SENIOR DINNER FEBRUARY WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929. Students From South Africa Visit America The National Student Federation of America has had the privilege during the month of January of showing some of the outstanding features of American life to a group of visiting students from another continent. On January 5, thirty- seven students from South Africa arrived in New York to spend a month of their long summer vaca tion in the United States. The Foreign Relations and Travel Office of the N. S. F. A. had com plete management of their trip and undertook to make all arrangements for railroads, hotel accommodations, meals, and entertainment for the party. Their itinerary included eight days in New York City, visits to Washington, D. C., Chicago, De troit, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal and Boston, and short excursions to An napolis and Baltimore, Ann Harbor, Niagara Falls, Vassar College, West Point and Yale University. In each city visited a local committee met the party, provided them with Amer ican student guides, and entertained them at universities, museums, fac- One of the most unusual features of the tour was the large amount of hospitality given to the visiting stu dents. They were entertained at luncheon by clubs, corporations, and universities. They were given din ner parties by the Institute of In ternational Education of the Anson Phelps Stokes Foundation; they were entertained privately in the homes of American students and they were given numerous receptions. Of Englisli, French and Dutch descent, tliesc students fitted easily into American life. Their especial interests in America were first of all in the colleges arid universities they visited^ They saw Columbia University, Barnard College, Amer ican University, Catholic University, (Washington, D. C.), Annapolis, Universities of Chicago, Northwest ern University, Michigan, Buffalo, Toronto, McGill University, Univer sity of Montreal, Harvard, Welles ley, Vassar, ale and West Point. Their second interest was in meeting people and discussing American life with the many families they visited. Their third interest was in the “big business” of the United States, examples of whicli they saw in the Stock Exchange, a “talking movie” company, an automobile plant, the Stock Yards, a large de partment store, etc. Our South African guests, num bering 25 women and 12 men, were most enthusiastic over the United States. They sailed on February 5 to England where they will spend ten days before returning to South Africa. This group is the largest one that has so far come over to the United States under the auspices of the N. S. F. A. and through the cooperation of the Confederation Internationale des Etudiants, of which both the National Union of South African Students and the Na tional Student Federation of Amer ica are members. This is one more method of promoting international understanding among the youth of the world. Student Recital Given In Thursday Music Hour The School of Music of Salem presented at the regular music hour an interesting students’ recital. The program consisted of several voice numbers by Miss Newell and Miss Phillips, two violin solos, one by Miss McAnally and one by Miss Mc- Claugherty, while the remainder was made up of piano numbers After hearing the lovely pieces played by Elizabeth Andrews, Sal- lie Hunter Ball, and El^iabeth Rop er everyone is anxious to hear their recitals to be given in the spring. The progra s follows: Merkel Suggestions Discussed In Presidents’ Forum At a meetii.'g of Presidents’ Forum last Monday night the suggestions which were dropped in the boxes on Salem day, were read and discussed. These suggestions are being taken into serious consideration by Dr. Rondthaler, and the administration, and all possible measures are being taken for the carrying out of these helpful suggestions. Mazurka in A Minor Chopin Miss Margaret Betts Caro mio ben Giordano Der Tod vmd das Madchen Schubert Miss Blanche Phillips Impromptu, op 28, No. 2 Reinhold Miss Belle Denmark En Bateau Debussy Miss Sallie Hunter Ball March of the Dwarfs Grieg Miss Agnes Pollock Ragamuffin Ireland Miss Dorothy Thompson Adagio from Octet Schubert Miss Elizabeth McClaugherty Maman, dites-moi Old French The Robin’s Song White Miss Lillyan Newell Intermezzo No. 5 Schumann Miss Elizabeth Roper Singers Perform Before Concord Audience Negro Spirituals Particularly Well Received; Tryon Is Next Stop Concord, N. C., Feb. 18.