FRESHMAN ISSUE WIXSTOX-SALEM, N. C., SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1929. Seniors Entertained At Delightful Dinner I Future Expanded Chapel Pierrette Players Speakers Announced Enter Dramatic Contest On Tlmrsdav evening, February 28, Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler delight fully entertained in honor of the Senior Class.with a Progressive' Din ner in the college library. The guests were greeted in Main Hall by Dr. and Mrs. Rondthaler, Miss Stipe and Mr. Campbell. When all the guests had arrived the Sen iors with the young men guests formed a grand march to the library. A color scheme of red and black, the Senior class colors, was carried out very effectively. In the center of cach'small table was a large bowl of rod ruseus and fern; and at the corners were tall red candles, the light of which cast a soft glow over the entire room. Around the centcr- piecc were four dolls, two dressed in tinv caps and gowns and the other two dressed in little red suits with black tics. The place cards were in the form of small diplomas tied with red ribbon, which when opened gave the progressions of each person. On a long tabic in the center ol the library the cakes were placed This year there were individual cakes'iced with chocolate and deco rated with a large red rose. As wa~ customary, the cakes contained ior A delicious seven-course dinner was served. During the dmner, Millicent Ward and Wilhelmina (Continued on Page Three) liiisliand Freshmen of Academy Entertain at Supper The V'.iglitli (irade of Salem Acad- omv served dinner Saturday evening, February 2;ird, for the benefit of the class. The tables were arranged informally but cleverly. The guests, dressed in original costumes repr.'.- senting the models they expected to b6 in vogue in 1919, were greeted by. different meinbers of the class Dinner was served, consisting _o salad, potato chips, sandwiches, ie. crcam, and demi-tasse. Immediately after dinner tlicr was a grand march in wliich the va riety of costumes were displayed t' a better advantage. Some of th guests—optimistic to say tlie least— were dressed as angels in shining robes, with glittering crowns, wliile others represented red devils. Quite unique in costume were those of M Eleanor Chase, principal oi;^_t...j Acadeniv, Jind ^liss Dorothy Knox, instructor in French. The was dressed in a long black taffeta costume, similar to those worn dur ing the Civil War and carried a small black parasol, while the latter wore a precise white erepe dress which signified that she was a hop ing spinster. Some wen-, dressed as aviators, nurses, and maids. At the end of the grand march the judges unanimously decided that | there should be two prizes: one to the most original costume among the boarders, and the other to the day .students. Lucy Dortch, dressed as a devil, and Gwendolyn Hawks, dressed as a gypsy, were awarded prizes. FRESHMEN CHALLENGE SOPHOMORES IN DEBATE The Class is soon to challenge the Sophomores to a de bate, the subject of which will be choscn by the Freshmen. Margaret Brenecke and Anna Preston will represent the Freshman Class, and Alice Caldwell and Elizabeth Marx win represent the Sophomores, The debate which will take plaeC in the near future, is eagerly antiei- ptited by everyone bocause of the friendly animosity between the classes. Dr. Schweinitz Speaks At Wednesday Chapel Xuted Social Worker Tells of Work In Philadelphia Field of Social Service The speaker for Expanded Chap- ;1 service Wednesday morning, Feb ruary 27 was Dr. Karl de Schweinitz a prominent social service worker of Phikdelphia. While introducing Dr. de Schweinitz, Dr. Rondthaler stated that the grandfather of the speaker was president of this insti tution, then known as Salem Acad emy, during the Civil W'ar. The guest was especially interesting ... :ind welcomed by the college because he was once a pupil of Dr. Rond thaler. America, so Dr. Schweinitz said, appears to her inhabitants as well as to those of foreign nations, to be a country of prosperity and wealth. To people in easy circumstances pov erty is almost inconceivable. In spite of the disregard of the average person for poverty, a great deal of ‘Xists not only in the northern, but the southern cities. Onlookers VC a peculiar idea of the emotions of poor people. The needy have the experiences as the wealthy— tlicy arc born, they die; they hav.