■ NEWSLINE Student Loans RALEIGH. Parents of junior and senior high school students currently may be facing a greater financial dilemma than how to pay off holiday bill. They are starting straight ahead at ever-mounting costs of financing their children's college educa tions. Along with the how-to-pay dilemma, they often face ques tions on where to turn for infor mation on available funds for higher education. In North Carolina, that place is College Foundation Inc. (CFI), a private nonprofit corporation which serves as the central lender in the state for educational loans. North Carolina banks and special in vestors provide the funds for these loans. CFI advises parents and students to explore with the col lege they are considering all aspects of financial assistance from grants to work programs to loan funds. Probably the least well known of such loans, according to com munications coordinator, Mary gg| H Opportunity just moved into The David Shopping 1 J Mt.xx one of thr tounfiv s fastest (|iowinj voluf irtciilris is oi!tiru| to town And what dors that nifcin to you brsidrs thr 20 60 M n sovinijs on thr hottrst looks and in styles l .' It ir.rcins |ohs. Ovt-r 100 full cind pen I tmir jol>s to In exact. And t mrcins inotiry. Go ahead. piovi• just how tjood you arr and you II find thr icusrs cind pioinotions follow lujnt along It nirons flrxibility. Pait time. full time. anytimr you'll find wr rr vrry feasonable when it (omrs to srttincj up schrdulrs oround youi nrrds And vvr hcivr ci mnt|r of areas and depmtments n which you can wotk: • Merchandise Clerk • Misses/Junior • Security Sportswear & Dresses • Cashiers • Men's/Boys' Apparel • Custodial • Infants' & Girls' • Stock Apparel • Lingerie • Accessories • Giftware & Linens It means discounts. On top of our already low prices we aive you an additional discount on clothing for the whole Family. * See us at our OPEN HOUSE on Tuesday & Wednesday February & 25 at the store at Battleground & David Caldwell Avenues 10AM to 9PM TJ4TKDK work can be fun 1 An equal opportunity employer. Bland Josey, is the N.C. PLUS Loan Program which is open to parents of dependent undergraduates as well as to in dependent undergraduates and graduate students. This program is not tied in any way to a fami ly's demonstrating financial need. Unlike the North Carolina Insured Student Loans, for which a student must show financial need, N.C. PLUS is available regardless of income level, as long as the borrower can demonstrate the ability to make the required monthly payments on the PLUS Loans. Under this program, loans may total up to $3,000 per academic year for each qualifying student, for a total of $15,000 per student. Josey points out that the advan tages of the N.C. PLUS Loan are low monthly payments over a long repayment period, a more even "cash flow" while the stu dent is enrolled in college, and the opportunity to accelerate payments at any time without penalty. The interest rate is 12%, based on daily unpaid balance, with an insurance fee of 1% deducted from the loan proceeds. Unlike the Insured Student Loan for which repayment is delayed until after the education is complete, repayment on a PLUS Loan begins within 40 days of the date the loan is issued; but the mon thly payment may be as low as SSO per month, depending on the amount and number of loans. The maximum repayment period for each loan is 10 years. For exam ple, a $6,000 loan being repaid over 10 years will require a mon thly payment of $lB7. Applications for the PLUS Loan may be obtained from col lege financial aid officers or directly from College Foundation Inc., 1307 Glenwood Ave., Raleigh N.C. 27605. CFI also administers the North Carolina Student Incentive Grant Program, as well as student financial assistance programs for the James E. and Mary Z. Bryan Foundation, the Smith Richardson Foundation, the Broyhill Foundation and the Byrum-Mansfield Memorial Stu dent Loan Fund. Front and Runn By Tim Savage Music Director Top 10 Artist 1. Plan 9 2. Minutemen 3. The Other Mothers 4. Jesus and Mary Chain 5. Plasticland 6. The Go-Betweens 7. Toxic Reasons 8. Golden Palominos 9. Violent