—The University of North Carolina Glee Club arrived here this afternoon in their special chartered bus and gave a concert tonight in the High School auditorium. They were enthusiasti cally applauded by a large audience. Repeated requests for encores were received at the conclusion of every number. The negro spirituals were particularly popular, and proved a relief from the singing of the classical selections in the other groups. The program was well grouped, the folk songs of England, the French and German carols, and the songs from the Russian liturgy, all combining to make a well bal anced program. The songs by Wes ley Griswold, baritone soloist with the Club, and the piano selections by Professor Kennedy were also well received. The Glee Club leaves tomorrow for Tryon, to be followed on the next night bv a concert in Athens, Ga. From tlie number of applications from alumni for permission to en tertain the students here it was decided by the Club to place two members in each home. The officers of the Club were given rooms in the hotel. Nicaragua Subject of Expanded Chapel Hour Returned Missionary Gives Inter esting Account of Life in Cen tral Amcrtca The speaker in the Expanded Chapel Service on Wednesd iv morn ing, Feb, 20, was Mrs, Annie Lee Greenfield, who for several years ha: rendered service in the mission field in Nicaragua, Mrs, Greenfieh’ gave a very interesting account ol the mission w’ork which is being dont in this country, together with her own experiences there. She first told of how she cami to go to Nicaragua to do missioi work, and of the opportunity of fered her as head of the Junio. High School in Blueflelds. This city, named for a pirate who used to frequent the surrounding waters is dirty and unsanitary, yet one is fully compensated after seeing the beautiful palm trees, flowers, shrubs and moonlight. The natives export bananas and coffee, and mine gold for a living. The population greatly exceeds the work to be done, consequently the country is poverty stricken. Living expenses are high and there are many beggars who are always seeking help from the foreigners. Health conditions in Nicaragua are always bad. The rainfall is heavy, being four times as great as it is in the United States. Malaria, a common disease among the na tives, so weakens them that they contract tuberculosis. They are very superstitious and think these diseases arc caused by some spirit, so instead of spending money on good medicines and physicians they go to the witch doctors to be cured. The unsanitary way in which food is handled is another cause of much sickness. There are many races of people in Nicaragua, among them being Span ish, Creoles, Chinese and a small percentage of Europeans and North Americans. Mrs. Greenfield’s work was done chiefly among the Creoles. There is a great opportunity for mission work among these people, she stated, since their are few schools and the teachers are incompetent. There are a few Catholic schools, but the tuition is high and the ma jority of children would have no chance of an education if it were not for mission schools. The work of the Junior High School is to train teachers to go out and take part ir educating the vast number of illit erate children. It takes a long timt to train these girls since they must be able to teach from the first to the sixth grade, sew, cook, teach Sunday school and conduct other religious services. The mission Nicaragua, according to Mrs, Green field, is doing a great work, but there is still a wonderful opportunity for further advancement. Freshmen Give Y W. Vesper Program Interesting Program Presented On Sunday Evening. Those attending Y. W. Vespers Sunday evening enjoyed a most de lightful program given by members of the Freshman class. Mary Vir ginia Pendergraph read the Scrip ture, after which Mary Mitchell Norman led in prayer. Wilhelmina Wohlford beautifully sang, “Come, Ye Blessed,” and Mary Elizabetli Meeks gave a reading, “The Mirror of Friendship,” that made everyone wonder if she were twisted or the lop-sided friend. The last article on the program was Edgar Guest’s well known and loved poem, “Be a Friend,” read by Alice Conrad, Mystery Play Presented At Pierrette Meeting Darkness—taps—whistling wind- rocking tables—cold fingers—a crouching figure—groans— screams —a crash—horrible laughter—and then—silence. Thus ran the ghost play presented by the English For um class at the regular meeting of the Pierrette Players on last Thurs day. “The Dweller in the Dark ness,” by Reginald Berkeley was the clever and spooky play which was given. The scene was laid in a haunted card room where a country family - and some of their friends were engaged in a bridge game. Merely for experiment they decided to have a seance, and the spirit who habitated the room returned through a medium, who was the hostess, “to punish the folly” of one of the card players. After many unknown raps, weird sights, and unusual happen ings, Mr, Mortimer, who