Page 10 FORUM Greensboro. N.C. Sept. 23, 2005 Guilford swimming pool hours too brief, frustrating students Kate Talbot Staff Writer Pool hours and open-swim time at Guilford College are ridiculously limited. The only reason I've been able to visit the pool at all is because I am a member of the swim team and have to be there for prac tice. This is not an issue that is just troublesome to members of the swim team, but to other people who would like to work out. "I want to train in the pool, but it's always open while I'm in class," said junior Veronica Zych. "Having the pool open in the middle of the day is really inconvenient for everyone." Zych's sentiments echo those of many students who want to swim. Being a swimmer, the best training I can do for myself in the off-season is to swim on my own. That however, is not an option for me unless I choose to skip class and go to the pool. Monday through Friday the pool is only open to students from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., a time in which I, and like most, are in class and unable to swim. The problem is that the school is allowing an outside source to rent the pool during the rest of the day. Monday through Friday from 3:15 p.m. to 9 p.m.. Western Guilford High School occupies the pool. This is not only problematic for open swim hours, but for our swim team's practice hours as well. Throughout the entire sea son last year, we were forced to practice from 6 a.m. to 8a.m. because that was the only time we had access to the pool. The case this year is slightly differ ent. While there are still morn ing practice opportunities, we are able to share the afternoon timeslots with the other teams using our pool. Sharing the pool is not the problem; it is the fact that Guilford is not the one doing the sharing. Head Swimming Coach Steve Kaczmarek had to ask the visitors if we could have half of the pool while they are there. Our team should be the one allowing for this com promise, not the other way around. Even though we are a new team to Guilford's athletics, we should not be shoved aside in order for the school to get more money. It is because of this outside team renting the pool that open swim times during the week are so limited. One might suggest that I just practice there on the weekends, but the hours for that are inconvenient as well. The pool is open from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., a time during which almost all college kids are still sleeping on a Saturday. There is also another prob lem with the pool on Saturday. Every time there is a home football game, open swim is cancelled. Apparently both locker rooms and the pool deck are used for the visiting team. This is ridiculous not only because it takes away open swim, but also because they cannot change modestly there; half the walls are win dows. I understand that football teams are large, but if the two locker rooms we already allow them to use do not supply enough space, I just don't see the pool deck as the next logical choice to house them. There is an unused wrestling room in the gym that works as a locker room as well. At the beginning of last swim season, that is where the members of our team had to change. So that leaves Sunday. However, most students take the week end to catch up on sleep and may be gone visiting friends and family. The pool is open from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. I know that every Sunday I am more pre-occu- pied with trying to do my homework than trying to get to exercise. We pay our tuition and abundant activities and utilities fees for this school without question. It is not outrageous for us to want to be able to uti lize the school's facilities. Guilford should care more about its own student body than about pleasing a high school and visiting football teams.le Ralph Reed’S talk at Gullferd stirs up questiens ef scheel’s discernment Becca Spence Forum Editor When Ralph Reed spoke on "The Role of Faith in the Renewal of America" on Sept. 15, I was surprised to realize he is not the ignorant jerk I expected, but rather an intelligent and compassionate man. I -also realized that even intelligent and compassion ate men can be misguided. Reed said that John Adams once proclaimed the only way for our Constitution to work is to have a "vir tuous citizenry." He explained that because the Constitution limits the government's actions and provides rights to the people, political stability requires moral citizens. Moral citizens, he claimed, are directly linked to religion. What Reed spoke of here was not the role of a faith in God, but rather a lack of faith in human beings. Would religious people cheat on their spous es or kill their neighbors if they didn't believe God had prohibited these actions? I certainly hope not! Reed went on to explain what faith- based voters want, namely accommo dations such as the public display of the Ten Commandments. He defended this desire by describing the Supreme Court chambers and how the justices make their weighty deci sions under a picture of the Ten Commandments. I hope these great decision-makers don't need . the threat of God and hellfire to make good moral =^== choices, and if they do, they are not the people I want to be making these judgments. I don't understand how Reed can truly believe that human morals come solely from religion. Humans do have the capability to determine right from “We would be run ning around in loin cloths, beating each other with clubs, and taking nuts and berries away from each other.” wrong without faith in any higher power other than that of compassion for their fellow beings. As Thomas Hobbes explained, we band together because, "the life of man, solitary, [is] poor, nasty, brutish, and short." In other words, we chose to rise above our primitive nature and become civi lized. If we hadn't gotten together and decided not to kill and steal from each other, we would all be unhappy. We would be running around in ■ loin cloths, beating each other with clubs, and taking nuts and berries away from each other. Our moral code didn't derive from religion, but rather the other way around. In fact, it is when this secular moral code is ignored that religious procla mations become oppressive. To take an example from the past, look at slavery. Hobbes' social con tract theory could suggest that we should not enslave other human beings because we, ourselves do not wish to be enslaved. We, as people, have to decide that slavery is just not acceptable for anybody. The Bible, though, suggests slav ery is permissible. We had to adapt this religious belief to fit with true morals. Now think about same-sex marriage. Nobody wants to be told who they can or cannot love, so we have to adapt this religious belief to fit with a true moral value, the practice of regulating who one can love is simply not acceptable. Reed stated that liberty is "not the license to do wrong. It's the freedorti to do right." He is correct. Liberty in America means that we have the free dom to do the real right thing, whether God says it is right or not.SS