Head to Head: The Debate Over the Sweatiest Professor, page 2 GOOFORDIAN The Front Page News Tickler College to Be Bought Japanese electronics company Hi rohito Inc. announced Tuesday that it plans to buy Guilford College and all its assets for an undisclosed amount. According to the company's presi dent, Nakahashi Asihoko, Hirohito be lieves it can remedy Guilford's budget problems"withoutdisturbing the deli cate Guilfordness of the institution." Asihoko said the company plans no major changes for the school. New President Appointed Joanna Iwata was appointed the new president of Guilford Wednesday to replace outgoing President "Bill" Rogers whose contract was bought out for an undisclosed amount. Iwata will begin her new position Tuesday. New Menu Selections The cafeteria announced that effec tive next week, students will notice some changes in its fare. Mondays the cafeteria will feature Beef Chow Mein, said Tim Tyree, director of food serv ices; Tuesdays will be Chop Suey Day; and Wednesdays through Fridays will feature a sushi bar. Advertising Campaign Launched In an attempt to bolster sagging admissions and "spruce up our im age," newly-hired Director of Adver tising Arito Tokahashi announced Friday a new advertising campaign for the college. Guilford will be fea tured in three new commercials to be run in-state aimed at improving N.C. recruitment. Magazine space will also be purchased in such publications as Newsweek, U.S. News & World Re port and Japan Monthly. Paper to Print in 2nd Language Effective April 13, The Goofordian will print an alternate edition in Japa nese. "President Iwata offered to pay for the extra printings, so we figured, why not?" said Editor in Chief Jacob Stohler-san on the change. Vol. 1, No. 1 Guilford College, Greensboro, N.C. More Cost-Cutting Measures In Store Bryn Moore Staff Writer The next time you see a sleek, shiny Mercedes pull up and parte next to your dorm, think nothing of it—it's probably just Jim Newlin coming to take out the trash. Under a new plan announced by Presi dent "Bill" Rogers, all housekeeping and maintenance positions are being elimi nated, effective immediately, as the col lege continues to cut its operating expenses. The eliminated positions are part of a se ries of cuts announced by the college in recent weeks as it seeks to keep tuition affordable, increase its salary pool and service the debt on its bonds. In a memo sent to faculty and staff on Tuesday, Rogers explained that "hence forth all housekeeping and maintenance duties will be carried out jointly, in a caring way, by the college's three vice presidents." They are Nancy "Janus" Cable-Wells, Sam "Fumin"' Schuman and Jim "Sir" Newlin. Their reactions to the announcement havebeen varied. "Let's look at this as a teachable moment," said Cable-Wells help fully as she lugged a mop and pail up to BhIUPvB |MM|jßfcfc|fl^ Library Director Herb Poole, unearthed during library renovations, squints uncomfortably at his first view of sunlight in two years. In the background is the foundation for the library's new Lou Fike Museum/photo by Ma Bell 'Where'd you park the mower yesterday?' asked Newlin. 'l've got to finish the front lawn before the Board of Trustees meeting tomorrow. Oh, and you and Nancy need to check that air conditioning unit in Bryan again. They say it's still leaking and blowing out blue stuff.' Binford's third floor. "I think there were definitely some problems with the previ ous staff, and most of them said they wanted to leave, anyway. Besides, fewer mouths to feed means more pie for me, if you catch my drift. I'm confident that students won't notice any difference. Hand me the disin fectant, would you, Sam?" "Wait a minute! I'm not done with it yet!" objected Schuman. "If you ask me, I'll tell you that this is a rotten idea. For one thing, I know next to nothing about this kind of work. It took me an hour yesterday just to figure out how the golf cart works. And let me tell you, reaching around behind those toilet seats to clean up vomit is really awkward and gross. If I April Fool's Day have to do that one more time, I swear I'll hit someone." Addressing himself to Newlin, he continued, "Damn it, Jim, I'm a scholar, not a—" "Shut up," Newlin suggested. "Where'd you park the mower yesterday? I've got to finish the front lawn before the Board of Trustees meeting tomorrow. You know see WORK HARDER on page 4 >- INSIDE • Minority Enrollment Hits Record 2% 3 • Carroll Oldest Professor; Poll Says...4 • Movie Review: Is On Golden Blonde the Next Deep Throat? 5 • Paperthin Walls Open Revealing Doors Onto Guilford Sex Lives 5 • Ann Landers 6 • Guilford to Test Scratch x n'Sniff Footballs 8