Guilfordian Vol. LXV, No. 16 Four seek senate presidency By Barbara Phillips Senate and Union elections will be held this Thursday and Friday. There are four tickets in the running for the Senate offices. They are: Marie Bran son, Katherine Helms, Steve Trout; Martin Jones, Roger Pettingell, Karrie Jo Manson; Dennis Kirschbaum, Steve Har vey, Beth Dußocher; and Mark Mason, Paul Grube, and Ann Stone. According to Hugh Stohler, who says it has been years since four tickets have run in one election, there is almost sure to be a run-off. Run-off elections will be held the following Wed nesday. Stohler believes that because this is not likely to be a "run-away" election, more stu dents may participate in voting. Last year, only about one-third The Cuilfordian requested that each of the four tickets submit a statement of their views in campaigning for Student Senate offices, which are presented in the accompanying articles. Kirschbaum I didn't want to run, but I saw the need for a fresh approach. It seemed to me that something had to be done, so I did it. There are problems here. Big prob lems. Some of the most obvious examples are the lack of butter in the cafeteria and the absence of a metaphor committee. Knowing that I couldn't do it all alone, I called in some of the most powerful minds on cam pus. But they weren't interest ed so I went to the fringe, and I think we got a pretty good team here. What follows is our "State ment of Purpose", a sort of call to action for the students of Guilford. We had a vision of Guilford as a community where everyone frolicks barefood through the grass, where people are ahppy and smiling, where joyous stu dents spread petals on the paths they tread, where everyone is Br f -* Dußocher, Kirshbaum and Harvey of the students voted. Stohler does not consider "issues" to be of major impor tance, for they tend to be about the same year after year. He considers style of leadership to be of more concern to the students and to the effective ness of the Senate. Stohler has noticed a trend in the last three years on the part of the Senate presidents that indicates a greater concern for Quaker values and the consen sus method of decision making. Candidates night is Tuesday night (tonight) at 7:00. All tickets will have a chance to express their views. There is only one ticket running for the Union, which will automatically receive the positions. Daphne Brown is heading a ticket that includes Isa Cheren and Joel Richon. greeted by a kiss, where death, disease, and sickenss are vir tually unknown, and where the fragrance of perpetual spring time fills the air. But then we realized that this wouldn't be so nice, cause the flower petals would get caught in your toes and begin to rot, the paths would get muddy, and let's face it, there are some people whom you just don't want to kiss. So we decided on an alternative vision where people go barefood when they want to, smile when they feel happy, and are somewhat more discriminate in their kissing. Because of the intense inter est of the studentry in its activities, we feel the Commu nity Senate is the forum best suited to the realization of visions. However, in order to make the senate a wieldy tool, continued on page 2 $ 0 Guilford College, Greensboro, N.C. 27410 EL* S Pettingell, Jones, and Manson Jones By Stan Givens "We need to have the stu dent governing body in good order to be able to address the issues at hand. We need to get our own 'house' in order and to enhance the perception of the Senate as a responsible govern ing organization, in the eyes of both the students and College administration," says Martin Jones. I spoke with Martin, who is running for president of the Community Senate, along with Roger Pettingell (vice-president and treasurer), and Karrie Jo Man son (secretary), about a few of their views concerning some of the issues on campus and also the positions they seek. Martin, who is currently vice president of the Senate, is concerned, first of all, with re-structuring the Community Senate. To this end, Martin proposes bi-weekly Senate meetings with the "off week" reserved for Senate committee meetings. In this way "an effective and functional commit tee system can be established to deal with the day-to-day issues and free the Senate as a whole body to address the more Grubey, Stone and Mason L, /4^L ; Jt k MBk Branson Marie Branson, Katherine Helms and Steve Trout would like to announce their candidacy as a team rich in experience in student action, initiative and ideas. We hope you'll consider us for those important Senate positions on voting day TACKLING THE MAJOR ISSUES Our primary concern is the Senate's failure to address te real problems and issues of students. The Senate is more substantive issues and prob lems of students' -- those of financial aid, projected prob lems of the growth of the College, the curriculum, prob lems in residence halls, the new Ragan-Brown Fieldhouse, and the like," explains Martin. Martin also proposes a "Sen ate retreat with members of the student body to discuss issues of concern, to establish a feeling continued on page 6 Mason By Edwin Bass Mark Mason has announced his candidancy for Community Senate President. Running along with Mark for Vice- President/Treasurer and Secre tary and Paul Crube and Ann Stone, respectively. These stu dents are by no means stran gers to student government here at Guilford. Both Mark and Ann serve on the Senate while Paul is on House Council. Several goals have already emerged from Mark's cam paign. The first of these deals with the student government student relationship. They feel that at the present the relation ship is weak, and they want student government to become closer to the students. "We want the students to know who their representatives are, and to feel comfortable going to them with issues and problems." Response to spouse v hiring See Centerspread February 24, 1981 Trout, Branson, and Helms than an approval board for budgets and club constitutions. However, recently this has been the Senate's major function. Although these are important to the Senate, there are other pressing problems which the Senate should address: 1) Curriculum 2) Tenure 3) Long range planning deci sions 4) Specific policy formulation 5) Tuition increases and fi nancial aid COMMUNICATION We perceive the Senate to be a forum for open discussion. Stu dents must know what the Senate is discussing for that organization to be effective To ensure this, the Senate must utilize the Guilfordian, WQFS, and other available media. ON THE ALCOHOL POLICY The Alcohol policy has always been a major obstacle between continued on page 6 Mason would also like to see student government having a stronger role in developing school policy. Another goal is to see the establishment of a central meeting place on cam pus for students, such as a pub, for example. Mark, Paul and Ann all believe that they are students who are aware of problems, and want to repre sent the students. Student government, espe cially upper level government, is a difficult and time consum ing job with little recognition. Even the best representatives cannot perform efficiently with out student involvement. On Tuesday, February 24, it is Candidates' Night in the Boren Lounge. As a student, everyone owes it to oneself to come and listen to the candidates for the election