WELCOME mtt? EVERYBODY WINSTON SALEM, N. C., WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 12, 1928. Mrs, Rondthaler Writes of Improvements and Changes. Many Interesting Changes Are Noted, Both On the Campus and Aviong Faculty T. llv and his men hammering there all day long. They have also built I ...ervice road leading to the site of , the new Home Economics Prae- House. Ground will be soon :n for this mysterious gift build- le of the special efforts of the ner has been the making of a new M^y Day stage beside the brook in the ravine. The old rockery has disappeared and the stage enlarged, levelled, rolled, and seeded, a much Hopkins-Hall Marriage Beautiful Ceremony The moonlight is making shaio' in the Salem campus tonight, and seme of you this will bring vivid a bsautifui pictures. Many of you thought”that the 1927 lily pond was especially lovely. And the 1928 flag pole, tall and straight, looked ma jestic against the pecan trees. in August down in the meadow quiet little brook became a fv'^cver aid the ^athleti dry and awaiting Miss ^ lenge any of you, old or new girls, to find a ecrner of Salem that is not shining clean. Society Hall is iant whh new wall papers, and i By the way, you will all be ii Quite a number of new faces will .reet you amongst^ Uie faculty, ^m- Imr^Mrs.’^ErL^'^Seofield have ar rive.! and will occupy a home in Ard- mrre on Westover Drive. Mr. Sco field is not only a singer of note but a cellitt, and we are all looking for- M'ss- He!in I of Mr. O. C. ,” of the mar.iage of Miss Helen Hall Mr, O. C. s wUl be especially interested to ■w that Mrs. Hopkins expects to The First Baptist Church of De- was the scene of a beautifi’ /eddinff at 11 o’clock Saturds ■ 8, when, with Miss Hrlen Wright b ide of Mr. Omar Carl Hopkins. simplicity and dign ,Vright Hall became Dr. A. J church, per the prescnc of frienclij ai:d relatives ;s of the bride Freshman Week Program r.lchorate Plans Are Made To Death Claims Dean Shirley Beloved Salem. Teacher Dies In Northern Hospital. in Memorial Hall—6:45 p. m. ■SErSHirj’la by Junior Advisors. Afternoon Y. W. Lawn Party. place on the piano faculty. Pr :ibiv manv of vou did not know t Miss Cox is now Mrs. R. J. Bowen ^ spring you all heard Miss Shaffner play her harp. It plants, a large vase filled w Ea^.ter lilies and white dahl ground of soft green. On side the lovely seven-branch elabras, with t.ll, white, lighted 2. 2-4 p. upperclassnx: •■!. t p. m. Walk for Big S V that the Y. W. C. A. drop in there often for £ of the Y. W. this hall will no when vou meet i>iiiyan i f Florida, president of Sto rnmcnt, you will realize what a. The Salemite and Sights and In- doings of us all. The Gym is putting on some new li' thf "iifr^aVy, Miss Li ■ews will be in charge. Miss Ci ‘eral yeats ago and we welcome her will be there too with her merry New. York City, this and will be in the city partmentrMiss- Alice Collins, of Mississippi and Miss Anna Pauline S’Mffner of'Winstrn Salem into the language department; Miss E n. til Lilly of Reynolda into English, Miss Katherine Emmarth of Vv’ins- !!;er;!'. ail'd' Miss Mni'y Duncan Mac- \nnally of High Point, into Heme ^^‘"wrrre^all happy to know that we I.ewis Johnson rendered a program of nuptial music, assisted by Mrs. B. R. Beck, who sang “All For You” and “I Love You Truly.” played” “Mv Heart‘at Thv Sweet Voice, from' “Samson and Delilah.” Monday.. , and the bride’s only at- Dean of Women. She will, with Miss Stipe, be constantly available Welcome-New and Old Prc.Ment Study Bod,, Asks For Best Co-Operation in 1928-^" Sophomore Week Plans Old yo" get that the name of our school and’ what it means to others is merely the r with the full realization of our ponsibilities to those associa ter^'becLs^o^f Tur life within LILLYAN NEWELL, t of Student Bo death of Dean Emeritus H. A. Shirlev of the School of Music at Salem College. Dean Shirlev came to Salem College to take charge of friend and carried away as one of the distinct .gains of academic life at Salem College the in fluenee of his life. During the thirty-two years of Dean Shirley’s connection with Sa- The above plans fthe Freshmen. Up- Class ’31 to discipline Freshmen -The time has,come for all good and worthy Sophs to reap venge ance ! All last year, when they were mere Freshmen, these bold, bad Sophomores longed for the day to come when they could “do unto That much-desired day is not far distant, because on Friday, Septem- The bride, who was given in mar- Llage by her father, Mr. J. A. Hall was lovely in a gown of beige geor- ictte over tan satin, made with a Ir ng straight waist and softly ruf- \1 krt, 1 ^euch of jade adding a ,,-quant touch to the costume She The bride’s mother, Mrs. J. A. Hall, wor; a charming costume of , b oc ded chiffon over peach '■•■it n with a corsage of sweetheart •oses and hlies of tlie valley. The ushers were Mr. Warner B. Hall, brother of the groom, and Mr. C. Lewis Tinslev, of Atlanta. .Mr. K'rk T. Holley, of GrifHn, Ga., acted t-'p to the mountains of North Carolina and Ten ■er^o’f’>fr”'lnd"Mrs. J. A. Hall, of usually attractive , cung woman. Sh^ ■ f Decatur High sc 3eott college, takin, a‘e course in Colu For several years s: Salem college, at North Carolina. Mr. Hopkins is tlie son of :,.rd Mrs. J- E. Hopkins, Cres Okla., and is a graduate of the Okla- with the U. S. Public Health Ser A Welcome Most Sincere rls are al- t that can May this tlie influence of the beloved Dean who passed away Saturday has left its impress on more than one gener ation of women in the South. Salem alumnae have had many occasions in recent years to rejoice at the suc cess and progress achieved by their Alma Mater. The death of College. That wL his one absorb- St.*'' iL'n'amrduri’ng the successive years of his connection with Salem Col- lege^too indelibly^upon the develop^ in tlie South to require reiteration now. The personality of the man not hemmed in away from his ws by his devotion to'music. He manv friends in Winston-Salem He traveled widely and read extensively. A man of simple tastes, he scorned ostentation and display. It was his hi-l all of you workmg and )1 .mg tcgether in a sane and trienaly .spirit. el t 1 sliips. Raphael was painting 1 sn'all c.anvas cne day when Michael n^clo e me upon him. After look- o- ,.,t Raphael’s work and as he I b ut to leave, Michael Angelo h.-'cw the (w New Members In College Faculty weeks "and write below “amplius”— that you may widen your field of sei viee and bring ^to your tasl —LULA MAY STIPE, Dean of Wome of mathematics department. Miss Laura Crews, nurse. to Mis^s Stipe, Dean of Women. Miss Katherine Emmart, assist- Miss Elizabeth Lilly, ii "tS'Anna Paulin: SI str^j^rtkri Miss Viola Tuck.