GuilfGpdian Dana Scholars # Comm. Dear Members of the Faculty, the Student Body, and the Administrative Staff: Once again the Dana Scholarship Committee must begin its evaluation of nominees for Dana Scholar ships for the next academic year. It is very important that you participate in the nomination of the Dana Scholars. Dana Scholars must meet the following criteria: 1. Completion of at least one year at Guilford College with a cumulative average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale at the end of the spring semester, 1976. 2. Qualities of leadership in college and/or community activities demonstrated in such ways as: a. Exceptional academic performance. b. Effective participation in campus government. c. Effective performance in college committees and organ izations We Vant Your Blood TO ALL STUDENTS: On Wednesday, February 18 from 10:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., the American National Red Cross will have their bi-annual Bloodmobile. It will take place in Sternberger Auditorium and will be sponsored by the Guilford College Student Union. This year as an added bonus, the Union will offer a prize of $30.00 to the individual hall which has the largest percentage of support at the Bloodmobile. Hopefully each hall will take it upon themselves to respond to this challenge. The prize money may be in any way in which the winning hall desires. The coordination of the prize money and distribu tion will be handled by the individual house council respresentative of that parti cular hall. Some Facts... d. Recognizable influence toward a better college community within various groupings (athletic teams, dormitory groups, organiza tions, and clubs) e. Effective performance in carrying out the responsibili ties of an elective office or appointive position, including those for which remuneration has been received. Effective performance of some community activity. To be considered for a Dana Scholarship, a student must be nominated by a faculty member, by the Administra tive Staff, or by a fellow student. In addition, all nominees must submit in writng a list of all the special activities and responsibilities they have undertaken during their tenure at Guilford College, as well as community activities they wish consi dered. A Dana Scholarship is for one year. It may be renewed, however, at the discretion of the Dana Scholarship Commit tee, provided that the Scholar continues to meet all the criteria and that all of the procedures shown above are followed, including renomina tion. Any student or donor who gives blood is covered by the Red Cross for one full year as is their immediate family. This means that if blood is needed by a donor or immediate family during the specified time period they are assured of "free blood" whether they reside in North Carolina or not. Therefore, those of you who are out of state will still be covered anywhere at any hospital as long as it is in the U.S. Basic Qualifications: Good health 17 years of age (with parental consent) 18 years of age (without parental consent) Weight: 110 pounds or more for women, 115 pounds or more for men NOW ! * *W il * f- I ' "' f t : * Helen Thomas to Speak Mrs. Thomas began her career in journalism in 1942 as a reporter for the Old Washington Daily News. She has traveled extensively with Presidents Kennedy and Johnson as well as former President Nixon on his historic summit trips to China and 'he Soviet Union in 1972. She covered Kissinger's trip to the Middle East and China. To millions of newspaper readers she is known as the woman journalist whom President Nixon criticized for wearing pantsuits in the White House. To TV viewers she is the The Red Cross Blood Program is a volunteer donor program and anyone is welcome to participate. The final decision is accepting any donor rests with the physician in charge of the operation. Thanks for your help! Guilford College Student Union February 17, 1976 SENIOR PICTURES! ! Deadline is March Ist. You want your picture in the "Quaker" this year - you get your picture taken! Contact Tom Lo or any of the "Quaker" staff. woman who asks such hard hitting questions at President Ford's press conferences. Hear this dynamic woman on Friday, February 20, at 8:15 p.m. in Sternberger Auditor ium. Free to Guilford Student with ID. LATE BULLETIN Helen Thomas will NOT be here Friday! She has postponed her appearance at Guilford because she will be accompanying President Ford to New Hampshire on Thursday. Alan Levy leads T'al Chi Chuan seminars every day this week in the Gallery, Foun ders, from 4:00 to 6. Senate $6,000 Put toUse New Business: Ed Burrows presented an opportunity for the Senate to sponsor an "interpersonal relationship workshop" for student leaders. The faculty is bringing Dr. Marshall A. Rosenberg for such a session Wed., March 31st. Dr. Rosenberg is said to promote understanding between peo ple without judgement. It was decided that it would cost the Senate between $l5O and S2OO dollars for the workshop. A notice will be mailed to organization leaders to find out the degree of interest in such a workshop. The decision will weigh upon the interest shown by campus leaders. In dealing with the appropriation of the $6,000 dollars, the Senate divided into three groups and discussed the categorized suggestions. The following allotments were approved by the Senate: The details for the Emer gency Fund will be written into a proposal to be discussed next week. By Doug Neill Last Wednesday night the Guilford College Community Senate decided how they would use $6,000 which had accumulated over the last several years. After talking with organization leaders, faculty, administrators, and students, the group decided that the money would be divided so that all of it would not be used for just one purpose. The final decision was as follows: 1) $4,000 will be used for the purchase of two new movie projectors in Sternberger Auditorium. 2) SI,OOO will be put into an "Emergency Student Loan Fund" which can be used by any student who needs the use of a sum of money due to emergency circumstances. 3) S9OO will be used to buy a new frequency limiter for the radio station (WQFS). 4) SIOO will be used to build a backboard for the tennis courts. We thank all the people who helped us make these decisions.