WtjeSoofortmn Viscus Tissue 1 Did you know that if you took every cell in a person's body and laid them end to end along the equator that person would die? April 1,1994 Mr. Yuk overthrows campus - 'The garden's mine! The Yuk master plan •The Mr. Yuk garden proposal won out after a sticky contest with the highly popular pentagram symbol Mr. Yuck I write my own freakin' articles, baby According to Missy Poopes, Environmentally possessed Chair, the decision was between Yuk and a pentacle (See The Pentacle Plan Page 1) for the Secretlyessential Garden has finally been made. The green sticker, famous for driving fear into toddlers' thirsty minds, will be the design. The selection of the poison-con trol idol inspired Yuk to blurt, "Gooford's my first stop, baby. I've found a way to get the garden, and Founders is next" "Maybe you're wondering how the garden fell into my hands. Trust me, kids, it's not hard to mess things up at Gooford. In fact, the only opposition I faced was that of Fistin' Wailing, Slim Percher's boxing protege. "Through infiltration of the stu dent initiative to keep the garden's proposed cross, I stuck on Gooford The Pentacle plan The descision against the controversial pentacle design for the secretlyessential garden was a rough blow to N.O.R.M.A.L. (Naturally Organically Religious Mystics Against Libel). The group, known for it's demonstration against re-runs of Bewitched, (they broke their noses in protest) will be holding a mourning ceremony in the Dana Moon room. The Yuk fac tion remains suspiciously quiet about the pentagrams failure and re fuses to com ment on pur ported links to T.W.W.B.C. (There's Noth ing Wrong With Being Chris tian). A forum will be held somewhere. AKcmu | STANDING [3LU£STO(S£S to / A\ aws-nots 4 DIRT / X / / \ \ / Nx fcJfoiNDxti PATUS Jlo\K j\( C£MTHAL - and tricked Senator Missy Poopes into signing a contract for a fur pelt. Poopes said, "I swear I thought I was saving wolf cubs. I mean, after all the senators who helped out sooo much with the upcoming Loan Fund Rabbit Shoot, I thought I'd be giving something back." But Poopes was forever green when Wailing broke the news. Wailing screamed out the news while attempting to sell out an F.A.R.T.S. Etc, concert. Senate president Little Boy Toy Dansen was left with no recourse, but to try and stop the attempts for the Yuk garden by bringing Bubbles to distract Senate from any attempt at responsibility. However, Yuk's Green cohort (a former Senate official) assured The Goofordian that neither Wail ing nor Poopes could defeat the power of the green god of adhe sive symbology, "You da man, Perhaps," he told Yuk. Treasurer Alwayz Flirton com mented on the choice of Yuk, "girl, I just think there is gonna be waaaay to much VENOM on this campus now that the Yuk man is with us." AROWAU 'PJISCH OAK I LCTIOH Guns blow • Program declared by Mr. Ro Trigger Happy Staff Sharpshooter Campus Ministry, the Academic Dean's office, and the division of Security and Safety all joined with Mr. Rogers in exulting in the suc cess of the new program to encour age a safer campus atmosphere. The policy, started this year with the slogan "Guns for Grades", is modeled after a new breed of pro grams that attempt to rid inner cit ies of weapons and promote an awareness of gun violence by trad ing items such as toys, food, or even tickets to sporting events for guns. Here at Guilford over 666 guns were turned in exchange for an average GPA increase of 2.86 points. "The overall willingess of the students and faculty to give up their firearms was really just one more testament to the sense of community that we share here at Guilford", said Mr. Rogers as he changed into his sneakers and car digan during a recent address to a group of children. "It's really a beautiful day in the neighborhood when one student can put down his gun long enough to ask his fellow student, "Would you be my, could you be my, won't you be my neigh bor?" The official terms of the trade in were one A for every shotgun, rifle, or really mean-looking fire arm, and a B for pistols and other sissy weapons. Many students were able to scrounge up 2 to 3 A's out of their cars and closets, while others were shocked to find out that their family heirloom was in fact a sissy weapon valued only as aB. While the turnout was large and enthusiastic (although tear jerking at times), the event was marred by scattered theft of guns from JPS majors by religion ma jors so that they could turn them in for the grades, which the reli gion majors claimed they needed more badly. In one case, the effect of the pro gram was realized immediately. "See, I was havin' kind of a tough time, well, a really tough time, in my Conflict Resolution class", drawled student Bobby Lee Jeffrey Jones, "because I just kept getting See GUNS page 3