FORUM Dear Editor, We wish to address a Serendipity event that might not receive much consideration: the Battle of the Sexes game show. Wjiile we do not claim to know or predict every- > thing that will transpire during this event, the very idea of it is cause for alarm. This game appears to merely reinforce damaging standards of gender behavior, though it is seem ingly playful and innocuous. The very idea of a "Battle of the Sexes" is problematic in that it inherently assumes a binary sex system, pitting men against women. As recent performances on campus by the Tranny Roadshow and the Athens Boys Choir made clear, this notion of a convenient either/or approach to sex and gender leaves out a vast population of transgen der and transsexual persons, who are also members of this campus community. The idea also suggests that your biological sex is the essential deter minant of how you will act and what you will be interested in, which is the purported subject of the game. Do men not like to cook? Do women not like to play sports? While our gender identities can be mysterious from time to time, we believe there are better ways of try ing to find answers to such ponder ous questions, which can even be explored in Women's and Gender Studies classes you can take right here at Guilford College! Also, if we're taking a tongue in cheek approach to the general ways that men and women behave, then are we not also laughing at the other - more violent - ways gender mani fests itself, such as the dispropor tionate amounts of men who com mit violence and women with life threatening eating disorders? Contrary to popular belief, sexism continues to be an enor mous problem in our society, with real symptoms and real victims, and Guilford College is certainly not exempt from this. There are other ways to have fun during Serendipity weekend that do not involve playing into an oppres- .sive system, the normality of which allows it to continue and show up in seemingly harmless occasions such as this event. Danielle Perry and Andy Freedman Dear Editor: In the March 28 issue of The Guilfordian, the caption to the March 25 candlelight vigil com memorating the 4,000th U.S. mili tary death in Iraq read, "... Max Carter led a candlelight vigil in front of Founders to commemorate Iraqis killed by American troops." The paper did get the candle light vigil and location part of the event right, but not the rest of the statement! I was a participant in the vigil, but it was organized by GPeace and led very effectively by students Airlie Parham and Rebecca Sullivan. More important ly, the vigil was held to recognize the milestone of 4,000 U.S. military deaths. Certainly, it was mentioned that more than 600,000 Iraqis have died in the war; but during the silence of the 50-minute vigil, it was the names of U.S. military per sonnel known personally by vigil participants that were called out and "held in the Light." Thank you for correcting the wrong impression left by your photo caption. Max L. Carter, director Friends Center at Guilford College WWW.GUlLFORDIAN.COM Free Money? Fll take some By Ashley Gilmer Staff Writer " "Dear Taxpayer: We are pleased to inform you that the United States Congress passed and President George W. Bush signed into law the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, which provides for economic stimulus payments to be made to over 130 million American households. Under this new law, you may be entitled to a payment of up to $600 ($1,200 if filing a joint return), plus addi tional amounts for each qualify ing child." A few weeks ago, I, like millions of Americans received a notice from the government that opened with the above words. After reading the first paragraph, my interest was piqued. As I read further, I grew confident that a windfall was headed my way. All I needed to do was file my 2007 tax return, and the stimulus money would show up in my mailbox. I saw myself laughing all the way to the bank. It wasn't until paragraph seven that my newfound wealth disappeared before my very eyes. Working students do not qualify for a payment "if they can be claimed as a dependent of another taxpayer." Darn! That makes me and a lot of other Guilford students ineligible for the payment. The money we can't receive will go to eligible Americans as part of the government's effort to boost the sluggish economy. The Economic Stimulus Act is designed to stimulate the econ omy by providing incentives for small businesses, encouraging job growth, and getting cash into the hands of consumers. Consumers are expected to rein vest the cash in the economy by spending it on products such as electronics, clothing and other items. In the event you do qualify for a payment, don't let miscon ceptions stop you from enjoy ing it. Some of the misconceptions that surround the act include: the stimulus payment will reduce 2008 tax refunds, and Americans will have to pay taxes on the money received. Neither is true. Payments received will in no way affect future tax refunds, nor are they taxable. But is it too little, too late? Some economists believe that the country has already entered a recession. According to them, the stimulus payments don't come soon enough, and since they are a one shot deal will not have much impact in turning things around. They add that quarter of 2007. The Treasury Department is unsure how much the stimulus package will cost. This is sur prising and a little scary, since the country already has a huge national debt. On March 31, the depart ment reported that debt as $9,437,594,138,091.39. If that amount was equally divided amongst the population of Greensboro (237,316), everyone in the city would be a million aire to the tune of about $ 40 million each. But why count the money now? The government has invest ed huge amounts of money in things that haven't helped the average American see relief (e.g. the War in Iraq and the Bear Stearns bailout). When it decides that helping those who really need it can actually On March 31, the department reported that debt as $9,437,594,138,091.39. If that amount was equally divided amongst the population of Greensboro, everyone in the city would be a mil lionaire to the tune of about $40 million each. these payments will increase the national debt. A recession occurs when Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth is negative for two or more consecutive quarters in a year. Economists note that employment rates fall, housing prices decrease, and business growth stops or slows dramati cally during a recession. Sounds like everyday news to me. Nevertheless, the Commerce Department, which keeps track of the GDP reported small but positive growth for the last stimulate the economy, I say go for it. The checks will begin to reach mailboxes sometime in May. All that taxpayers must do is file their tax returns, and the government will automati cally review them to deter mine eligibility. As I mentioned before, dependent students are not able to benefit directly, but keep in mind that your parents will likely have some extra mad money (so give mom a call). Happy spending! (If you are eligible.) Don*t mi// Oul! There’s Still Time to Register for Summer! Summer Session is the perfect time to take that class you really want to be able to concentrate on, get ahead, improve your GPA, or try something completely different.This sum mer, Guilford is offering more classes than ever before, includ ing many new classes and scheduling options... check it out today... and register online! Stephen Zunes ^^Nonviolent Action, U.S. Foreign Policy, and the Struggle for Democracy in the Middle East and Beyond” Thursday, April 10, 7:30-9:00 PM @ New Garden Friends Meeting Sponsored by Guilford College Department of Peace & Conflict Studies, Office of Campus Ministries, and Friends Center