M GHRISIiS rtAPpy NEW !EAII WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., DECEMBER 12, 1925. Mathemalics Club Holds First Regular Meeting Miss Day Speaks of Early History of Mathematics: Large Number Present The Mathematics Club held its first meeting Wednesday, December the ninth, in the liv ing room of Alice Clevvell build ing. Miss Mary S. Day, head of the Department of Mathematics, gave a talk, and then the meet ing was turned over to the program committee, who had planned a Christmas party. The room was decorated w red and green—red candles, red cloth on the punch table, and red-covered lights. Ivy leaves were placed in the windows and below the mirrors at the front of the room was a gaily decorated Chiistmas tree, hung with presents. The first game was pinning the tail on the reindeer, which was drawn in white on a red background. The ludicrous re sults caused much merriment. Louise Forrest won the prize. NUMBER XIV Bishop Rondthaler Speaks At Second Advent Service The Tenth Grade, Uundei’ The Direction Of Miss Duncan, Sings Christmas Carol, “Bethlehem Land". The second Advent service of he year was held W’ednesday ncrning, December the ninth, at leven o’clock. The service was 'ery fittingly opened by a song, 'Bethlehem Land”, rendered by the tenth grade. Bishop Rondthaler then made very inspiring talk, making e students realize Christianity has accomplished omanhood. He pictured very vividly going to the stable manger, knocking gently, and seeing Joseph pointing the way to the manger bed in a quiet Mary, looking tenderly and so lovingly, is smoothing those little hands, this thoughtful and gifted woman could not conceive of what those hands would do for mothers. \^'oman’s sorrows had spread At the same time part of the all over the ancient world. She guests were playing “Feathers”. | was a slave, a plaything for amusing obstacle race I to be tossed about as a child was held, and Margaret Vaughn and Jessie Davis were the win ners. Dr. Rondthaler was time keeper. A game of “questions and answers” was found to tell very appropriate truths ■ times. Margaret Hauser then told f Dickens’ Christmas Carol very efliectively. The presents w( tributed; each one ha attached, and the girl receiving- the present had to rise and read her verse. Punch and Christmas cake were served. Miss Day’s speech w: lows: “In tracing the history of the beginning of Mathematics we prefer to define this history as a relation of incidents which probably happened even before (Continued on Page Three) Luncheon For Members Of Special Departments Representatives of City Schooh Meet with Members of College Faculty. Monday, December thf seventh, the members of the special departments of Salem College and the city schools were entertained at a luncheon at Salem. Those representing the city schools were Mr. Breach, supervisor of music. Miss Maude Bruce Wallace of the Music Department, Mr. Hathaw: head of Physical Education and playgrounds, and Miss Leiger, supervisor of Art. Di-. Rond thaler, Mr. Heath, Miss Left- wich. Miss Briggs, Dean Shirley, and Miss Forman represented Salem College. After luncheon conferences were held by members of the various departments in refer ence to the extension work in special courses offered by Salem College in co-operation with the city schools. The discussions were very interesting and help ful. New extension courses are being planned for next year. throws away a toy. This was the case even favored lands. A man with angry look may be seen with his wife standing beside him. She holds a paper in her hand read ing-,-"I’m tired of yoti. Bt gonf!, Do not let me see your face again”. The man thinks, is now gone and I am free to marry some one else.” Because of the hardness of men under the Ishmaelitish law, this case was true, but just so it is in some lands today. The Bishcp then spoke of his journeys on foot in his young days, and said he was always interested to see what woman’s vas. He said that he had many sad things, but spoke particularly of seeing a baby in I field while the mother, with ;pade and pick-axe did double duty. Woman may be seen do ing the work of men. A woman valks along carrying a heavy ntsket, v/ith her husband at her ii’e smoking his pipe. Though ii-ian will not listen to what she has to say in regard to toil and labor, Christ will listen. From this, she may derive a great deal of comfort. Farther east the sky is darker ill, as shown by the example of lhe young bride. Her father sold her for about one hundred ,nd twenty dollars, snd las been set to woi nissionary’s kitchen, until she may gain back the one hundred ;)nd twenty dollars for 1 husband. Looking at what may be s« through a missionai-ie’s eyes India, there sits a w'dow in dreary corner of a hall darkened room with nothing to interest her. She is very young, but neglect has brought loneliness and sorrow upon ht;r. In a multitude of orie?ital and heathen homes the cry of young girls comes, “Oh, there is no ce foi’ us, no hope for us. learn nothing; we know nothing; we are nothing.” In the Mohammedan world, it a question whether woman has soul. She must be saved through her husband. young girl just married comes into a green home. It some better in University towns, but they are only a very small part of the Chinese life. A young bride is very strange and lone- ir no one is a greater stranger than her husband. She comes into a clan house, where number of families live to gether in jealousy. She : ued on Page Thre. The Y. w7c!TS^r An Amusing Burlesque A burlesque on the faculty is presented by the Y. W. C. last Tuesday evening, Dec ember the eighth, at six-thirty the recreation room. The scene was cleverly intro duced by Rosa Caldwell, writing letter to an old friend, sup posedly after graduation, and mentioning the names of the 'acuity members as they ap peared up V Education Class Gives | Senior Class Has Ivy And Scenes From History Tree Planting Ceremony Interprets Schools from Early! History of Germany, Eng land and America. Last Tuesday morning, Dec ember the eighth, the class Education 3-4 presented thi interesting and delightful little