1772 Motto—“Sail on, Salem” Volume II. Winstou-Salein, N. C., March 18, 1J)22. No. 14 SENIOR IVY TREE PLAISTING FEATURE OF THE SEASON; AN INSPIRING OCCASION Hosts of Students Hear Messages of Miss Lehman, Dr. Rond- thaler and Seniors. On Wednesday morning, March 15, 1922, each member cf the Class of ’22 appeared in chapel wearing a minia ture class pennant with an ivy leaf on her left shoulder. There was much speculation as to the meaning of this among the Freshmen, but the old stu dent knew that the yearly ceremony of ,ivy-and-tree-planting by the Sen iors was at hand. Miss Gillespie an nounced it for six o’clock Thursday, March 16, 1922, and invited the Fa culty and student body to be present. It was an enthusiastic and expectant group of spectors v.-lio awaited the Seniors in front c.f Main Building. The line, accompanied by the mascot. Mas ter Agnew Bahnson, and the Mar shals, appeared marching from the North Door through the square and to the Sisters’ House as the Seniors sang their Marching Song. As the line stopped before the Sis ters’ House a door opened and there appeared a perfect picture of old Salem, a member of the Class of ’22 dressed in the gown af a girl of 1772. After a very pretty speech she presen ted the Senior Class President with the ivy to be planted and introduced Miss Lehman to the company. This dear lover of Salem as a voice from the past gave a most inspiring talk in which she told the Seniors of the charge that is soon to fall upon them as graduates of Salem. * Led by the class President and the “girl of ’72” the Seniors then proced ed to the new building at the comer of which the ivey was planted. Dr. Rondthaler, as representing the col lege, was summoned to take under his charge the young plant. In his usi/Ul enthusiastic way, he addressed the Seniors and expressed his joy that they were putting the first ivy on the first building of the “greater Salem.” After this the Seniors again sang their marching song as they led the spectors to the back campus near the gymnasium where the living memorial of a tree, “which only God can make,” was planted. As their song about the “Green, young Freshmen, the bold, bad Sophomores, the love-sick Juniors, and the stately Seniors” was sung, each Senior in turn threw a shovelful of dirt in on the roots of the young tree. Again Dr. Rondthaler was called to take the plant under his charge. He expressed his great pleasure that the Seniors had chosen this spot, practi cally the central axis of the “greater Salem,” for this memorial of their life here. After other appropriate re marks, Dr. Rondthaler retired and the Seniors sang in conclusion the follow ing song of original words and music: As the springtime now is here With one accord our thoughts are turned, To the campus we love so dear And the days for which we yearned For the last time in our college year. Days may come and days may go, But ever in our hearts will glow, The memory of his day. CHORUS Oh, come and sing with us otlay As we come to plant our tree. For soon we’ll begin to stray O’er paths that leads us far away. Though our tree is very young, Yet were all the others so, As we plant it tc-day with love Every Seniors heart will say May you grow and grow and grow Till your branches spread abroad To call us back with one accord, To the place we hold so dear. ORCHESTRA CONCERT One of the most delightful musica! events of the year was the annual con cert of the Salem College orchestra, which was given in Memorial Hall on Monday night, under the skillful direction of Miss Susan A. Webb, a special feature of the evening, was the appearence of Miss Mildred Dil- ling, harp soloist.. From the opening selection by the orchestra, to the sing ing of the Salem College song, every number on the pro'gram was well and enthusiastically received. The careful training and musical directorship of Miss Webb fere displayed in the play ing of each member of the orchestra. The skillful rendering of many compo sitions which have proved difficult to even professional orchestras brooight forth sincere praise from the large audience. Through the efforts of Miss Webb, Mildred Dilling, the leading harpisf of America, appeared as the soloist of the evening. Miss Dilling completely won her audience, not only with her won derful mastery of the oldest of instru ments, but with her personal charm. She was inthusiastically recalled after each group, and was very gracious with her encores which were some of the things she had played for the Am erican soldiers in France. The relat ing of incidents relative to the com- (Continued