Femmes 10. Tex and the Horsheads Review of the Top 3 Plan 9: "Keep Your Cool and Read the Rules" There are nine members (ala Plan 9) to this bizarre band from Rhode Island, and its never quite sure as to who is the band and who isn't. One thing is for sure, and that it is a refreshing kick in the pants to the music industry. Their music is impossible to label, garage-psychedelic may come to mind. Yet, at times, they're funky, others jazzy but always innovative. The record's most impressive track, "Keep your Cool" gives new meaning to the word cool by mixing bluest saxaphone with psychedelic guitar-ver hot indeed. If you are still not convinced, maybe you should show up at Scandal's March 14, I won't miss it and neither should you. Minutemen: "3-Way tie (For Last)" 1. The Color cry A hca WllMr (Wal*nglon Sauar* Qll tl Praia, $5 95.) \Mnnor x the 1963 American Boo* A wart MQ W4. - m 2. Va#ey ol tf*e Far Skta. Dy Gary Larson (Andrew*. Mckaeel 4 Tl"* PJJj Parker. S5 96 ) And WH mora cartoona from the Far Stda. l a| Mfl X Lorn and War, by John Jahaa. (OaH. S5 96) |L2 §JI2 Tha aeoual to "Nonh and South" Safe 4. Out of AJrtca and IHwtuol on w Oraaa. by isafc Oinaaan (Vintage. S4 95 ) Hamamoerancaa ol bta in Karrya. IRC i So Long, end Thanfca tar A •***. by Oooglae Adam* LI (Pocket. 53.95.) Fourth voHjme ol the HrtclVkkari Trilogy" V^lj EZ . OarHilil Mto On. by Jim Day* (BaMantme. 45 96 ) GarfieM'i niwat aOvanturae. 7. Tha Boad Laaa by M. Scott Rack. (Toucnatona. Bp PJBj" sfl 96 )Paycnotaggal arm wrnua maturation byapa^r—arat |d *• Tha Hunt tar Nad Octokar, by Tom Clancy (Berkley. $4 50 ) Ijj 9 Tha inoadMy chaae ot a nuclear tubmanne. Rd -Jj & Out on a Unk, by Shwtay Mac Luna (Bantam. 4 50L) jiuj Her axpcntnaM wttft fvmcifTMlion. gf"! 1a Tha TaHaman. by Staphen King and Patar Straub (Barclay. Hr $4 95.) Soma-tmgung tarror by me two maaters ol myaaery flQfl Suraly Tour* Jotting, Ik. r|imiaML by Richard P raynmtv mL|| (Bantam. S4 50) Outraqaoua eaptoita ol the workft moat Ml f 'j outsooken Nobel onzawnnmng aoanttsL I^J M Outrageoua Acta and gyanrday WitiMam. by Gtona Stawam Dfe glt'J (NAuStqnal. S4 50.) A powanui voca to tna expanencaa ol Cm aM woman uU Nutcracker. by Shana Alexander lOaM. S3 95.) Monay. Wjjj Meoneia. Murder A Family Album Record Keep Your Cool and Read the Rules 3-Way tie (For Last) No Place Like Home Psycho Candy Wonderland Metal and Shells Within These Walls Visions of Excess The Blind Leading the Naked Lifes So Cool The Minutemen represent a new breed of American song writers, combining all the roman ticism of a Woody Guthrie with all the political fervor of the six ties. Songs like "The Big Stick," showcases their political sature... "Now over there in Mannagua Square, American - made bombs are falling everywhere/ They kill women, children, and animals too. These bombs are made by both me and y0u..." Song like "Hitting the Bong" help to lighten up the political overtones. This is easily the best indepen dent record since Husker Du's "Zen Arcade."What about the music itself? Hard to describe, but here goes - Jazz pop, funky rock and roll. Creedence Clear water Revival fans would be pleased at their version of "Have you ever Seen the Rain?" Unfor tunately, the future of this band was ended on December 23, 1985, when the chief songwriter, D. Label Pink Dust SST Making Waves Reprise Pink Dust PRC Treason Celluloid Slash Enigma Boone was killed in an automobile accident which was not his fault. The Other Mothers: "No Place Like Home" This five member band is from righ there in Greensboro, and they really rock. They are a young band and their immaturity shows, but their fast placed guitar pop, more than makes up this. The best track "Rodeo ... 88 Seconds" is about the Klan-Nazi shootout in Greensboro, proves that they aren't just mindless rockers as some claim. This record appears to have launched these local natives onto the music scene. Note: You can't go wrong with any of these records so buy them and show your support for pro gressive music. Many of the bands have and will play in the area so keep it turned to 91 fm WQFS for more info and let us know what you think. 8