofford Darwyn Apple, talented young American violinist, will appear in concert Monday (April 9) at 8 p.m. in Dana Auditorium on the Guilford College campus. His perfor mance is a scheduled Arts Series event. A top winner in competi tions sponsored by the Omega Psi Phi fraternity and the National Association of Negro Musicians, Apple has also par ticipated in several major mu- sic festivals including the Na tional Music Camp at Inter lochen, Mich., the Berkshire Music Center at Tanglewood in Lenox, Mass., the Festival Casals in San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the Eastern Music Festival here. Apple will be accompan ied by David Pinnix, associate professor of piano at Greens boro College, and a former classmate of his at Eastman School of Music. His program will include: Vitali's Cha conne in G Minor; Weburn's Four Pieces, Opus 7; Franck's Sonata in A Major; Kreisler's Liebesleid and Liebesfreud; Walker's Sonata in One Move ment (1958); and Ravel's Tzi gane: Rapsodie de Concert. GREENSBORG. N.C. ber adding 10 questions. To this effect, Anne Deagon has submitted a few possibilities, and other faculty members may choose to do likewise, for the purpose of providing suggestions as each faculty member prepares his or her optional questions." After some helpful com ments and discussion, the fa culty approved the use of the form and tentatively project ed that it would be used for the next three years. It was agreed that this teacher course evaluation is one of the many tools which will be used to improve teaching at Guilford. Apple has appeared as so loist with a number of Amer ican orchestras including De troit, Toledo, Shreveport, New Orleans and St. Louis, For two seasons he was concertmaster of the Toledo Symphony in Ohio, and he made numerous appearances on radio and television, in cluding a half hour video taped performance on the Na tional Educational Television Network in Lansing, Mich. L'Affair Luke Andy Gottschall, Dean of Students, and Dyer Murphree, Ist floor residential assistant in Bryan Hall, last week brought Judicial Board char ges against Lyn Lathrop, Cici Fenimore, Allen Haworth, and volunteer defendant Lucy Swan for allowing their dog, "the black and white canine known as Luke," to run loose on campus. All four defendants plead ed guilty at their hearing Monday night. A fine of $2O and a severe reprimand were issued, and as one Board member snarled, "I think you're getting off cheap!" A bake sals is planned for this weekend in order to raise the money for the fine. . _ jUY'/ voL.^iiffr"3?"7^r" New Courses To Be Offered In Foreign Language Department The foreign language de partment calls attention to two new courses offered un der the 450 rubric as an elec tive to Guilford and Consor tium students, and without credit to "drop in" students. We believe this will be of in terest to the increasing num ber of students involved in in ternational programs and those planning summer travel. Foreign Language (FL) 450 - Languages for Foreign Travel. 4 hours, taught by Rosalie Payne and staff in rotation. MTTF - 12:30-1:20. Foreign Language (FL) 450 - Esperanto. 4 hours, taught by Eugene Thompson. MTTF at 10. Foreign Language 450 - Language for £nretgn Travel: An intensive 1 semester con versation course in the 5 ma jor languages: French, Ger man, Italian, Russian, Span ish. The time will be divided equally among the 5 lan guages with a review session at the end. The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the language and to teach pronunciation, basic vo cabulary and phrases essen tial to those who travel in the various countries so that their travel experience will be more meaningful. Open to students as an elective and to the general public without credit. Foreign Language 450 - Elementary Esperanto: This is the international language invented by Dr. L.L. Zamen hof in 1887. The language is The Detroit-born young violinist holds two diplomas in performance from the School of Music at the Uni versity of Michigan in Ann Arbor. Following his gradua tion, he spent one year as a Fulbright scholar in Italy, where he studied and gave concerts in Florence and Rome. While in Rome, he was invited to perform on a special radio series at the Vatican. vtatf \jtSpp generally considered to be easier than any national lan guage, having no irregular verbs and only sixteen funda mental rules of grammar. The Esperanto vocabulary is based largely on the Indo-European family of languages, and is thus quite readily accessible to speakers of English. The course will include some stu dy of the world-wide groups d using the language as a means of communication, and of its use as an instrument for peace and international understand ing, one of the basic concerns of Quakers. Both will be offered as electives to Guilford and Con sortium students, and to the general public without credit. Crafts Festival To Benefit Vietnam Relief by Marilyn Neuhauser Saturday, April 14, during Serendipity Weekend, there will be displays and sales of arts, crafts, baked goods, and other articles. This benefit for victims of the war in South Asia will take place in front of Dana Auditorium. In case of rain, the event will move inside to the lobby of Dana. As this is to be a festival of creativity, a special feature of the exhibit will be a table for participation of passersby in a pop mural. Expression of feelings and ideas of joy or sorrow are invited through the use of art materials. In addition to the chance to take part in the artistic happening, there will be ano ther special feature. By popu lar request, a rummage table will be added. Clothing to be re-cycled can be left with Peg Hartzell, Mary Hobbs Dorm, or call Marilyn Neuhauser, 294-0477, for pick up of do nations. Anyone wishing to help or bring something is invited. Among the art expected will be children's art by students of the New Garden Friends School.

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