on page four) GRADUATING RECITAL MISS ANNIE THOMAS ARCHBELL GIVES GRADUATING RECITAL ON PIANO The graduating piano recital of Mis« Annie Thomas Archbell was given in Memorial Hall on Tuesday evening March fourteenth. She was assisted by Mr. William Wright, violinist, with his accompanist Miss Adelaide Wright, of this city, and by Dean Shirley at the organ. Miss Archbell, who was especially lovely in a velvet gown of turquoise blue, carrying as a contrasting note an armful of pink Russel roses, seem ed to be at perfect ease as she ap peared before the exceptionally en thusiastic audience. Her program throughout, displayed real skill and splendid technique. Mr. Wright too, reflected a great amount of absolute talent in the ren dition of each number of his carefully selected program. The ushers. Misses Mary Shepard Parker, Isabel Spear, Ruth Crowell, and Alice Rulfs, distributed programs which read as follows: Sibelius Sarabande and Double-from Ballet Op. 53 Moszkowski Miss Archbell Romance in F Beethoven Largo Handel Mr. Wright Passepied Delibes Romance Shadow Dance MacDowell Miss Archbell I Viennese Popular Song (The Old Re train) Kreislef Chanson Iriste Tschaikowsky Serenata Moszkowski Mr. Wright Concerto in D minor (First Movement) Mozart Miss Archbell and Mr. Shirley After the recital Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Crisp of Church street were at home at an informal, but a very de lightful reception to Miss Archbell and the following: Mrs. M. T. Archbell and Miss Nellie Mayo, of Washington, N. C., Miss Ellen Yerrington, Doctor Howard E. Rondthaler, Dean Shirley, Misses Adelaide Wright, Ma^ Shep ard Parker, Isabel Spear, Ruth Cro well, Alice Rulfs, Elizabeth Gillespie, Messers William Wright, Bates Allen and Bill Pfohl. My mother often tells of times. When it was daily her delight— Unless it rained—to roam the woods, To try and find a prince or knight. The girls in books she read did that. Twas wonderful the luck they had. Poor mother wore out lots of shoes. But all she ever found was dad! THE FORUM CLASS The Forum class of Salem College held its second open meeting in the Library from five until six o’clock on Thursday afternoon, March 9. The program was not limited to the treat ment of one topic, but was quite vari ed. Esteile McCanless acted as chair man and introduced the speakers. Nina Sue Gill was the first speaker and presented two articles which have appeared in recent issues of “The Cen tury,’ entitled “Do Women Dress to Please Men?” and “Legs.” The first article is a lively debate between Alex ander Black and Charlotte Perkins Gilman. These two are friendly rivals who persist in taking opposite points of view on the subject. Mrs. Gilman answers “Yes” emphatically, saying that women do dress for ornamen tation with the viltimate aim of gain ing men’s approbation. Mr. Black re plies with a firm “No,” stating in de fence that women dress to please other women and that dressing is satisfying in itself to women. “Legs” is an in formal and humorous discourse on tho universal use of the word “legs" since it has largely superceded the now nearly obsolete word “limbs.” Rosa James reviewed, “The Montli in Wo’rld Affairs,” giving a general survey of existent conditions in the leading nations of the world, and like wise the accomplishments of the Dis armament Conference. “Trailing Robin Hoods of Medicine” by Glenn Frank, which appeared in “The Century,” was discussed by Miss Josephine Shaflner. In this article the doctors are compared to Robin Hood of old who took money from the rich to give to the poor. Mr. Frank treats this topic exhaustively, and sets forth a plan for the improvement of the situation in a proposed national health service. Ruby Sapp talked on “The News papers,” and traced the historical background of the newspapers. She discussed the tendency of the papers to publish the purely sensational item.s with little reference to fitness for pub lication as is exemplified in the Ar- buckle case in which many sordid de tails were printed. The last number on the program was a discussion of the “Boll-Wevil Era,” by Elizabeth Griffen. This arti cle is one which appeared in a recent issue of “The Atlantic Monthly,” bj E. T. H. Shaffer. It is a comprehen sive discussion of economic condition:; in the south which have been so vital ly affected by tiiis little insect. The writer sees an era of prosperity com ing close on the heels of the ravaging Boll-Wevil, due to tho abolition of the one-crop system, which has been tho stumbling block in the way of the (Continued on Page Four)