Nov. 4, 2005 FORUM Page 11 Greensboro. N.C. Mayan calendar predicts Armageddon tAegan Feil Staff Writer It's the end of the world as we know it... And I feel fine. How about you? According to Robert Frost, "Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice." What do you think? The discussion about the infa mous end of the world is back. It appeared shortly before the new millen nium and has now returned with, ironi cally, more vitality. Perhaps these predic tions are more accu rate than some may think. Recently in our world, several devas tating events have occurred. Thoughts that all of this stuff cannot be a coinci dence became promi nent in everyone's mind. First, there were terrorist attacks, then war, then a tsunami, then hurricane Katrina, what is to fol low? Some are saying this obviously means the end of the world is near. Well you know it is getting close to Dec. 21, 2012. According to the Thompson Projection, this date is, of course, "the last day ever according to the ancient Mayan calen dar" - the day where some believe the world will come to an end. The Mayans pre dicted many things on their calendars back in 755 A.D., and many scientists have trans lated these predictions to our cal endar. Their findings can be found at The Mayans marked on their calendar the total solar eclipse on July 11, 1991. This of course did happen and so did the prophecies that came along with it: cosmic awareness and earth changes. That evening, 17 different people sighted a silvery disc-shaped object hovering over Mexico City, and a once dormant volcano. Mount Popocateptl, suddenly became active. The Mayans predicted that Sept. 11, 2001, would represent change in the physical and materi al world. They said that the day the U.S. attacked Afghanistan would settle an imbalance. Their calendars showed days that empower certain energies and diminish others. They used these, along with their astronomi cal knowledge, to make predic tions far into the future. It's amazing how these events actually happened true to their calculation. It makes me think that they knew what they were talking about and something will happen on Dec. 21, 2012. The question that needs to be answered, I believe, is "What exactly is meant by the end of the world?" There are so many possi bilities for how the projected apocalypse could occur. If we go with the Mayans, sci entists are saying that day is a transition of our planetary system into a true alignment with the core of our galaxy. Because this is an anomaly, many changes will occur. Nobody seems to know exactly what though, and the end of the world seems like a possibil ity. Maybe it's God trying to tell us that we are no longer even worthy of Earth because we have destroyed so much already. Perhaps, if the previous hypothesis is true, it could be either the end of human existence, as we know it, or the beginning of a new human existence. Either way, it would be "the end of the world as we know it," just like the R.E.M. song says. I wonder if the Mayans predicted that R.E.M. would write that. Too many horrible things have gone on recently. I think it's a sign that these are happening so close to 2012. What makes this predic tion so compelling is that there is history, recently, of others of their predictions coming true. You have to give the Mayans credit for that; it's not like anybody researches the Mayan calendar for a good day to, say, crash into the Twin Towers. It can't just be a coincidence because their calendars are too precise for that. It's really eerie to think that our generation will be living right up to, and per haps after, this astonishing prophecy made thousands of years ago.§€ The angry gods of capitalism: are they destroying our world? Kyle Brebner Staff Writer Something is causing an increase in nat ural disasters. It seems that over the last several years, storms have grown more intense, causing panic, fear, and far too many deaths. So why is this happening now? Could it be that humans have brought these events upon themselves? Everyone has heard about the looming threat of global warming, and it is known that warmer water temperatures cause more hurricanes. This year's hurricane sea son is among the worst ever recorded. This year has seen an extremely destruc tive tsunami in Asia, mudslides and flood ing in Central America, melting icecaps in the poles, wildfires in the western United States, severe droughts and starvation in ATfrica, and several other catastrophes. So if global warming and environmental destruction are in fact causing more natural disasters, can anyone be blamed? The answer is a resounding "Yes!" Narrow minded, corporate, greedy, money-driven Westerners are ruining our world in more ways than one. For the sake of profit (so they can gain more material possessions for themselves), these are the people emitting harmful tox ins and greenhouses gases into the atmos phere. Unfortunately, they are fighting to maintain the current trend. The U.S. government, to protect the interests of politicians' corporate buddies. continues to reject the internationally rati fied Kyoto Protocol, which calls for a reduc tion of emissions. It is these folks who tear down trees, causing deforestation, which leads to mud slides. It is they too who are depleting the world of its natural resources, causing peo ple to starve, and interfering with disaster relief aid. These greedy western capitalists are turning our world, the most precious asset of humanity into an uninhabitable place. They must be stopped. Perhaps these natural disasters are Nature's way of warning us to change our ways. The entire world is in a state of panic and fear because of this. Unfortunately, Nature is too often going after the wrong people. It is often the poor that are most directly harmed by these natural disasters, not those rich money-hungry fools. It seems like Nature may be smarter and more malignant then we have thought. We have been pushing its buttons for too long now and it's not going to sit back and while they wreak havoc. People all over the world need to show Nature that we are on her side, and not on the side of capitalist destruction. This is not easy to do, though. It involves adapting our way of life. We need to learn how to consume less and think twice about many of the things we are so accustomed to doing. Even though people don't typically enjoy altering their ways, if we don’t, humans will not be here much longer.