PAGE TWO. THE SALEMITE Saturday, September 21, 1929. The Salemite )y the Student fi College SUBSCRIPTION PRICK EDITORIAL STAFF y M. Faulkner, -Kitty Moore. Agnes Pollock, ’31 Edith Kirkland, '•'51 Mary Martin, ’32 BUSINESS STAFF Asst. Adv. Mgr Asst. Adv. Mgr Asst. Adv. Mg. Eli Carolyn Brinkley . .Elizabeth Alli Elizabeth Ward Frances Caldwell Mary Non Marv Alice Beami Leila Burroughs zabeth McClaugherty LITTLE THOUGHTS FOR TODAY “To keep good company, es pecially at our first setting out is the way to receive good im pressions,” —Lord Chesterfield. It is better to fall amongst crows than amongst flatterers, for the former wait till we are dead, the later eat us alive.” —Antisthenes. THE PRESENT CUT SYSTEM The new eut system at Salem has caused much comment. On account few students taking too many cuts it seemed necessary to change the system. But, what about the majority of students? Did they take advantage of the privileges by over stepping regulations ? The former plan granted cuts according to scholarship. If a stud ent made good grades the fact was' recognized in a more liberal allow ance rewarded. This acted as an in centive for continued effort in effi cient work. An advocate of the present system suggests that a person should always seek a reward for his labors —that a conscientious student does not expect special compensation for doing his duty. Rather, he feels that his gains, intellectually, are entirely enough. That is wise advice. It might be adhered to if the world were a Utopia. But, unfortunately, most people have human weaknesses, and they do appreciate recognition of a duty well done. Another point—this year no stud ent will be allowed to cut classes be fore and after holidays. Hereto fore such cuts have counted double so that it was hardly possible for many people to make use of them this way. If a student was absent from many classes either prior to or following a holiday, it was gen- rally with a good excuse. The ma- pority of girls were very careful not ■ereut. The penalty for the of fense seemed enough to warrant most people in being careful. And yet. because of a few students, the ma jority must suffer. e are hoping that some basis may be adopted establishing lation between the quality of done and the number of cuts allowed. Vacation in Retrospect PARAGRAPHICS Tiie Sophomores are being very sweet and sisterly this week, but wonder if they won’t undergo a C( pleti. metamorphosis next week. We’ve heard several seniors la menting the telephone arrangement in A. C. B. which prevents their being able to enjoy the “Oh, is that you Be-e-e-r-re-e-k?” which enter tained them in Junior Hall last One night recently an upperclass man aroused a certain freshman from his slumbers to tell them against the riiles for them to go to bed without putting an “Asleep” sign on their respective doors. Have you heard about the newly adopted Junior-Senior _privjlege Costume Ball “Lo’ r Where Can You Be? It is very gratifying to note that notwithstanding the overcrowded condition of the school there has been a noticeable absence of bust ling and confusion during registra tion, in Chapel, in the dining room, and in class rooms. has the Alice Clewell Base ment been in such a whirl of laugh ter and dancing, such a riot of color I music as it was Saturday night the Costume Ball given in honor of the freshmen and new girls. Cos tumes, original and unique, colorful and charming, but the atmosphere of the I.and of Make Believe, a mix ture of Arabian Nights and i mod ern New York Night Club, whence one had been transported on a magic wishing carpet. The music was fur nished by a negro orchestra, who without doubt lost themselves i their instinctive qualities of rhythi and melody and were at their best. Mary Brewer stepped into tV spotlight with her sympathetic rer dition of a famous opera, and other clever “take-offs.” Up to her oh tricks again, Millicent Ward capti vated the merry makers by singing several popular songs. Nor is freshman class without talent their midst for Adelaide Silversi •oved herself capable of “tickling e ivories” most pleasing to the ,irit of the evening. After such pleasant entertainment and such really jolly fun it is easy to understand why there was an up- and why there were so many re quests for encores from the music- when the jubilee fancy dress vicissitudes of a schjol girl’s divided into two definite sea- imely, summer and winter. Through the steady drone of win- be heard the merry, al most irresistible Pipes O’ Pan—be witching and enticing, bringing memories of soft summer nighi sunburns, and things you’d walk a mile for. The vacation season is isting downhill after a nine months tug up the steps—so life goes on, just one up and down after another. Once again begins the uphill trudge. Our last minute dreams igely disturbed by visions of mountains upon mountains of textbooks. Showers of ink and of the homesick beat in our faces, but we push bravely onward 1 a grin (in spite of the fact we Pebleco instead of Pepsodent). ’S funny how quickly we get out of breath, it must be from the lack of exercise(fooled you!) and finding from past experience that a Psy chology book is the easiest thing to sit on, we settle down to rest. (Sing me to sleep.) A mist, like a silver veil of cob webs, floats slowly before us, and through its sheen appear the well remembered scenes of our irrevoc able summer. We see ourselves on a yacht with Tom, Dick, or Harry (who cares? maybe all three!) just off of Wrightsville Beach, Myrtle Beach, or the Gulf of Mexico (we don’t see that that makes so much difference either). The water laps gently along the sides of the boat, and from within the cabin, througli the courte sy of Mr. Atwater-Kent, Rudy Vai- lee is singing “Deep Night” in his usual capitvating manner. Oh yes, of course, there is a moon that hangs like a great yellow globe in the sky, of light skimming alona' the quiet water. We stretch lazily in our deck chairs, try to get torturing pangs of sunburn, and Russell MacPhail (his candy, of course, how’d you ever get in Salem, THE BLUSHING BRIDE They tell us of the blushing bride Who to the altar goes, own the center of the church Between the friend-filled rows. There’s Billy whom she motored with And Bob with whom she swam, here’s Jack, she used to golf with And Steve wlio called her lamb; here’s Ted, the football, man she owned. And Don of tennis days; here’s Hubert; yes, and blond Eugene Who had such winning ways; And there is Harry, high school beau With whom she used to mush, 0 wonder she’s a blushing bride— Ye gods, .she ought to blush. FIARK! The Salemite extends a cordial greeting to the students and faculty of the college and academy. We hope that the newcomers es pecially will avail themselves of the opportunity to use this publicatit as a medium of communicating any constructive criticisms of or praise of campus institutions. Open Forum will be at your service to express your opinions. Also, The Salemite will welcome any literary (perhaps that is too imposing a terra for : collegians; however, we will pre sume) contributions which you may care to offer, or any suggestions foi the improvement of the paper. We welcome interesting innovations. With your assistance we will en deavor to afford you a weekly sheet of fresh and readable material, with a real surprise now and then, mostly then. We hope to be more inspired and less rushed at our next editorial tempt. ball c I think about you often And I’ll write you every day. But there seems so very little That it seems worth while to say. It either rains or doesn’t rain. It’s either hot or cold—■ The news is all uninteresting—■ Or else it’s all been told. But the only thing thah matters is The fact that you are there, And I am here without you And it’s lonesome every where. Now we are in somebody’s road ster, top down, wind playing havoc with our hair, and the joy of living and high speed making the u cosmetics entirely unnecessary, scenes change so quickly we recall feeling this same way } our first three-ringed circus. Once more we are indulging in sleeping late, breakfast in bed, lunch at drug store, picture show, dance the eiub—Motlier waiting of head of stairs. Now a review of the “Hi Book”—that date for the June Ge man. the precious boy at the Black Cat dance, the good looking councilor at camp So-n-So. (Woe to the fick leness of time and men.) We find ourselves rushed from a morning dance at lyake I-ure to view the fas cinating lights of Broadway, and re member the breathless “first visits” to a genuine night club, Chinatown, East Side, and all around the town. Our heads swim witli the vision of nmer school rush—whether at Carolina, T.ake Junaluska, or Duke, there was always a rush. And then visits we paid, here, there, and ywhere. Such bridge parties and teas for guests, brides-elect, a other unfortunates ! Whatta life. This really is a strain on oni mind, and we are somewhat glad the skies grow dark and the pictures make a regretful fade-out. The walls of Education, less liberal than we have known these past weeks, close about us with insinuat ing formality, and we know these children of memory must be rocked to sleep (if that doesn’t bring de sired results, use chloroform) We sigh to think that the only enjoy ment of life in the near future will be the greenness of innocent Fresh men—may they be greener than GLADYS LINGERIE SHOPPE of Winston-Salem Exclusive Underwear and Hosiery 301 W. Fourth Street NISSEN BLDG. QUALITY—SERVICE SATISFACTION Nissen Drug Co. Bobbitt Bros. PHONE 888 Winston-Salem, N. C. WELCOME BACK. ROBT. E. LEE BEAUTY SHOPPE Mrs. W'. R. Padgett The PICTURE TELLS the STORY.^^ PIEDMONT I ENGRAVING CO. . V'Printi^'Plate^. from Pictures, BUY TOILET GOODS —From— O’Hanlon’s Drug Store NORTH CAROLINA’S BEST KNOWN DRUG STORE Blue Ribbon Ice Cream A Product of Peerless Ice Cream Co. IT’S DELICIOUS AND HEALTHFUL FOOTING THE BII.T. Automobilist: “I am prepared to make a fair settlement, and you ask $500 just because I ran oyer your foot. Why man I’m not a million- injured Party: “I’ll have you un derstand I’m not a centipede, either. —Exchange. The testy old gentleman turned to the strange urchin who had been fol lowing him around the course. “You’ll never learn to play golf by watching me,” he declared. “, ■ sk, chief,” agreed the strip ling, “doi’t I know it? But I ’ n’t watching you; I’m going fishing when you .lig up enough worms.” THE BLUE WILLOW Extends you the heartiest welcome of all. Come up soon and try some of our Delicious Specials. PRIVATE PARTIES GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION Open all day. Spruce, between 4th and 5th Sts. WHEN YOU THINK OF FURNITURE THINK OF Huntley-Hill-Stockton Co. The Name That Belongs With Good Furniture D. G. CRAVEN CO. “WEST FOURTH STREET” WELCOME We welcome you SALEM girls back to our city and hope that each and every day during your stay here will be a pleasant one We have completely remodeled our store and enlarged it. Won’t you come down and see the beautiful new things for Fall? Never before have we shown such a large variety.