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Words of inspiration were given by students and facul ty, and the integrated choir also included students and faculty of Guilford College. Continuing the festivities, on Monday night, January 31, Roy Porter gave a poetry reading in the Gallery. Tuesday night, co sponsored by the College Union and the African American culture society (formerly 8.A.5.1.8.), the coffeehouse presented Kim and Reggie Har ris who sing and play a variety of instruments, including keyboards, saxaphone, and guitar. Wednesday, February 2, was mid-week speaker night with Dr. Ralph Scales. Among Dr. Scales credentials are, president of Fair Builder's Incorporated, general contractor of the Scales-Lacy Sub-division, and president of Gateway Holding Corporation. Dr. Scales' speech was on "Dichotomies in a Pluralistic Society." As a firm believer in community leadership. Dr. Faculty's Acclaimed Habitats by Arnold Markley Staff Writer Ann Deagon, Professor of Classical Languages and Direc tor of Classics at Guilford Col lege, is the author of several short stories that have recently been published in a collection. The book, entitled Habitats, was published by Green River Press, University Center, Michigan, and contains ten short stories that have each been published previously in various magazines. The stories deal with with men, women and children of all ages, and their coming to terms with where they live and who they are. | For example, some of the stories •g concern middle-aged adults jg struggling with mid-life crises, g while others deal with older peo p pie trying to put their lives into > perspective. Though each story 0 contains different characters, the o characters share many CL. similarities and the central Weekend Mixers by David Nash and Tom Smith This weekend brought two oc casions for Guilford's students to meet their faculty and staff: the Senate Service Auction and the Presidential Ball. The Service Auction was truly a community effort with faculty and Greensboro area residents combining with students to offer a menagerie of items. Although the goal was $2500. I knew the Scales' goals are: to "1. Identify real issues that affect our com munity; 2. Discuss the role of in stitutional higher education in the development of solutions to issues that affect the community: 3. Examine the role of students in conceptualizing and implemen ting innovative solutions to issues that affect the community; 4. Analyze alternate inter disciplinary learning developments in parity to the community; 5. Stimulate a warm think tank atmosphere and engender within each student positive action oriented solutions to problems that will affect our community in the 21st century." Thursday night, February 3rd, "To Sir with Love" starring Sidney Poitier was shown in Sternberger. Saturday the sth there will be a dance after the home basketball theme of "coming home" runs throughout them all. The settings of the stories are also familiar settings to the Guilford College community. One story is set at Friends Homes - another in the Guilford College Library. Mrs. Deagon began writing fic tion in 1977, but has written poetry since around 1970. She has INSIDE Roach Problem Page 4 Thinking Capsule Page 6 Sports Photo Feature. . Pages 8,9 Odd Bodkins Page 10 auction would do better, finally earning about S4OOO. Despite the diversity and ap peal of the items, the auctioneers stole the show. Several people commented on the urging, teas ing way the auctioneers provoked the buyers into higher bids. This encouragement was probably more appreciated by the observers than the bidders. Students also enjoyed the faculty present, including Ken Schwab and Bill Rogers. There was greater opportunity the following night to talk with faculty and staff at the Presiden tial Ball. Amidst the ferns and trees were the Benfeys, the Parkers, the Boyds, the Macln nes', the Cooleys, the Schwabs, Sara Bohn, Peter Freyberg, and the Rogers. The Greensboro Men's Club played during the evening, a performance that end ed in several encores. Although students don't generally have a chance to dance with the faculty, this was a pleasant exception. game between Guilford and Avarett College. The dance will be held in Sternberger at 9:00 p.m. Sunday, February 6th, there will be traditional vocal music at 6:00 p.m., in Boren Lounge. Monday February 7th, "Black Lite" will be held in Sternberger at 8:15 p.m. Featured will be a talent segment for the first half of the show, giving students a chance to share their musical and comic genius. The second half of the show will present "Covacus," a highly versatile band, com pleting the "Black Lite" show. In a month of celebration that was originated by Black Historian Carter G. Woodson, February continues as African American History Month at Guilford College. The Communi ty Newsletter should keep students up-to-date about later activities during the current African American History Month. had several collections of her poetry published. On Tuesday, February 8 at 7:00 p.m., an autograph party, given by the Greensboro Writers Club, will take place in the Gallery of Founders Hall. Mrs. Deagon will read two of her stories and will autograph copies of Habitats which will be available for pur chase.