scenes depicting schools ei the history of education. ■eral years it has been custo- ry for the class in history of education to do this in some way, hut this year the scenes were 'Specially interesting. The first was a German school, with Lardner McCarty mastei', Ruth Pfohl, Elizabeth Transou, Elizabeth Hobgood, Agnes Bell, Laura Thomas and Louise Culler as pupils. This scene was largely a demonstr tion in discipline, such as mak ing refractory pupils sit donkey, wear the dunce cap and take whippings. The cate chism was taught and Miss Mc Carty admirably demonstrated the sterotyped, conventional mode of teaching prevalent such classes. The next scene showed the dame school, Dorothy Siewers teacher, and Pat Brawley, May Hairston, Elizabeth Hast ings and Lucille Carroll were the pupils. These schools were for very young children, and were ... Ijj' jj woman of sligkt learn-, ing, to gain the few pennies of tuition required. The catechism, /ery simple spelling and some •eading, as well as the lower multiplication table foi-med the entire curriculum. In the middle of the spelling lesson, Mignon Fordham, as the village preacher, came in to announce that there would be a holiday account of a church festival, and all the pupils trooped out rejoicing. 'he last scene was elaborately 'ked out ■ from original the stage. The make-1 sources; it represented an early cases really ex- school in the community of Senior Ivy and Tree Planting took place in front of Society Hall Tuesday morning, Dec ember the eighth. The Seniors and marshalls came in, singing “Honored in Song and Story,” and grouped themselves in a semi-circle around the ivy. Helen Griffin, class president, made a brief and effective speech, liken- ■ ig the ivy to the aims and ideals of the class, and then while a song to the ivy was being sung, she and the other officers planted it by the wall of Alice Clewell Building. Dr. Rond thaler then spoke a few words and the class marched on down the campus to the place where the tree was to be planted. Bishop Rondthaler made a short talk, speaking of the beauty of the tree and using it as a symbol for the class of 1926. He ended by saying of both, “Vivat. Crescat. Floriat.” The Seniors joined hands and marched around the tree, singing, while the tree was planted, after which everyone joined in sing ing Alma Mater. In addition to “Honored in Song and Story’,, and the Alma Mater, the following songs were used. The words and music of first were written by Adelaide Wright, and the words to the second. IVY SONG Twenty-six begins the year Carrying out traditions dear. As the ivy clinging fast. This, the spirit of our class. Staunch fidelity so true, Salem, that we owe to you. This, the symbol of our aim. Ever climbing to some fame Through the paths of life we part, will keep within our heart Staunch fidelity so true Salem, that we owe to you. A Dance Given By Academy Juniors The tenth grade of the academy gave a dance on Sat- -day night, December 5, in the recration room of the Alice Clewell building. All' college and academy girls were invited, the admission fee being thirty- cents. A lively orchestra fui-nished music for the dancing, r.nd refreshing drinks w’ere sold in the course of the evening. . Other interesting features were I Miss Chase, Marion Neely; Miss solo dances by Dorothy Rose-1 Desha, Lillyan Newell; and Miss mond and Virginia Perkinson. i Leftwich, Rachel Davis. cellent, so that the girl actually resembled the particular person she represented. The dialogue was witty and characteristic and the girls all showed that they had studied their models with an intent to become familiar with gesture and mannerism. Th& first person summoned was Dr. Rondthaler, played by Dorothy Frazier, who gave monitory address full of long fords and oratory. Miss Forman (Lucile Strickland) and Miss Briggs (Mary Buckner) appeai’ed together, as did also Mr. Campbell (Leonora Wilder) and Miss Osborne (Virginia Blakely) and Mr. Edwin Heath was ably represented by his daughter Barbara who had cleverly caught the parental characteristics. The remaining faculty members were repre sented by the following girls: Miss Day, Zora Foy; Dr. Floyd, Fanny Person Rudge; Mr. Hig gins, Lardner McCarty; Miss Stipe, Connie Fowler; Dean Shirley, Mary Alta Robbins; Miss Smith, Pat Brawley; Miss Blair, Mary Duncan BlacAnally Miss Macmillan, Charlotte Sells; Salem. Isabel Wenhold teacher. Jenny Wolf, Ruth Piatt, Ruth Perkins, Virginia Stain- back, Margaret Peery and Ava Grey Newborn were the pupils. The lesson was begun with the reading of the day’s text. Some of the children were taught writing—from a copy—s spelling and some drawing. All of the dialogue written by members of the i. The costumes, stage set ting and lesson plans were •iginal also, although the stu dents drew upon information ac quired in the study of historj' of Education and there was some evidence of extra research Railroad Representatives Take Orders For Tickets Last Monday, December the seventh, the representatives of the railroads were at Salem College to take orders for tickets. They will be here again next Monday and every girl who ordered a ticket is requested to purchase it at this time. TREE SONG This tree we leave to keep our memory freshened In the heart of Salem we adore Its leaves entwine our love and deep devotion Twenty-six loves evermore. Economics Class Visits The Cigarette Factory The Economics class visited the R. J. Reynolds cigarette factory, for the pui-pose of studying concentration in in dustry, and the highly developed efficiency of modem machinery. They found some very interest ing facts: for instance, there ne machine which does the amount of work formerly done by thirty-five people. The class was conducted through the factory from the first depart ment to the last. The Sociology class also has been doing practical observation They visited the day nursery and the juvenile relief department at Ardmore, for the pui-pose of studying the con ditions causing and resulting from extreme poverty, tempo rary methods of relief, and pre vention.

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