IVY PLANTING MARCH 22 WINSTOX-SALEM, N. C., SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1929. Mr.George IrvingSpeaks At Expanded Chapel Discusses Changes in Words Caused B;i World War Mr. George Irving, a representa tive of the National Y. M. C. A., was the speaker at Y. P. M. Wed nesday morning. His subject dealt with the chaflges that the World W'ar has wrought on some of tlie words of tlie English language. The meanings, of some of our common, everyday words have been complete ly changed. Take the word “duty,” !•— woman for instance, of America who v nected with the great war can think of duty as a cold word. After one of the many terrible battles in the war, a boy came to report to liis general. He was a boy who had seen his dearest comrades, his fel low soldiers atrociously mangled, hideously killed, all but torn limb from limb by enemy shells, and who was grievously wounded himself. So gravely that it was with mighty ef fort that he stood at attention be- fore liis commanding officer. Three limes the general begged him to rest before attempting to speak and three times the boy stood at attention ask ing to be allowed to report. The last time he reminded the general that to report was his duty. He was going rapidly, the general could not intercept the plea of a dying man. So with his last breath the boy ful filled the trust placed in him. He did his duty. God can do nothing with the young men and women of the American Colleges of today if they do not give every ounce of their devotion to their duty, to self, to family, to nation and to God. There are few people who realize the tremendous import that the one word “duty” means in this day of ea.se and pleasure. This is a time of luxury. Everything in the lives of the majority of persons comes with softness, with no conscious ef fort on the part of the person. Down through the ages and above the clam or and bustle of life tlic clear call of duty resounds again and again. When a man accepts a duty he ful fills his promise, keeps his word, though he may die for it, which all too often he does. Another word changed by the World War is “sacrifice.” The bat tles that are to be fought in the years to come, may be twenty years iience, may be five, are settled, de termined now. A college boy or girl might steal knowledge in the class room from his neighbor, he might write lies on an examination paper. He might bluff his teach ers, his fellow student. He might bluff his way through college, but when the reckoning comes is when he is out in the world, on all sides coming in contact with life. Then he can no longer bluft. As lie builds his bodily and his spiritual mansions let him build them of firm, strong timber, let him place well and fas- ' ten securely every piece so that hi.‘- house will remain ever sturdy, and reliable. Some of the most wonderful sac rifices ever made in this world have been in the lives of men and women who have given up all they held high and noble in life for son’" whom they dearly loved. A fice of this kind is the most costly and is a true test of heroism. God cannot reward the college man or woman of today who is looking for the easy wav to make a living. And it is oiily through sacrifices and hard work that the real joys life holds are discovered. The war left no place for the word “excuse” or for excuses. Peo ple who succeed do not make ex cuses for themselves or for their ac tions. They achieve, in a quiet, al most unconscious way. The man who has really reached his goal, who has truly attained something in life is unaware of his success. He is (Continued on Page Three.) Englishman Speaks To the History Club Mr. Mayhrook Tells of Educa tional System in England The History Club, which met Tuesday evening, had as its speaker Mr. Maybrook, who has recently come to America from England. Throughout his life he has been as sociated witii education in his coun try and it was on this experience that lie based his talk, giving some interesting facts concerning early educational attempts. Until 1870 education was the privilege of the wealthy. There : a few private grammar schools that taught only the elementary work. Statesmen saw that in order to have a progressive country the people should be educated, but there were man)' obstacles in the path of sueh a goal. Employers could hire ignorant men and children much cheaper than those who had been to school, therefore they did all in their power to fight it. Teachers were also looked upon with unfriend ly eyes. Children hated to go to school and parents, although fined for not making the children go, pre ferred paying the fine, which was so light that it paid the parents to let the children stay at home. In addi tion to tlie attitude of the populace, there were no adequate school build ings. Mr. Maybrook attended the grammar grades in the private school of a Mr. Davis who taught in the basement of his church. Up to 1870 there was no training of teachers as teacliers. Most of them had to be taught the rudiments, then the smartest were .sent to normal schools and while still