Page 6 gp SUSHI \ j(|P j| || I noticed the restaurant - |*L ft f had started to quiet down. I fo- l|g : ' : y l cused on the snarled lip behind My eighteen-year-old ij| % \ Jy the bar and started to put two body has eaten Whoppers from >„ • J j and two together. Amongst whis- Burger King that have been / pers our waitress came to our thrown together with as much I table and gracefully plucked C are and order as most of us rake , IT my friend's chopsticks leaves with. Here in the / from his ice cream, U.S. we grab our food f ~*m and without a and go, most times * word not even looking at . turned the mouthfuls tolStmmp) a n d that we toss M scampered away. A young couple down our Mirugai(Giant Cktm) A at the table next to us clued us throats. Food is * n on f that sticking food and we eat it when we're •• your chopsticks in hungry, it's as simple as * % jj your food was con- that. In Japan, sushi gPf j \ Jjr sidered inappropri- 3m¥ ls considered an I \ k jmr ate, a sign of disap- fIV art form, meant % |*P v' JUmr pointment with 7 to bring out the jk f your meal. My chop-Kfjnf(CrafrJ natural beauty of \ sticks did not leave my hands as the fish, rice, and seaweed. Each V * " J I finished my sushi and suffered ro ll is made with the utmost at- : i3Mp ' Jfo J|* 4| silently, not knowing how to tell tention given to its appearance, fffr the sushi chefs that in fact my a practice which takes patience * JP* * friend and I loved the meal that and skill. In some cases a chef 'TIL / we just inhaled, that we couldn't ma y need to train for 10 years be further from disappointment, before considered a true Tekktt a^°n( slls * li tradition before re- represenl a dragon, or any other J■■ Aw&biiAbaione} culture. Some rules to remember are:: % 'rzmm wT -Never feed someone else with your chopsticks. Feeding someone parallels passing g cremated bones at a funeral; if you must pass, put the roll on a plate first and then pass. f|fe -If you are offered someone else's food, use the opposite side of the chopsticks to pick it up. -Once you have picked food up, you have devoted yourself to that portion and must eat it all in one motion. (Do not put down half-eaten rolls.) -When you are not using your chopsticks, never point them towards the sushi bar; point them away. -It is always considered rude to leave any kind of food, but it would behoove you to never ever leave rice; it is consid *|fPf I j W ered the ultimate insult to the quality of the food you have eaten. ' wmmM -Smoking is an absolute no-no. The Guilfordian Features April 5, 2002