GFLFE GUILFORDIAN Greensboro, NC January 28, 2000 M.L.King Day at Guilford By Tom Gallagher STATFWRITER Guilford College honored what would have been the 71st birthday of slain civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. last Monday evening with a candlelight vigil at Dana audito rium. The event capped Guilford's celebration of Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, which featured panel discussions, a community service project, and a video pre sentation of Dr. King's speeches. The evening vigil, organized by the Guilford College African- American Cultural Society, fea tured a series of performances and speeches in remembrance of Dr. King. After a welcome by juniors Natalie Hodge and Keisha Scales, a short scripture reading and prayer were offered and a moment of silence was observed. The Guilford College Danc- Please see M.L.K, page 4 Hege Library under stress By Ben Hebner STAFF WRITER The walls of Hege library are still standing. Indeed, put in perspective of the long history of these walls, the present turmoil within may seem relatively small. To those who are working there now, however, work has been less than simple. Herb Poole's retirement last spring meant that the the library was already running on a reduced staff when they lost the new di rector, the late Betty Place, last month. Since then, the library staff and college community have been pulling together to make sure things continue to run smoothly, even in the face of such losses. "Many of us have been work ing together for a long time and we've developed a good coopera tive spirit," said Carol Treadway, director of the Friends Histori cal Collection. "That's one of the Snow hits Guilford See page 5 for weekend weather reports reasons we can get through these hard times." The most conspicuous prob lem were the tasks that needed to be done pending additional hiring. In addition to serving as library director, Betty Place was the head reference librarian. Evelyn Blunt, who was hired this fall as an assistant in reference, is now reference head. Place's other responsibilities have been divided among the present staff until another library director is found. Carol Treadway has agreed to act as a coordina tor for this search, even though she is due to retire soon herself. Treadway does not foresee any crisis that would be espe cially problematic because of the reduced staff. "If we have a fire, that would be a disaster that would test us under any circum stances, but actually we do have some preparation for that kind of problem," Treadway said. "It Please see Hego, page 2 Guilford takes Greensboro's dean By Maijorie Hall NEWS EDITOR Normally, the search process for a new dean can take at least a semester, sometimes longer. This time, however, Guilford found a replacement in less than two months after previous dean A 1 Newell left. The new dean was only a few miles down Friendly. Randy Doss, who started in his new position on Jan. 10th, graduated from Guilford in 'B2 with a degree in business man agement and has been the dean of admissions at Greensboro Col lege since 1985. Doss' first contact with Guilford occurred when he was eight years old. A lifelong The Guilfordian c/o Student Activities 5800 W. Friendly Ave. Greensboro, NC 27410 Please recycle this paper. Greensboro resident, he attended football camp at the school, dur ing which he slept in English hall. Later on, his father drove the bus for the baseball team. Doss began attending Guilford in '7B, playing baseball and majoring first in physical edu cation and then history until fi nally settling on business man agement. He graduated in 'B2 and went into an MBA program at UNCG. In August, when he was en tering the program, he found that Greensboro College was looking for a part-time sports information director. He took the job, which slowly evolved into more as he began coaching and recruiting for Please see DGCM, page 3