PROBATION % ENDED WlNSTON-SALKAl, , SA'J'UJIDAY, SEJ^TKM15KJ{ 28, 1929. Mob Fills Court Room As Frosh Case Comes Up Sophomore Court Attracts Large Crowd This Week; Excit ing Trial Held and Severe But Just Sentences Ren dered by the Presiding Judge The sonorous call of “Hear ye! II Hear ye!” opened, with a grand 1 flourish, the annual session of Soph 1 Court, September 19, at 6:30 o’elook t in A. C. R. Campus I.iving Room. Ii Under the stern eye of Judge Nor- a man, the entire session was carried r On solemnly and very formally. Judge Norman was ablv aided bv 0- *er six juror.s. Pierce, Holdernes.s, f JOelaney, Zachary and Beaman—all bf whom seemed to be immune to any sort of relaxation. Due to the o jDverw’helming number of culprits, 1- inany of whom w'ere charged with n several misdemeanors, it was found n toecessarj- for court to be held over r for several daj'S. s follow SOPHOMORE COURT Sept. 20th, 1929—The exalted creatures, inadequately called Soph omores, issue through their honorable representatives tlie following irre proachable and inflexible rules of conduct for insignificant and reeh- itic specimens of fresh, blue green- ibess just thrust under thrir care . . Rule Nu7iiher One— All said growing green things are emphatically commanded to walk on the sidewalk, the whole sidewalk, and nothing but the sidew'alk, throughout the whole wetk beginning on this the twentietli day of Sep tember, 1929, and ending only when our end is accomplished and their end is near. The street is to be left entirely unpolluted for such superior beings as upper classmen. Rule Number Two—■ |Each unmentionably inferior fresh man is required to wear a wide, char- actertistieally green ribbon around her neck each day from 7:00 a. m. to 10:35 p. m Rule No. Three— Makeup of any and every kind is strictly forbidden. Rule No. Four— I As shoes are the lowdiest articles of the clothing and freshmen are the lowliest species of human beings, we decree that freshmen’s shoes, being thus doubly cursed, shall have their ’ lowliest member, the heels, at lialf- mast, or better still entirely lacking. (These clever little Sophomore thoughts arc probably whirling ■ through your empty heads or detour- \ ing through your hot-air halos—in simple language then—JVear no high heels!) i Rule No. Five— ‘ ■ I Said—but better left unsaid— ' ' Freshmen shall address all upper- t i"^assmen as Honorable. Rule No. Six—■ I Each of you on whom these worthy words are bring bestowed must wear a placard not less than 2 Indies wide and 6 inches long on which is printed your name preced- ^d by the words (made and patented Slor special use on abnormally back ward creaturcs) Dumb and Lo'tt'h/. These are to be pinned across the middle of your fronts. Rule No. Seven— sc3! Freshmen are allowed to enter and ^^ve dorms by back doors only. The side entrance of Clewell is re garded in this instance as tlie ice man and freshman entrances and ex- Rule No. Eight— ■ Identify the desire to cross a street with the desire to skip flea like, frog-like, or perhaps more ap- ij^ropriately expressed, Freshman- ISke, the entire width in a non-stop, gutter-to-gutter flight. Announcement—■ At 2:00 p. m. on Saturday, Sep tember 21, 1929, a delightful party has been planned for the amusement of upper and lowest classmen. I’ mcn are cordially commanded to ex pose themselves to entertainment, while 3'ou, Superior Sages, arc in vited to witness the s-tveeping results of a long-to-bc-remembered 2 o’clock SOPH COURT—SEPT. 21ST. Between tin- anything but few and far between classes on the morning of Monday, Sept. 23, 1929. A. D., all Dumb anrt Lou'lie.i shall march through tlic halls from class to class, reading aloud from some suitable volume of instruction. The reading shall lie carried on in a moderate tone, but must be long, wide, and deep enongh to fill the monotonous space between classes and bells. At 1 :00 p. m., sweep this rule away from your lonesome scent (foi the benefit of tliosc whom we ar benefiting, I sliall explain—scent i.‘ tlie singular of sense as concerns the cerebrum, cerebellum, and other tirms whicli sliould be in but are un doubtedly over your heads. Atten tion to tlie new rule! H you have a delightful feeling that an upperclassman is just before appearing, clear your tliroat thought fully. When tile vision actually ap pears, carol away on this little ditty entitled “Almighty Sophs.” The person for whom four cheers wer invented is honoring you w’ith glance. The air, when it is given t you, goes like this: Glory, glory to the Sophomores, Glory, glory to the Sophomores, Glory, glory to the Sophomores, JVarning—■ Under no conditions W'ill pardon (Continued on Page Three) Scorpions Take In New Senior Member Wednesday, Seiitember the twen- ty-fifth w'as Bid Day for the Scorp ions, secret lionorary organization on the campus. Caroh-n Brinkley was the only girl wlio she was initiated Friday night. It is customary to bid Seniors at 1 seliool term, then Bid Day for underclassmen at later date— at the begi of tlie second semester. 