Page 4 WORLD & NATION sept. 3o.2o°i North Korea to drop puciear weapons program Tori Moffitt Staff Writer On Sept. 19, North Korea agreed to abandon its nuclear arms program. All nations involved in the talks signed the joint statement; Japan, China, Russia, U S South Korea and North Korea. It stat ed ^at North Korea would dismantle its liuclear weapons and nuplear progr^ in exchange for economic aid and security assurances. "This is the most important result since the six-party talks started more than Uvo years ago,” said Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Wu Dawei in a report from the Associated Press. Signing the agreement brought North Korea closer to international acceptance. It also opened the nation to foreign trade and will allow Kim Jong II, tlae North Korean leader, to remain in power. On Sept. 20, North Korea took a step back, insisting once again that it ivill not dismantle its nuclear weapons program until ^e U.S. provides them with a light- water nuclear reactor. "Life is too short to overreact to every statement coming out of Pyongyang. It obviously was not a helpful statement, but it was not unexpected either," said Christopher Hill, Assistant Secretary of State, in a Washington Post article. China and tire U.S. urged Nortla Korea to stick to their original pledge. Otlrer countries quickh- b acked this statement. "If North Korea fails to coc'perate no--.*.’ with these five coun tries, they may be seen as a future investment risk by governments, multi lateral development organizations, international corpcua- ticns. They may nuss important cpport'uni- ties to increase fire i;\’- ing standard of d-eir j people," said Deeira Burris, \-isTne Instructor in Business Managenitirt. of evil" drat is "arming to tiueaten the pe^*^ of the world." ' , .he 1994 During Clinton's J^^cted, U.S. - North Korea agreement was which promised North Korea t^ & water nuclear reactors for power, P ect was brought to a halt in . j U.S. officials said North Korea admi having a secret nuclear program. According to, Jjd it said, "Five nations have spoken ^ iqQfth is not in the world's interests tha Korea have a nuclear weapon. All countries involved in the ta that only after North Korea rejoins Proliferation Treaty ai-'.d accepts from the International Atomic discus.s tire light-''^*®’- dois-n Agency will drey reactor. VNhile speaking t>' United Nations, U.S. C ;ndoleezza Rice .said, "the reactor issue cvill be discussw- road - not immediate:;'." The cc.unt;;:.s wil; remna L' the talks- yerificati^ ■:S-isofver- . ICA*' _f nv'fcsbor Peijir.g tC' cu ' Washington jr. - . : fr.i'n ine procedures won i ■ We ivill never ge'-cess u 'h-'aticn," said As-otant r.' Scien.u Ken Gi.n'.oic * re Nevtarber *.a' -o -'C c.E.'jss how the U.S. a”d can confirm Nora' K enns r of it?' w'ppi'ns pregra;.’ ann ; o; its bongbvon t vse; "-U the m ;.n:v v •;>ny- • 'u. s Ci rnn- - ' ' •/I lOe r.'Vt ht . cine ’ ot ^UMVS 20 : Nv;:;- U- tireUruon.^udress oc .ailed X. Ko;ta, -ran and Iraa^ aia ' axis Chris Friende Christopher Walken to run for President in ‘08, some call it a hoax • tion The veebsite iiacludes a biog- One cannot forget that V^hethpr ,k- • , i-.ihes in Rf' ■pende . , ..oioh-Hfioc h^-,.p v-„. , vnetuer this cairmaio-n f,-.,. "I think that celebrities ■ess ■ Staff Writer Many celebrities have tried to jtside of ivhat daey Cor dae Knc gain success cut are normaih- k world c-i pc-,;t;cs. -% ; tl- cerres with then stan.s as a cc.t-rrny a*- some pec^ple w;;. ''K-t '.akt t.'cc.r political endeave is sei.m.,s.'y On tire C/triei hand s- me ce.t ri,- ties do fmd success ;n politics and that success gives daem more exposure tiaan ivhat c-nginan\' made them famous. Many times, dais is an attempt by the celebrity to save their career or make a change for what they feel passion ate about. Actor Christopher Walken, who has appeared in such films as Pulp Fiction and Deer Hunter, is one of the most recent celebrities rumored to be entering the world of politics. According to the website, Walken is run ning in the 2008 presidential elec tion. The avebsite iiacludes a biog raphy where 1 »alken stands a-n issues in America, and informa tion on the Walken 2008 cam- paiS-i- , , . Walker: recently appeared m ll-.e comedy IVeddirg Ciasheis a’-.d is cuner.r’}' hl:’i:r,g Cici. wluch ;s set to be leleased aa I'-'h sa he 1 -en staying busy if ire ru'ucis rvc‘rut I don t kiacw if it s true or not, but I wouldi'. t p.. t It r.gaiiast lum. if he is tra ir.g to boost ms career if .t isn t gv’ ng ana'avhere riglat noaa-,' .says sophomore Amy Phillips. W'alken is still finding success iia the film avorld, so an attempt to save his career seems farfetched. Walken's fame and popularity could help him gain supporte' in his campaign from his fans. "I think that if Walken can play Russian roulette in The Deer Hunter, then I think that he'll be a great President," says Part- . time Lecturer in English Tom Huey. One cannot forget that celebrities have ran for office and won, like Califcimia governor Arnold Schrvarzenegger and for mer governor of Minnesota, Jesse VerNura. Schwarzenegger aird Wr.rina V. di had passionate fee;- a'.gs ti''rr-ris pi *ica. .ssuts t'-h .ih a ,.;d '-t pan of die leas^Ts t"?t d'.t gamed votes According to ti'.c walktnl -,8 'aTKeit has strong opiitiens an d A net afraid tc- take tiiem or, ar.d -.s fig..t.r,g to lead America ,mc- a belter place. The website also claims drat Walken said drat as President, he rvill "not abandon our troops in Iraq or the Iraqi peo ple, both of whom have made great sacrifices in the name of peace and freedom." One question is whether this campaign is legitimate or not. According to worldiretdailycom^ the website is a hoax by members of the General Mayhem forums, one of the largest message boards on the internet. Whether this campaign' for doutr ^J^ere IS no doubt of the popularity that he ^ gained drrough his work in the film world. If it Lme, W'L / S‘Vid d-ance tha; ^'c._.ken fans will s'..rrc' '-s enceavor. tics can, at times, bring a •th tics can, at niues, process ine new outlos^konthei-j ns long as the celebrit} ,,-fy known for a ; cvbi rg Crj;?-!'‘ still cs 11.c r:S the IqlN,. type .c as the iW. snvs fr.y. Lmdwy' Walken has gained a large following fro*" *’‘® 00 ,vi«*