met every movement of “The Dweller in the Darkness” with a scoff and a nat ural explanation, was found lying on the floor—without a face. So realistically was the play pro duced that, when the lights flashed on to announce the end, the entire audience was in a state of excite ment and suspense. The cast was as follows: Mrs, Vyner Mary Brewer Phillis Vyner Frances Hancock Henry Charlotte Grimes Mr. Mortimer Marion Bloor Mr. Vyner Jane Harris Professor Urquhart Margaret Ha.i.i^'^r Freshmen to Publish Next Issue of Salemite A great surprise is in store for all enthusiastic Salemite readers! Next week the Freshman class is to have complete charge of editing the paper, and elaborate preparations on foot for a “bigger and bet- (Continued on Page Four) Carolina to Have Daily “Tar Heel” The Carolina Magazine Will Be Literary Supplement to News paper on Sunday The students of Chapel Hill Uni versity voted for the Carolina Mag azine to be combined into a literary supplement to the new Daily Tar Heel, Thursday, February 7, How ever, the magazine is to retain its identity next year. With an entirely separate staff to write and edit the material for the literary section, the supplement will be issued every other Sunday morn ing with the regular issue of the Tar Heel. The editor of the sup plement, who will be elected in the general campus elections, will be entirely independent of the Tar Heel editor and his staff. Two opposite viewpoints were taken upon the magazine in ques tion in the pre-election discussion of the possibilities of the four sug gested plans for financing the daily. One group argued that the supple ment would stimulate creative writ ing on the campus, and that a much' larger number of students would write for the supplement than for the Carolina Magazine as it is now. Opposing this view was the minor ity group, arguing that the literary quality of the magazine would be greatly impaired if it were incorpo rated into a supplement to the Tar Heel and that it would finally pass out of existence. New Books Added to Library List The following books have been catalogued recently and are no-y ready for use. Among these books Bishop Rondthaler’s The Memora- hilia of Fifty Years, 1877-1927, is of particular interest. The Library wishes to express appreciation and thanks to the donor. Rondthaler, E.—The Memorabilia of Fifty Years, 1877-1927. Terry, C. S.—J. S. Bach’s Hymn Tunes for Congregational Use. Saint-Pierre, J. H. B.—De Paul et Virginie. Boileau, N.—Oevres. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de—Se lections from his works. Barr e, J. M.—My Lady Nicotine. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de— Don Quijote de la Mancha. Dumas, Alexandre—The Count of Monte Cristo. Brcmfield, L.—The Strange Case of M ss Annie Spragg. Seidl, A.—The Music of the Modern World—two volumes. Edwards, E.—A Book of Shakes peare’s Songs. Lloyd, C. H.—Free Accompaniment of Unison Hymn Singing. Chamberlain, D. B.—Songs of all the Colleges. Chelsea Song Book. Dowden, E.—New Studies in Lit erature. Blom, E.—The Limitations. Maddy, J. E. and Giddings, T. P.— Instrumental Class Teaching. Hayes, G. R.—Musical Instruments and their Music. Scott, C.—The influence of Music on History and Morals. Hull, R. H.—Delius. Dunhill, T. F,—Sullivan’s Comic Operas. Bernard, Jean-Marc—Francois Vil lon. Wylli, Joseph—First Steps in Vo cal Music. Father Finn—Father Finn’s Carol Booh. Knott, T. B.—Pianoforte Fingering. French Ayres—Transcribed by Pet er Warlock. Sires, Ina—Songs of the Open Range. Binder, A. W.—The Jewish Year Lindquist^ G. E. ^.—The Red Man in the. United States. Morrison, H. C.—The Practice of Teaching in the Secondary Schools McLester, J. S.—Nutrition and Di et in Health and Disease, National Society for the Study of Education 2ith Yearbook. Woofter, T. J,—Negro Problems in Cities. Groves, E. R.—Social Problems of the Family. Brown, J. C,—The Ethics of George Eliot’s Works. Milsand, J.—Robert Browning. Hornbostel, E. M. von—African Ne gro Music. Mathematics Club Holds Regular Meeting Interesting Account of Great Phil osophers Prominent in Field of Science The Mathematics Club met Wed nesday afternoon in the Alice Clew- ell living room. Selma Crews, president of the club, was in charge of the meeting. Sallie Heggie gave a short talk about “Aristotle,” a great philosopher who was interest- •.d in the historical development of science. A talk about “Thales,” the person who introduced geometry in to Greece, was made by Mildred Biles. Margaret Masten spoke about Ptolemy, who was a great Alexandrian astronomist, Velleda James told the club about Plato, a Greek philosopher who established a great academy, A pleasant social period, conducted by Daisy Litz, ended the meeting.