1 the following li the Scorpions first of the I second Several Elections of General Interest I. R. S. Organis:ation and Athletic A.i.Hociation Have New Officers At different times during this week the 1930 officers of the Athlet ic Association, and of the I. R.. S. Organization, have been elected. Results of voting done by the members of the Athletic Association are: President, Adelaide Webb; Vice-president, Celeste Knoefel; Sec retary, Leonora Riggan; Treasurer. Eleanor Idol. The elections made by the I. R. S. Organization are: President, Mar garet Ross Walker; Vice-president, Mildred Fleming. Explanation of Cabinet Duties at Vespers Each Girl on Y. Cabinet Tells Some thing of Her Responsibilities Each member of the Y. W. C. A. Cabinet has some definite duty to perform. Those attending Vespers Sunday evening had the privilege of learning the task wliieh is assigned to each definite girl from a short talk by the girl herself. Wilhelmina Wohlford, head of program, plar what is to be done at each Vesp( service. She selects the speaker, the type of program she wants to have and gives it to the Head of the Music Committee, Millicent Ward. It is her duty to select appropriate hymns, solos, vocal and instrumental, and the soloists. Music is a valuable asset to any service, partieularh of a religious nature, tlierefore these tw'o relative committees portant ones. Mary Myers Faulkner, Head of Social Service, was next on the pro gram. Slie told of the various phases of the work done by the s cial service group. Besides visits City Charitj' organizations such . the Orphanage, Y. W. C. A. aT Good Will Institute, they also ( local work on our own campus. Margaret Richardson, w'ho is head of publicity, told the different w'ay^ in which the organization make; known its services and members. Even the Y. W. C. A. has a social side to its activities. And Anna Pres ton, Cliairman of Socials, has charge of tlie teas given during exams and on several other occasions. Harriet Holderness has charge of the evening watcli services held on Tuesday and Tliursdav nights. Mary Norris, -fl-lio ' is head of World Fellowship, helps the Y. W. to keep in touch with foreign coun tries. The chief wa^- of doing this is bv placing a map of the world tlie ‘lobby of main hall on which ; tides cut from newspapers are p ned. These dippings tell of hap- iienings in the country which they indici ■ Elizabeth Marx is head of Chris tian Services. This is a group posed of a number of girls interested in the study of what missionaries have done and are doing in the for eign fields. Sara Graves, head of finance, con cluded the program. Her chief duty keep the Y store. The funds Varied Phases of Campus Life Present in Y. P. M. Different Organizations Give Schedules and Aims For the Year; Living Models Illustrate Lectures In Most Amusing Manner Wednesday morning expanded diapel of September 2G, was devoted presentation of purposes and jilans of the various campus organi zations. Before the hour was turned over to the Athletic Association first organization to be presented, Miss Covington explained the “cut-system” to be henceforth ob served. Miss Atkinson also made announcements relative to Miss Cov ington’s topic, concerning the physi cal education “cut system.” The meeting was then turned ovei to the Atliletic Association witli Adelaide Webb, the new president of the organization, presiding. She told of the aim of the associa ' ?ived 1 this ivide the IS of sending girls to Blue Ridge. These girls compose the Executive Department. Tliey w’ith the officers wlio are: Charlotte Grimes—President. Lillie Taylor—Vice-president. Mary Elizabeth Meeks—Secretary I.ouise Salisbury—Treasurer. Make up the Cabinet. Sororities Pledge New Members Results of Hrctic Rush Day Bid Day Can Now Re Pubiisi Drlta Sigma Delta has pledged the following girls: Sara Sutton, Monroe, N. C.; Mary Mitdidl Nor man, Mo. rcsville, N. C.; Florence Bowers, Washington, N. C.; Eliza beth Ward, Rocky Mount, N. ~ Katlileen Moore, Gastonia, N. ^imna Barton, Greensboro, N. ( Beta Beta Phi pledges are: Wini fred Fisher, Wilmington, N. C.; Be- ,^rice Hyde, Budianan, Va.; Sara Graves, Mary Virginia Pendergraph and Edith lleake, Mt. Airy, N. C.; Anna Preston, Charlotte, N. C.; El- ir Idol, High Point, *N. C.; Min- Hicks, Bi.scoe, N. C.; K.itherine Lycrly, Hickory, N. C. Theta Delta Pi pledges are: Mar tha Pierce, Weldon, N. C.; Araminta Sawyer, Windsor, N. C.; Louise Sal isbury. High Point, N. C.; Shuford Carlton, Roxboro, N. C.; Harriet Holderness, Tarboro, N. C. (Continued on Page Three) Senior Class Elects Additional Officers 'nior Marshalls Chosen and Four New Officers Elected On Friday, September tlie twenty first, the Senior Class met for the purpose of choosing marshalls and electing additional officers. The re sults of the election were: Histo Margaret Ross Walker; Poet, Lucile Hassell; Prophet, Mary Bre Testator, Mary Neal Wilkins. The girls