- ickness; they choose their life-work; they marry and bring up familif’" No'matter what the living conditio are. Iiuman nature remains i; L'hanged.' Through investigation the Ivuiiilv Society of Philadelphia found that the minimum amount al lowed to each one helped by them re tlian the average wage of skilled laborer in the fac- Then bv visiting the homes of th(. workers the socicty found un- tiallv crowded conditions—from ; lo ten in a room. A person >■ ii\ such circumstances has nc •id'.iaHty, for he is merely a part of those with scanty nestic complications influ- financial status; for in woman, believing that her ivas keeping part of his m her, went to his place mcnt and collected his pay After a quarrel involving husbaild. v.-ite and employer, the man lost his position. Naturally the affair became the discussion of all 'iglibors. Had this, howcv Dr, U. T. Holmes, Dr. W. D. MoSs, Are Scheduled to Speak Doctor Rondthaler has announced the following speakers for expanded chapel hours in the future: Dr. U. T. Holmes, Professor of the Romance Languages at the Uni versity of North Carolina, will give the second Lenten address by the in vitation of the French Department of Salem College March G at ex panded chapel hour. His address will be an illustrated lecture on an cient landmarks in Paris. Dr. W. D. Moss, Parson Moss, =s the speaker for the expanded chapel hour scrviee March 20. Dr. Moss is the most beloved student speaker in North Carolina. As is his custom he is paying his annual visit to Sa lem College. Junior Class Plans Whoopee March 9th Whoopee! At last this word has been defined for Salem by the versatile Juniors—“It is a marvelous and breath-taking combination of a spieey Night Club, a sizzling M'“ strel’Show, and a Fair where go abound.” very mysterious person in the garb of a flaming fortune-teller, who claims uncanny ability in this avocation, condescends after much persuasion to be present. She de clares she will reveal some dazzling and overwhelming facts about the past of some of Salem’s most promi nent daughters. To say that Mary Brewer is ‘‘training the minstrel show” is al most enough to make reserve seats necessary, but no such plans have as yet been made. Plenty of good music, dancing, indigestion, and fun will hold sway in the basement of Alice Clewell Building on Saturday, March 9. It is rumored that even the little sisters of the Academy are invited. Whoopee, Girls!! Y. W. C. A. Conducts Regular Vespers The y. W. C. A. Vesper Service was unusually impressive on Sun day evening, February 24. The first number on the program was a violin solo, “Andante,” by Vinaldi-Bach, nihicnt^^r'g^^kmln'dis^ ihy Miss Emily Sarg^t. Then the ith his wife, nothing would Scripture was read Jy Miss M, Junior Department of Music Gives Recital The Junior Department of the School of Music gave its first recital of the year Thursday afternoon at Music Hour. This department is made up principally of the younger students in music. An interesting program ...... — .anged consisting of many lovely and dainty pieces, as follows: Cradle Song Hannah Smith The Bobolink Ketteren Nancy Hanks Waltz ^ N. Louise Wright Mary Lewis Hutchison Serenade Gaynor Ring Around the Rosy James Rogers Frances Allen Dance of the Marionettes Mrs. Crosley Adams Muriel Brietz In Hanging Gardens Davies Margaret Ricks On the Sea Hackh Opal Kimel From “ AThousand and One Nights’ Reinecke Will o’ the Wisp Behr Margaret Welfare Tarantella Krentzlin Dorothy Adams P itter-Patter R aindrops E ekstein Edith Thomas Hide and Seek Sehytte Vera Fetter Ride of Old Santa Cadman Lavira Elizabeth Bland The Hunters’ Song Frank Lynes Margaret Maxwell March in D Major Bach Drolleries Von Wilm Hannah Teichman Shepherd’s Song . ..Ada W. Powers Evelyn Sosnik A Rural Dance' Sternburg Frieda Blumenthal Rondo Burlesque Kuhlan Marjorie Porter Old Gypsy Air Semon Ann Belton Capricante Wachs I.ouise Stewart Butterfly N. Louise Wright Lill Gilly The Cloud on the Hilltop Henry H. Huss Frances Charles Dance Scharwenka Payge \^Hiite the first time in its eventful history, the Pierrette Players has joined the Intercollegiate Dramatic Association of North Carolina, auto matically entering the dramatic contest of college dramatic clubs. The play decided on for pre sentation is the “Will o’ the Wisp.” In order to secure the very best for the contest, three casts of the same play have been chosen from among the members of the club. They . have been known of it. Another difference between the unfortunate and the prosperous is that the man of standing has friends, credit, or maybe savings to help him through financial straits. When persons act peculiarly, there is some reason for it. Mental insight is an attempt toward solu tion. As an example observe the following case. The family society studied