i CiLKE CLUB i OPERETTA 1 Motto: “SAIL ON, SALEM” F' O- XDAV ^ SENIORS AND PIERRETTE PLAYERS GIVE COMEDY Actors Interpret farts in Pleasing Manner: Pres entation Takes Place April 28 in Memorial Hall. Winston-Salem, X. C., May 2, 1925. Installation of the New Council Members Dr. Rondthaler, Mrs. Rondtlialer and Miss Stipe Speak to Students. The dialogue of the comedy is aotfng was excellent. Each actor Frances Young in t scious of the audience. Her acting amusing; site Tiss'irno fine point of Carol Boyd, as Mr. Baxter, was Lois^'cro’well took the part the role an emotional fervor which The most difficult part, that of mirably lived up to the prce Ray Heffner inslow McSuei James Kyser Frank Gough .gest play w, : of the L( ;he Robeson e ScufBetown MR. RODEHEAVER AND OTHERS OF SUNDAY PARTY AT CHAPEL Mr. Hodeheaver Delif'hts Students and Other Hearers with Songs and Selections On Trombone. . . April 29, at the ‘ Expanded Chapel Service, Salem ; College was fortunate in having^ as Carolina Playmakers Present Three Plays to the newlv-elected class represen tatives. Miss Reid then spoke to cure his cold. The man replied that lie didn't have the fortv-five cents, and the little boy said, “Atomizer!’’ were singing the beautiful re ligious song, Jesus Uemevihers u hen the World Forgets. Mr. Rodeheaver Pupils’ Recital By Younger Children r Class Hunts ' Wild Flowers ’ nts taking Biology 3-t, a class taught by Dr. P. O. t, took an interesting hike -Ind Hh Atonement, and What H, Means to the World, in education Dr. Poole told about a visit tc Carolina may be used as specimens ,,e replied, “Nbthing but Calvary for the Herbarium books, so Dean „orld problems.” To the Shirley conducted the class to a spot .vhy?". Dr. Dicer said. Council Gives Dinner For New Membei ‘ ago, bu"t‘^tlmt h’e'^ was Tl^o gUd’^tlmt = he was not here one hundred and sang this very beautifully. young ladies of the South who are interested in mu.sic to give some The Land of Nod lola Koontz ... Our Bovs and Girls .. .The Merry Shepherd ■ Wright Cherry Virginia Allen a Margaret Page Chai