Saturday, February 25, 1928. THE SALEMITE Page Three ANCHOR STORE ‘‘Winston-Salem’s Shopping Center” THE STORE PREFERRED BY ALL SALEM GIRLS SALEM PHARMACY PHONE 4398 MODERN Cleaners—Hatters—T ailors 420 North Cherry St.—Next to Robert E. Lee Hotel Full Fashioned Twin-City Brand SILK HOSE 1.45 SPRING IS HERE! New Dresses, Coats, Suits, Hats, Shoes and Ac cessories in unusual smart assortment. Correct ly adaptable to the College Miss — Visit this store and see what is new. “ALn'AYS FIRST WITH THE BEST” ROSENBLOOM LEVY CO. 4;i0-.‘i2 TRADE STREET WASHINGTON’S JOURNEY PICTliREl) IN Y. P. (Continued From Page One.) the president. On the last day of May the presidential party set o for Salam. Dr. Rondthaler gave vivid description of the welcome that Washington received upon his rival at Salem. The Moravian Church band, and practically e person in the small town wen the Inn to greet liim. The band played “God Save Great Washing ton” as he drove up in front of the inn. Washington was greatly pressed with tlie Moravian village^ and took much interest in visiting tile Moravian church, the Sisters’ House, the Single Men’s Home, and the work shops. Dr. Rondthaler had in his possession the original copy of the welcome of the peopli of Salem, and Washington’s reply to them. After spending the night in Salem, Washington left early the next morning for Guilford, and from there he continued his journey back to Washington. Dr. Rondthaier s address was one of the most interesting that has been delivered at Salem, and it is to be hoped that he will see fit to cont it in detail at an early date. Something About Volleyball and Soccer In about three weeks the final vol- ;yball games are to be played. Of aurse each class will participate and will be represented by a team; but how good a team ? Don’t for- that, no matter how valuable or erienced a player you are, you I’t be given an opportunity to display your technique on the field unless you have been out for the ((uired two-thirds percent of the actices. It is not too late, even if iU have not yet practiced any, so sure to go out sometime between and 5:30 o’clock on Tuesday aft- Your class needs you and Productive Scholarship New York, N. Y. (By New Student Service)—Two months aft er the publication of his second novel, “The Bridge of San Luis Rey,” Thornton Wilder’s book has become a collector’s item, and is be ing held at a premium. 'The idea for the novel. Wilder told a reporter for The Daily Princetonian, “came to me while I was studying for an M. A. in French at the Princeton Graduate School. It was in a course conducted by that admirable man Professor Louis Cons that I received the suggestion for the first sketch in the book.” Although Wilder believes the lit erary trend toward emotionalism is “admirable,” be thinks “there is one fad that people are affecting which seems to me to be harmful—collect ing first editions. This is hardly a way to express one’s admiration for books, but rather a minor indication of an age that is losing the essential approach to them. It reminds me of the type of interest they had in old Alexandria, the city that was a library, where books ceased to be a vehicle of conviction, a comment on experience, or the expression of an attitude toward living.” alty, s the g to e 5 yo did during 1 season. Remember that a gen ii volleyball practice, for fresh- n. sophomores, juniors and sen- held every Tuesday and V Thursday aftern 1. Neither lab interfere with the period There are more WALK-OVER SHOES sold than any other trade-marked shoe in the world. This distribution covers 1 02 countries Walk-Over Shoe Store Where Shoes are Fitted to the Feet 425 N. Trade St. Winston-Salem, N. C. SALEM GIRLS ALWAYS WELCOME MAKE THIS YOUR SHRINE CASSELL DRUG COMPANY MONTALDO’S FOURTH AT CHERRY CORRECT APPAREL IN ALL TYPES OF COSTUMES FOR THE SCHOOL GIRL PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS By the time the last volleyball game of the year has been won, the soccer teams should have attained no sligiit degree of skill, since the allotted time for the two sports over laps, and soccer coaching has been under way for several days. Tliis is the first year in the ath letic records of Salem that a com plete soccer season has been plan ned. Therefore it is especially im perative that each class shall raise its quota for a team, so that this new sport may be successfully estab lished. The preliminary practices werci begun on Wc.dnesday, Febru ary 22, and will be held during the ensuing two weeks, for all classes, on Wednt'sday and Friday afternoons from 3:30 till 4:30. For the month following, concentrated individual class practices have been scheduled, four each week (on Tuesdays, W'ed- nesdays, Thursday, and Fridays). Specific periods for freshmen, soph omores, juniors and seniors will be announced and posted later. It should not be considered an attempt at mercenary inducement to mention that the soccer season will be termi nated with a banquet, just before Easter. Needless to say — nevertheless perhaps repetition will serve as em phasis—it is desirable for all the girls who are not actually disabled or anemic to take part in volleyball and soccer. If you are ignorant of the rules of the games, know that a long-suffering btit dauntless coach is both ready and willing to teach you. It should embarrass the upper-class- men to learn that a larger percent of freshmen than of sophomores, juniors or seniors, are manifesting interesting in the post-Christmas athletic activities. It should ambar- rass them and arouse them to action, “I adore you, kid.” “You talking to me or to gloves.^” —Illinois Sire Students And Religion Columbus, Ohio (By New Stud- nt Service)—Ohio ministers in con- ention at Ohio State University v'ere somewhat disconcerted when iniversitly students whom they had COLLEGE GIRL SUITS Prices . . $19.85 to . . $79.85 D. G. Craven Co. invited to present undergraduate views on religious leadership, be came truly critical. Ministers, the students said, pose as final authori ties and never admit they do not know, fail to discuss frankly, sin cerely, willingly and intelligently the most vital problems of life, and talk at, rather than with, their fol lowers. At first the ministers rose in protest and wanted to give bat tle. After a jlively meeting the clerics agreed to wait until all the stvident criticisms were in before making their defense. 1 thinking Helene—“What are about Gerty—“Nothing.” Helene—^“Don’t be so self-cen- A. & P. Store ALWAYS READY TO MEET THE NEEDS OF Salem College Girls Just around corner O’Hanlon’s Toilet Cream FOR CHAPPED HANDS AND FACE AND ALL ROUGH NESS OF THE SKIN A WONDERFUL SKIN SOFTENER price 30c O’Hanlon’s Drug Store phone 107 OR 174 We have just received an attractive line of SILK and WOOL ENSEMBLES Pricad from $ 19.50 to $49.50 HARRISON’S, Inc. “Style without Extravagance” 215 W. Fourth Street