the environment of a small girl who had run away from school. Some weeks before the little child had carelessly allowed her baby 'irothcr to fall from his carriage. By her family she was considered an (Continued on Page Three) LOCAL ALTRUSA CLUB HEARS DR. ANSCOMBE Dr. Francis C. Anscombe, head of the liistory department of Salem College, addressed the Altrusa Club of Winston-Salem at, their regular meeting on Thursday, February 28 at the 'Woman’s Club. In his address Dr. Anscombe com pleted a discussion of the history of elections whicli he began_,some time ago and which lack of time forced him to leave incomplete. Johnson and Miss Elizabeth Roper gave a reading, “Be Ready,” which was followed by a solo, “I Heard tlie Voice of Jesus Say,” by Miss Lillyan Newell. The choir closed the service with a musical pray Dr Willoughby Speaks to the Woman’s Club Head of English Department at Saleyn Discji^ses Growth of Irish Theatre Dr. Pearl Willoughby, head of the English department of Salem Col lege, addressed the Art and Litera ture Department of the W'inston- Salem Woman’s Club W'ednesday, February 20, on the “Irish Theatre,” a phase of drama. George Russell and Dr. Douglas Ilyde established the Irish theatre with a view of reviving old Irish folk lore. Dr. Willoughby stated that the symbolic writings of William B Yeats, the comedies of Lady Greg ory, and the oriental tone of the tragedies of Lord Dunsmore are of parRcular interest in the develop ment of the Irish Theatre. Freshman Class Edits Issue of Salemite In a spirit of enthusiasm and novel interest, the Fresh man class attacked the gi gantic task,” which was re ferred to in the last issue of “The Salemite’’; namely, the task of editing the March 2 issue of the college newspaper. Mistakes have doubtless been made in this issue, facts have beeti misinterpreted, and the feature stories may bring back rebuffs and criticism; nevertheless. the Freshmen earnestly hope that the paper will be received with the same spirit in which it is edited. The paper was edited by the following staff: editor-in-chief, Mary Martin; managing edi tor;, Sarah Graves; literary editor, Martha Pierce; contrib- tifing editors, Araminta Saw yer, Catherine Lihy, Grace Brown, Anna Preston, Minnie Hicks, Mary Miller, Martha Delaney, Evelyn Barber; and reporters, Mary Elisabeth Pinkston, Edith Fulp, Mae Kreeger, Louise Salisbury, Doris Kimel, Anna M. Ward, Mary Alice Beaman, Beulah Zachary, Martha Davis, and Eleanor Idol. Old Woman Margaret Hauser Lady Lillyan Newell Maid Marion Bloor Will o’ the Wisp Athena Campourakis Old Woman Lucy Currie Lady Marjorie Siewers Maid Grace Martin Will o’ the Wisp ..Louise Thompson Old Woman....Mary Elizabeth Meeks Lady Jane Harris Maid Adelaide Winston Will o’ the Wisp , Mary Virginia Pendergraph The main cast will be chosen from the three presentations. The first contest will be held Sat urday, March 9, betw'cen three col leges. The winner of that contest will meet the winner of similar meetings of other colleges. The date of the final contest has not yet been decided upon. Sigma Omicron Alpna To Meet March 5th Sigma Omicron Alpha, Salem’s debating society, will hold its next meeting on Tuesday, March 5. The features of the meeting will be two debates. The query for the first debate will be: Resolved, that this audience agrees that world peace is an impossibility with con ditions as they are today. The af firmative will be upheld by Margar et Hauser and Mary Johnson, and the negative by Dorothy Ragan .and Elya Lee Kenerly. The query for the second debate will be: Resolved, that the so-called “Big Navy Bill’ constitutes an aid in the obtainment of world peace. The affirmative side will be upheld by Athena Campourakis and Eliza beth Marx, and the negative by Mary Ayers Payne and Betsy Ross, High Point Branch of Alumnae Hold Meeting Representatives From School of Music Present Program At Meeting, February 28. Dean Vardell, Mrs. Vardell, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schofield, and Miss Viola Tucker, all of the School of Music, represented Salem College at the meeting of Lhe High I’oiut Branch of Salem Alumnae Associa tion, which met Thursday evening at the High Point Country Club. Mrs. Virgil Idol (Annie Sue Wil son) made a brief talk on the late Dean Shirley, Dean Vardell dis cussed the work of the School of Music, and Mr. Schofield and Miss Tucker presented several musical numbers at the close of tlie meeting. Officers of the High Point Alum nae Association are Mrs. XJilbert Clark (Bessie Gould), president, and Mrs. Walter Kester (Sara Yost) secretary.