THE GUILFORDIAN Greensboro, NC Trustees meet at Guilford ♦After a series of meetings last week, Board members show their support for the President BY MARJORIE HALL News Editor The Trustees agree with the President. Last Thursday, November 18, the Board of Trustees arrived on campus. The main issue discussed during their extensive meetings on Friday and Saturday with Presi dent Don McNemar and some fac ulty and administrators was McNemar's plan for the future of Guilford. The Board of Trustees sets policy for the school. They regu larly keep in contact with McNemar, but they had not yet given an official opinion on his ideas for the school. Though there was a good deal of discus sion, no decisions were made this weekend. The Board will return on November 10 to elect a new chair and involve themselves more closely with the work of the task forces. The tone of the meetings seemed cooperative to most people. "I've been at meetings like this where there is a lot of ten sion and hostility," said Martha Cooley, academic dean. "That was WQFS second in Princeton Review ♦Guilford's radio station ranked behind only Tulane in a survey that includes all American college stations BY FRED WILLIAMS Staff Writer Congratulations are in or der for WQFS, Guilford college's radio station. The Princeton Re view rated WQFS the number two college radio station in the country. This rating is based on the level of involvement and the re sponse of both the students and the community. Two years ago, WQFS was number three, last year they fell to number six, and now they are second only to Tulane, in a cat egory that includes every other college radio station in the coun try. Andy Ahearn, general man- "Bon't 6e afraid of the Boogeyman. "—Stanfey Frank, interim director of the Hoard of Trustees not the atmo sphere of this meeting." Most of the Board is be hind Don McNemar and was enthusias tic about the current up heaval on the campus. "The Board is 100 percent behind Don," said Stanley Frank, recently cho sen as interim chair of the Board follow ing former chair Monty Milner's deci sion to step down. "I see nothing but good things in the decisions being made now." infill'' - - Huf ijl jfl| h IS H Mmm Ww IHH lISmHBHbKLS lllpg j^H T^^oar^nmsteenjnHlin^ssiienhanoulTOiangn^ The Board members praised the faculty and expressed regret that some will have to leave the ager of WQFS, explained that A factor that stabilizes making the station what it is today has been a building process. Over the last three years, he has wqfs fm JL90.9 worked to solidify programming, so that when a listener turns on the radio at a certain time they will know what they are going to hear. This feat is impressive for a station that has shows in al most every musical genre, from jazz to rap, blues to techno, beach music to industrial. Since 1914, but never quite like this school. The trustees understand that the loss of faculty is difficult for the community. these long-running shows. Ahearn has big plans for the year ahead for WQFS. He wants to work towards more profes sionalism in the DJs, and he hopes to maintain the quality of programming that the station has achieved over the past few years. WQFS is the significant number of community DJ's. Some of these people have had shows at the same time, playing the same kinds of music, for close to a decade. The station has been working towards building a regu lar listening base through the presence of September 26, 1997 Some students had compiled Please see TRUSTEES on pg. 2 One of his major goals is for the station to be on the air 24 hours a day. The station is re quired to be on air 12 hours a day. Last year it was on at least 18 hours, and this year it will probably be on 21 hours a day. With the strong student support that the station has seen this year, this goal may soon be a reality. Other plans for the year ahead include more publicity, such as a quality 'zine (both electronic and on paper), and improvements to the WQJS website. Ryan Bek, WQFS publi cations manager, described the website as "an innovative way to Please see WQFS on pg. 2 Courtesy College Relations