Over 400,000 people gathered In New York City on Sunday, Sept 21, for the People’s Climate March.The march made history in becoming known as the largest climate event in history thus far. Fifty-five Guilford College students participated, protesting climate change and its negative impact on people around the world. BY NICOLE ZELNiKER & ABE KENMORE Staff Writer and World & Nation Editor Imagine the entire population of Greensboro coming together and spilling out into the streets of North Carolina. They hold up signs, cheer together, and help each other in achieving one goal: getting climate change under control. This is what New York City looked like on Sept. 21 during the largest climate event in history. "Politicians aren't going to change anything, so they have to see that the people actually want to see something done," said first-year Eliza Stevenson. A group of Guilford students joined in the People's Climate March, enduring long bus rides, questionable hygiene, and the New Y^ork City subway system to get there. "It was a lot of work for several weeks," said junior and organizer Ben Evans. "Making it a reality was really hard ... but we had a really awesome team of determined individuals who wanted to make this happen and see Guilford be represented at something so big. See climate MARCH | Page 2 i'iTi'i CHECK ONLINE FOR: Exclusive stories, videos, SoundSiides, polls & staff bios AND MORE! Campus exhibit explores Pdlesfinian stories Todd Drake’s exhibition Double Vision: Perspectives of Palestine opened with a presentation from the photographer about the collection.