Who's Who? ..•p.3 Vol. 73 No. 7 Cafeteria Works to Clear Up Problems by Susan Nelson The Guilford administration and Marriott food services are making a cooperative effort to improve sanitation in the cafeteria, after the dining facilities received a grade "B" rating from the health department earlier this fall. Although the grade has recently been raised, the college administration and the catering service are continuing to improve lines of communication in order to deal with sanitation and management problems. The cafeteria, which is inspected every six to eight weeks, received its "B" rating just before Labor Day. Tim Tyree, director of the food service at Guilford, cited two main factors for the lower rating: 1) the walk-in refrigerator (which is used to store the majority of Residence Halls to be Inspected Over Break by Laurel Nesbitt The Residential Life staff will be conducting a health and safety inspection of the residence halls once students have cleared out of their rooms for fall break. The aim of the inspection is what its name implies - - health and safety. What the R.A.'s will be checking for are items hazardous to health or fire safety. As is stated in the Student Handbook, open-coil appliances such as hot plates, toasters, and heaters are prohibited, as are extension cords. No animals other than fish may be kept as pets. These things will not be confiscated if found in the rooms, but a note will be left for the residents which states that something in their possession Was found to be a problem, and that this is a matter that should be taken up with the R.A. upon his or her return to campus. Also, R.A.'s will be checking to make sure that all lofts are registered, meet the loft construction policies, and are constructed as were proposed in the loft proposals given to the Residential Life staff. Students will be fined for unregistered lofts. Students in Milner and GUILFORDIAN perishable food products) was not cool enough, and 2) the water in the dishwasher was not hot enough to properly sterilize the dishware. While the health department did find some weaknesses in the cafeteria, it was in no danger of being closed. "Obviously, if there had been an eminent health hazard, we wouldn't be operating," said Tyree. "A 'B' grade shows that there are problems, but there is no great danger." Tyree added that a "B" grade is common when there are problems which can escalate into health hazards, but that a lower grade is more of a warning to improve the present equipment or sanitation processes. The Guilford administration and cafeteria staff took the warning to heart. For several BLnford who are found to have removed their bedboards will also be fined. During the inspections, R.A.'s will be unplugging all appliances except refrigerators, They will ensure that the trash has been emptied and that all perishable foods have been removed. They will lock the windows and doors, pull the shades, and, of course, check to make sure that the rooms have not reached a level of filth that may be health-hazardous. In addition, they will be spraying for bugs and roaches around the floorboards and in other areas of the rooms that are popular with bugs. Things that students normally keep on the floor (particularly on the floor in the closet) should be moved temporarily perhaps to their desk tops or beds, so that the spraying may be done quickly and easily and without hitting any personal belongings. The purpose of the inspections is, very practically, to make sure that no student's room has the potential to start an epidemic or to burn down the residence hall. They are to be less a matter of "search and seizure," than of "unplugging and debugging." Hobbs Tea Room • **p 5 Guilford College, Greensboro, N.C. days, students were served on paper products to avoid any health problems which might have arisen from the ailing dishwasher, and renovations of the walk-in refrigerator were initiated. As a result, the cafeteria was reinspected and the grade updated to an "A". "Since a lot of the improvements took some time, and there was no serious threat to students, we waited to have her [the health inspector] come back," said Tyree, "so what she saw was significant progress. She would have come back sooner and on her own if the problems were dangerous." In reference to the need for cooperation from the Guilford administration, Tyree said he was hesitant to blame any one party, but noted that some of the cafeteria's sanitation problems stem from poor, outdated equipment and physical plant problems. Richard Coe, Guilford's business manager, said that the troubles with the dishwasher came as a surprise to him. "We thought we'd fixed that problem years ago," said Coe. Coe was referring to the fact Why Move Off Campus? Students Give Varying Reasons by Alexandra Duckworth "I wanted to have my own place," said Kristin Jay- Childress, a senior day student who moved off campus last fall. Her view is shared by 345 other students who have decided to leave Guilford's residence halls in favor of apartments or houses this year. Of the entire student body, 28.3% live off campus; 80% of the senior class do not pay to live in on-campus housing. The strings pulling these people away from residential hall life have certain common threads: more freedom, less noise, better facilities. Jay-Childress, who lives with a roommate in a 2- bedroom,l-bath apartment in Friendly Hills, said that she moved "because I didn't like dorm life. I was unimpressed with the activites on campus. I wanted to have my own place where I could cook and not have to worry about other people coming around." For her, otf- Rugby: Played at Home Soon? ...p.6 Tim Tyree Director of Food Services photo by Eric Buck that three years earlier the college spent approximately $15,000 on repairs for the machine - - improvements the manufacturers claimed would last four to five years. He also noted that the walk-in refrigerator now has new shelving, a cool-air compressor, and plastic door strips for added insulation. "From our side," said Coe, "we're concerned with the mechanical problems and Marriott's responsibility is with clean-up." campus life is "being able to keep my own hours without worrying about the loud room down the hall." John Sylvester, a senior accounting major residing in Bent Tree apartments, said, "I didn't have any privacy when I lived on campus," while Lisa Bogar, a junior who lives in a house on New Garden Road, echoes his desire for more space. "I mainly moved off campus because I felt cramped on campus and I needed more places to study," she said. "I also just prefer houses," she continued. "I feel like I'm more out in the real world, and not so isolated." Diana Ward drives ten miles to and from her apartment in Kerncrsville. About her decision to move off campus last spring she said, "I moved off campus because I was dissatisfied with the housing service. I lived in the Lodge and this house was in terrible condition. We had a broken toilet scat for a month and a half. October 10, 1988 Both Tyree and Coe said that the communication and cooperation process between Guilford and Marriott was being improved. The college maintenance department and the catering service are holding weekly meetings to begin deciding how to better deal with the problems. Also, outside plumbers, electricians and painters are being enlisted to handle plans for long-term (cont'd, on p. 3) "I like the freedom of living off campus. I have more space ... and my own bathroom -- which doesn't have a broken toilet seat," she said. Ward cited the quality of cafeteria food as another reason for her decision to move into an apartment. "I was dissatisfied with the cafeteria," she said. "They don't have a sufficient program for vegetarians like me." The full-meal plan to which all on-campus students are forced to subscribe is a prevalent theme among the factors that lead people to leave the college's residential community. Dylia Sasso, a senior from Costa Rica, said that she rented her apartment in The Village "mainly because of the food in the cafeteria. I wanted to be able to select what I can eat and not have to stick to what they have." Most day students think that the expenses involved in living off campus do not exceed those (cont'd, on p. 5)