who have been chosen to act as Senior Marshalls are: Elizabeth Allen, Chief Marshall; Marjorie Siew'crs and Millicent Ward, Juniors; Mary Mitchell Nor- mand, Sarah Graves, Mildred Biles, and Mary Martin, Sophomores; Mary Stockton and Eloise Crews, Freshmen. There are three Seniors whose little sisters (legal, not legiate!) are to be Marshalls. These Seniors are: Catherine Biles, Carrie May Stockton, and Selma Crews Princes Heard At High School First of 1929 Fine Arts Foundation Speakers Gives Lecture Study, study, study, from to sundown, with a tutor standing by to see that there is no idling, is the lot of the Chinese boy or girl W’hose parents are w-ealthy enougli to hire a tutor—and if they can hire a tutor there is little chance to get an edu cation—according to Princess Der Ling, the first of the 1929 Fine Arts Foundation speakers, who was heard by the pupils of the Richard J. Rey nolds High School and Hundreds of community people yesterday. The Princess brought to her hear ers an interesting account of life as it once was lived in old China and offered the hope that “China was waking up” and changing into a country of unbounded possibility. Having once been chief lady-in- waiting to the.Dowager Empress of China and having been well educated otherwise, the Princess brought a id and authentic picture of the former Forbidden City and the social life of the Chinese people in general. omen in China have made great advancement in recent years .and are ilestined to make more, the Princess stated. She congratulated the girls of America on their many privileges and contrasted them with the privi leges of the Chinese, or rather their lack of privileges. calling especial attention to the two changes in its constitution, and out lining the plans for the year. There is to be a “bathing beaut}’” contest and a “Good Posture Week” is to be observed. The purpose of the association is to emphasize the strictly physical educational activi ties, and, in addition to fasten more closely the relation between the work of the association and the general healtli of its members. A new sport calendar has been ar ranged by the athletic council, in cluding fall, winter and .spring ac tivities. The team games, this year, are to be played early in the spring that the last school months may be devoted to swimming and tennis. The two changes in the by-laws were also presented and discussed. The Vice-President, Celeste Knoe- fle, then told of her part in the as sociation and introduced Miss At kinson who told us of the plans being made for an arrangement by wdiich every girl shall have a specified and required W'eekly amount of exercise. The organizing of a jazz-orehestra for the purpose of suppljMng dance music was mentioned. The secre tary, Leonora Riggan, introduced the head of each sport as follows: Ruth Carter, soccer; Adelaide Win ston, hockey; Martha Delaney, ten nis; Anna Preston, swimming; Leo nora Wilder, riding; Virginia Mart in, golf; Dorothy Thompson, basket ball; Edith Kirkland, baseball; Sue M.aunc}’, track. Each one made an nouncements concerning her depart ment and the aims and principles of each were outlined. There were several costume parades, including the “dos” and “dont^s” of what the athletic girl wears and does. Some departments had demonstrations of the individual sports, these being track, volley-ball, soccer and base ball. Cheers were then led by the cheer-leader, Mary Brewer. Miss F2velyn Wilson, president of the McDowell Club, next made an nouncements concerning this social organization. She urged a 100 per cent membership, promising the same kind of an enjoj’able and enlighten ing entertainments of the past, for the forthcoming year. The class rep resentatives of the club, and the staff were announced, the former being presented. The aim of this club is to provide pleasure and entertain ment on Saturday nights. I. R. S. was presented by Mar garet Ross Walker, the president. This organization includes everj^ girl the campus, and its aim is to till into every girl the importance of “truly representing Salem,’ ’and of upholding Salem ideals and stand ards. There is an executive body, 'omposcd of a president, a vice-pres ident, the four class presidents, the student government and Y. W. C. A. presidents and a representative of each class. Miss Stipe as organizer, 'ctor and faculty advisor of this club has been largely responsible for great advancement. The “Social rum” is the social phase of the or ganization and is both enjoyable and profitable, including illustrations and lectures on etiquette, good dress, so- entions, and health consid erations. This year the I. R. S. is attempt ing to make plans .attractive and di- -ersified and hopes to carry its slo gan, “I Represent Salem” into all phases of college life. The organi zation begs for the whole-hearted in- and co-operation of its mem bers, in order that it may make defi- I nitc expansion and progress.

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