From the Editorial Board... Cut Us Some Slack, Jack Folks at Guilford have been some what uptight this year. An abundance of controversial issues—ranging from drug policy to fraternities to art projects— have been debated in the editorial sec tion of this paper. We appreciate the attention and the copy, but at the same time we feel that a lot of the back-stabbing is unnecessary. In hopes of cooling off all of this heated debate, we offer our readers 1/2 of this April 1 issue. All of the articles in this issue should be taken with a grain of salt—please don't take any of them as personal attacks. We have attempted to satirize all Construction Not All Bad Marianna Moondance Staff Flake I like construction. I do. I realize this puts me in a minority in this land of (Quaker) oats and honey, but, hey, that's okay. I'm willing to be different. But, I ask you as a campus, aren't you being just a tiny bit close-minded? Just a tiny bit un-friendly? Just a little PC? (pompous cows.) So what's some dirt here and there? Aren't we all friends and lovers of this beautiful red (used to be green but we needed a color change) earth? Get a little closer —breathe some mud. And don't be shy—hug a bulldozer, hang some daisies on a crane, give them a real Guilford welcome. Hold hands, sing, dance, SKIP, have a "we're under construction and we're so darned happy" party. Meet your construc tion workers, organize intramural teams with them, play volleyball. (I mean, we want them to stay as long as possible and Lazy Bums >- continued from page 4 skeptical that just three people can do all that work on top of their other responsibili ties. They probably won'tbe as friendly or efficient, either." sophomore Fiona Phlegm expressed a more optimistic view. "I think it's great to see administrators taking personal respon sibility for maintaining the college." Asked if she takes similar responsibility on her self, Phiegm snorted, "Listen, pal, I pay $15,000 a year to come here. I'm not picking up any trash. That's their job." Senior Whine Knosh agreed. "I think it's actually an improvement. I submitted a work order to my RA yesterday, and this THE GOOFORDIAN April 1, 1991 2 PERSPECTIVES portions of this campus (and Lord knows there are a lot of portions worth satiriz ing), because we feel that everyone strong enough to speak out should be strong enough to accept feedback. We also feel that any belief which cannot be laughed at is inherently dangerous. When it really comes down to it, we all have to deal with each other, like it or not At a campus this size, we can't hide from the people we don't like or we disagree with. Therefore, we might as well confront our differences. Enjoy the issue. And remember—a grain of salt. continue making this campus the great monument to the gods of torn-up parking lots, half-finished roads, and purely deco rative fences that it is. Not to mention the tasteful brick capital of the world. Be proud, fellow Guilfordians, be proud!) But, the noise, you say. THE NOISE! Just think of it as your cordial introduction to the real world, brought to you at the cost ofonlyS 14,000 a year (I mean $15,000... no, I mean $ 16,000... Well, you know what I mean...). What do you expect —birds chirping in the trees, the soft hum of crickets, the gentle whisper... Well, wake up! Traffic, roaring machines at6a.m., yelling voices... That's the real world! And Guilford's giving it to you at a young and impressionable age (thanks to that 9.5 percent tuition increase. Think of what could be done with 10 percent!). So smile, be happy, and love those potholes. All of them! I like construction. morning, there was Jim on my doorstep, ready to fix my windowpane. Before, it might have taken a month. This is great." To keep electricity costs low, power to the campus will be turned off after sun down beginning next month. The college has also contracted with Toast & Crisp Lumber Services to sell trees from the woods for firewood and construction. Rogers did not say whether these measures will be carried out in a caring way. "These extra steps, though perhaps pain ful, will give the college desperately needed budgetary breathing room as we face the glorious, though mysterious, chal lenges of a new decade, and, ultimately, a new century," he said, speaking through an interpreter. He added that none of these plans will affect the college's search for a provost Constructive Criticism from Staffer of UNCG Student Newspaper Brenda Johnston Guest Writer I wanted to tell you how much I've enjoyed your newspaper. I admire the consistency, quality and obvious dedi cation your writers possess. I am brought into the world of Guilford College by your publications. I have some suggestions, however. I feel that they could forward the process of improvement that your newspaper is progressing upon. First of all, I suggest some changes to your writing style. I am overwhelmed at the personality your articles possess and I feel that the personality of the writer starts to come through. I feel, however, that it ought to be furthered. Put more of the writer in your paper. Have them say more about themselves and their feelings while they write the articles, no matter what section ihey write for. The more the reader reads their feelings, the better the reader will understand the emotion behind the ac tion. Secondly, change some of your lay out plan. The sports section should be swapped with the editorial section, particularly in your next issue (that ought to center around the conclusion of the NCAA basketball tournament). THE GOOFORDIAN Managing Editor Peter Smif The Voice of Jacob Stohler Hal Holbrook Illustrious Potentate Henry Kissinger Nuffle Editor T-Boy Bates VC Sympathizer Daniel Ortega Mechanic Jimmy "Fingers" DeNada Firearms Technician Hannibal Lecter Gaffer Mrs. C Gagger Vanilla Ice The Last Asiatic Disciple "Slash" Washington Percussion The Ford Family Singers PC Enforcer That's Not Funny! Visiting Whiner Michael Stipe Colours by Alexander Julian The Goofordian is the student rag of Guilford College, Greensboro, N.C. Submit ted articles are accepted, but not necessarily appreciated. Opinions expressed in editorials and letters to the editor do not necessarily reflect the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, so for goodness' sake, be careful out there! The editors reserve the right to nuffle. Please address all complaints and criticisms to: The McDonald's Corporation, Box 229, Las Vegas, NV 86090-5229. Your paper also needs more columns per page. Instead of the dreary four, go for seven columns. Your advertise ment rates would go down, and your reader interest would go up. I enjoy the word ribbons such as "sportssports sportssportssportssportssportssports" but I think that it should be the same all throughout the paper. Make the section heads be the same ribbons. Also, since your photo staff doesn't seem to be able to operate a camera, remove photos from your layout style. Replace them with graphic art. You need some visual creativity to your look. Some hand drawn pictures will add more of a per sonal touch. And thirdly, I feel that the managing editor's name should go at the top of the credit box with his name in bold and a larger print size. He is the main force behind the paper as can be seen in all the articles he writes. He IS The Goofordian. Make sure the rest of your readers understand that as well. With these changes, your paper will be closer to the standard that our paper here at UNCG has set. If you like, I'll send some of my art over to your office for printing in your next issue. The writer is the graphics designer for UNCG's The Carolinian