Club budgets due soon By Kalindi LaTorre STAFF WRITER If you want money, just ask for it. Budget Committee is accepting applications for club budget proposals until March 24th. Budget request forms are available at the info desk. A copy of the club constitution must accompany budget pro r "ij ppp^^B , "'"-• K; ':\' ';-' ;;V 'U ' " ' v_ . v % OK Scouts and WQFS-ers display respective uniforms. Girl Scouts visit WQFS By Will Dodson EDITOR-IN-CHIEF On Thursday, March 2nd, WQFS managers gave Girl Scout Troop 553 a tour of the Guilford College radio station. Managers gave informal question-and-answer sessions, explained how the different equipment works, and distrib uted complimentary bumper stickers and t-shirts. The girls met with an on-air DJ-a former Scout herself-and gave a live station identification over the air. WQFS Productions Manager Anthony Lowe enjoyed partici y^ THE GUILFORDIAN Greensboro, NC posals. Senate's Budget Commit tee allocates money from stu dent activity fees to student organizations throughout the year. Representatives from Senate and other organiza tions spend several days in early April processing budget proposals and deciding how much money each organization will receive. pating in the tour, saying "I en joyed participating in the tour." Programming Director James Fishwick, Music Directors Tim LaFollette and Jeff Irving, and Station Manager Will Dodson also met with the troop, ex plained their roles within the sta tion, and exchanged jokes with the girls. "One of them told me a great joke, but I've already forgotten it," lamented Dodson. "Hopefully we can get them back up here so I can hear it again and maybe get some cookies while I'm at it. I was in Boy Scouts at one point i my life, and so I felt an immedi ate kinship with them." Budget Committee gives most of money to the more ac tive student organizations. "A club's activity is the best way to determine how much money they will re ceive," said Senate Treasurer Steven Karakasidis. Director of Student Activi ties Dawn Watkins agreed. "You've got to have a Please see Money, page 3 The WQFS managers all seemed to enjoy the event. "It was great," said Lowe. "Plus, I found out that I didn't know how to work all of the equipment yet myself, so I learned a little some thing too." The Guilfordian c/o Student Activities 5800 W. Friendly Ave. Greensboro, NC 27410 March 17, 2000 By Ben Hebner S-r/irr WRITER Campus community is a concept that evokes a feel ing of comfort and stability from some students and a sarcastic snicker from oth ers. In the past weeks, a group of concerned faculty and students have come to gether to bridge the gap be tween the two through the creation of a Campus Com pact. The present partici pants in the project include Director of Campus Minis tries Max Carter, Senate Vice-President Jenny Craigie, Philosophy Profes sor Vance Ricks, junior Ja son Carter, and Director of Student Activities Dawn Watkins. When asked what the Campus Compact is, Carter * responded with further questions. "Do we have guiding principals that we live by, and if so what are they...and what does that mean?" The Campus Compact will be a document in tended to record our con cept of certain rather vague terms such as "Quaker val ues." The goal is not to re state the school's statement of purpose or the student handbook, but to clarify the j principals on which they are based, and attempt to clearly lay out the values of the community. "There is pretty good evidence that there is some ; gap between the way that j Please see Compact page 2^ MICHELA MAXWF