Photos by Jeremy Bante/Guilfordian At the Martin Luther King, Jr., Day celebration on Monday, Jan. 15, in Dana Auditorium, audience members ENJOYED PERFORMANCES BY SEVERAL GROUPS, INCLUDING THE Neo-Black Society Gospel Choir of UNCG. Despite THE IMPRESSIVE SHOW, THE EVENT WAS POORLY ATTENDED. Features Page 3 Community Center VANDALISM. See full story ON PAGE TWO AND SECURITY CAMERA PHOTOS AT WWW.GUILFORDIAN.COM "Freedom Writers" "Freedom Writers" tells the inspir ing story of a Los Angeles high school teacher who helps her students overcome the emotional damage of gang violence through writing. Features Page 3 War on Terror The U.S. military on Jan. 7 attacked suspected affiliates of al-Qaida in Somalia, disrupting African Union peacekeeping efforts there. World & Nation Page 4 Saddam Martyred Many in the Middle East elevate Saddam Hussein to martyrdom following his execution, but out of hatred of the United States rather than respect for the former dicta tor of Iraq. World & Nation Page 4 Climate Change Global warming is increasing the possibility of 2007 being the warmest year recorded on earth. If nothing changes, each year may worsen and the planet may suf fer. World & Nation Page 5 Caste Murders Numerous dismembered bodies of members of India's "Untouch able" caste have been found, trig gering charges of discrimination and police indifference. World & Nation Page 5 Views on Tenure Academic Dean Adrienne Israel and Eleanor Branch offer differing perspectives on the tenure-review process at Guilford. Forum Page 6 Men's B-baU The men's basketball team set a school record with a ten-game winning streat and have gotten off to their best start in 30 years. Ben Strong & company reach for the heights. Sports Page 8