in their teens they went out to teach classes o fas n as sixty. Children were supposed to finisli their education at the age of fourteen, thus putting a tremen dous job on the young teacher who must teach to children nine " ^ ten years old things which are sidercd high school work now. And each year the Queen’s inspector vis ited the schools of the country and on the day of his visit the pupili had to stand an examination before (Continued on Page Four) Prizes Offered By American Mercury Wi, Fiv, The American Mercury offers thousand dollars in prizes to the class of 1929. One of five hundred dollars to a man and one of fivi hundred dollars to a woman for the best essays discussing their four years of college life. The winning essays will be published in the Oc tober issue of the American Mer- liules and conditions for entrance in the contest are as follows: 1. No article should be less than 3,000 words long, or more than 8,000. 2. Each must be the original work of a student graduating from an American college with the class of 1929, and taking the A. B. its equivalent. 3. Each must bear the full n and address of the author, name of ths college attended, and a statement of the cour.se followed and the degree to be taken. ■1.. Each must be accompanied bj a stamped and addressed envelope for its return in ease it is not ac cepted. 5. The editor of The Ainerican Mercury will be the sole judge of the competition. (). All manuscripts entered for the prizes should reach their offic( not later than August 1, 1929. THE AMERICAN MERCURY,, 730 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y. m Miss Gould to Visit Salem March 17,18,19 Secretary of Student Volunteer Movement to Speak at Y. W. Vespers Miss Olive Gould, Educational Secretary of the Student Volunteei movement will be the guest of tli( Y. M. C. A. of Salem College or March 17, 18, and 19. Miss Gould graduated from Cornell College 1917, later serving as Principal of the High School of Esterville, la. She sailed for India in November, 1921, under the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church. There she served five years as supervisor of the Mid dle and High School departments of the Johnson Girls’ High School Jubbulpore, Central Province, 1 dia. She returned on furlough February, 1918, during which ti slie has travelled under the auspices of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the Methodist Church Iowa, Missouri and Minnesota. In the spring of 1928 she attended Columbia University and Uni Theological Seminary. At present Miss Gould is serving as Education al Secretary of the Student Volun teer Movement. Most of her time this winter and spring will be given to student conferences and visita tion in the colleges. She is to be present at the Stud ent Volunteer Conference which meets at Meredith College in Raleigh on March 15, Hi, 17. She comes to Salem from this meeting and will talk at the Y. W'. C. A. Vesper Serv ice on Sunday evening, and agai tile Chapel Hour on 'Puesday ni ing. Slie will hold group meetings and private conferences ^londay and Tuesday. All students who ar( terested arc .invited to talk with Miss Gould at some time during these two days. There is no organized Student Volunteer Group at Salem, but there are several girls who are vitally interested in this work. Among these are; Ruth Marsden, Emily Sargent, Elizabeth Mi Mary Johnson, Elizabeth Roper, Sally Hege, Ruth Fogleman, Marion Allen and Grace Martin. VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE WEEK OBSERVED 1 and Prominent this city have been giving a series, of talks at the Rejmolds Auditorium on March 11, 13, 1-i and 1 part of a project in observ: Vocational Guidance Week. Dr. Rondthaler spoke on teaching, as a profession. Mr. Higgins spoke on chemistry as a profession, Mrs. Rondthaler discussed the calling of a Home-Maker, and Mr. Vardell spoke on Music, as a vocati each instance the speaker discussed the importance of his vocation in the World’s Work, the nature of the profession, the necessary qualities for success in the work, the prepa ration necessary, the financial re turns, and the advantages and dis advantages of the vocetion. Hymns Is Y. W. C.A. Vesper Subject Margaret Johnson Gi the History and Vs( es Talk of Hymns The program of Y. W. Vespers Sunday, ;\Iareh 9, consisted of a talk on “Hymns” by Margaret Johnson with illustrative selections by the choir. From the earliest eras of history religion has been wedded to song. In every stage of civilization and in almost every form of worship this has been true. I'rom the rude ula- tions of savage men, with the monot onous beat of the tom tom, to the s|)Icndid choirs of the Hebrew tem ples that sang psalms, accompanied by stringed and brazen instruments, the very heart of the Hebrew re ligion anil worship lay within its religious songs. The songs of Deborah light the period of the Judges. The gospel era came forth in the midst of holy songs, hymned by angels, by holy men and women, and by the mother of our I.ord. From that day on church of Jesus has been vocal with psalmody. . Allen Sutherland has commented on the fact that hymns are rarely sectarian, so that Roman Catholics and Protestants sing and enjoy the In selecting hymns for a meeting one must take into consideration the topic of the sermon or the type of meeting and must select hymns that will help create the desired atmos phere. For example suppose the ■speaker was using as his subject “Christ, the Burden Bearer,” would not the hymn “In the Cross Christ I Glory,” be most suitable for the occasion.? Suppose the subject was “He that Overcometh.” Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” would be appropriate. 'rhere are also many prayer liynins, a beautiful and significant one being “Jesus I-over of My Soul, written by John W'esley a century and a half ago. It has long s become recognized as one of noblest expressions of Christian faith. Miss Johnson told the story of the writing of this song and of that of the great processional “Onward Christian Soldiers.” The latter written by Gould as a processional (Continued on Page Two.) Students to Pay Cash For Cutting Classes That every student who misses a class without an excuse shall be quired to pay a fine of fifty cc was a plan adopted by the general faculty of North Carolina State Col lege at a meeting on March. It hoped that the scholarship of the i stitution will be raised thereby. The plan also rules that a student sliall either make up or receive zero on all written work missed for any reason, the make-up work to be done under the supervision of ar vanced student or an instructor ap proved by the department that the work is in. Furthermore, a fee of fifty cents will be charged for the make-up unless the absence is cuscd by the dean of students, and this fee will be one dollar if the student fails to present himself for the work, unless the absence is ex cused by the instructor in the course. There has been much adverse criticism of the plan, the students are radically opposed to it, and some have even said that they would leave the school if such a plan put into effect. It appears that they will have to leave, for, according President Brooks, the plan will into effect at the beginning of the third term, March 14, 1929. Junior Whoopee Gives Clever Entertainment Minstrel and Cabaret Furnish Fun And Thrills for Large Crowd More adjectives, please! Unfor tunately a limited vocabulary sadly lacks adequate words by which the Junior Whoopee of last Saturday ight might be spoken of in a jus tifying manner. The basement of Alice Clewell rang with fun, pep, thrills, music, laughter, and dancing. One was swept from a touch of the arm South and old plantations, to le joy and frivolity of a Northern ight club, and from thence side tracked into a weird and hair-raising 'House of Horrors,” the name of wliich is sufficient explanation. On very hand were entertainments of ■aried and novel nature. There was opportunity to have the palm read by the expert Madame Foretellit, who astounded her customers by her accurate insight into their past lives, and with acceptable prophecies of the future. The outstanding feature of the evening was a negro minstrel, com posed of members of the Junior and I'reshman classes. Their excellent interpretation of the “ebony arts” won such praise as Al. G. Fields might well have envied. As “head man” and director of the minstrels, Mary Brewer added greater laurels to her crown of accomplishments. Estie Lee Clore and Wilhelmina Wohlford successfully took the leads in many popular song hits, and were harmoniously supported by the other members of the cast. The difficult art of clogging was exhibited with skill and ease by Lavinia Jefferies and Martha Delaney. This act and the clever rendition of “Down By the Old Mill Stream,” by a well- trained quartet received numerous curtain calls. The production, pol ished to its fine points, gave evi dence of ability and hard work, which combined, never fail to spell Among other features of the “Whoopee,” was a dance by Lillyan Newell and Adelaide Webb, which was charming in its unique charac ter. Millicent Ward sang two solos in her usual delighting manner, which were aided by Daisy Litz with artistic gestulations. Music for the occasion was furnished by a “home- talent” orchestra, which played upon extremely difficult instruments known as “horns.” Tlic entire program was unusual (Continued on Page Four) Students’ Recital Given In Music Hour Program of Piano, Voice and Violin Numbers Rendered A very enjoyable students’ recital was given at Music Hour on Thurs day, March 14. A variety of piano, voice and violin numbers were ren dered. The program was as fol lows ; Scherzino Dennee Miss Gladys Hedgeeock Berceuse Schytte Miss Sara Wilson Jim Burleigh Miss Paige Charles Memories Mokrejs Miss Eleanor Idol Valse Impromptu Von Wilm Miss Anita Dunlap Love Has Eyes Bishop I Know a Lovely Garden d’Hardelot Miss Martha Sargent Consolation Dennee Miss Margaret Siewers A Brown Bird Singing Wood By the Waters of Minnetonka I.ieurance Miss Annie Sue Sheets Marche Mignonne Poldini Miss Helen Fowler