The Salemite Member Southern Inter-Collegia Press Association Published Weekly by the Student Body of Salem College SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 a Year 10c a Copy EDITORIAL STAFF Phone 9147 Editor-in-Chief Lucile Hassel, ’30 Managing Editor Lessie Phillips, 30 Associate Editor, Mary M. Faulkner, ’31 Associate Editor Kitty Moore, ’31 Feature Editor Edith Kirkland, ’31 Asso. Editor ....Margaret Richardson, ’31 Music Editor Millicent Ward, ’31 Local Editor Mary Martin, ’32 REPORTERS Agnes Pollock, ’31. Mary N. Wilkins, ’30. Eleanor Idol, ’32. Sara Graves, ’32. business staff liness Manager it. Bus. Mgr f. Manager ;t. Adv. Mgr. ., it. Adv. Mgr. .. t. Adv. Mgr. .. ;t. Adv. Mg: ,t. Adv. Mg ...Carolyn Brinkley Elizabeth Allen Elizabeth Eva Hackney Frances Caldwell ....Mary Norr M ir\ Alice Beama Leila Burroughs Adv'. Mg. Elizabeth McClaugherty little thoughts for TODAY Inflict not an enemy every in jury in your power, for he may afterwards become your friend. —Saadi. If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we sliould find in each man’s life ,orrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility. —Longfellow. From envy, hatred, and mal ice, and all’ uncharitableness, good Lord deliver us. —Booh of Common Prayer, —The Litany. COLLEGE LIFE The subject which occurs to us t this time of the year is the neces- ity of a well-rounded college life, .et us consider participation in ath letics, and in all campus activities, equally as important as mere schol astic energy. Many girls do not realize, until after they have finished school, that the way to make the most of every opportunity for devel opment which college life affords. Then it is too late to make amends. Salem oifers you a diversified field. Avail yourself of the privilege to enjoy acting with the Pierrette Players, if you have dramatic ability, or to enjoy seeing their plays, even though you are not sufficiently tal ented to participate. Go out for soccer, basket-ball, volley ball, hockey, tennis, swimming, or base ball. You don’t have to be an lete in order to derive benefit and pleasure from sports. Everybody likes to play; and these games are simply a healthful form of recrea tion. Physical fitness is essential to mental alertness, as you all know; though you may have a tendency to ignore the truth of this statement. Then, too, you will be enriched spir itually by a loyal interest in \ work of 'the Y. W. C. A. It is cowardly and an ignorant idea think participation in devotional services implies prudishness and a false sort of religiosity. The spirit of the Y. W. is something entirely different from the perverted concep tion which you may have. You will appreciate the value of this organi zation if you attend its services. Of course the main object of at tending college is to secure an edu cation, and we usually think of edu cation in terms of books. We must be careful not to make the mistake of contenting ourselves with just skimming by, and making of minds a replica of an empty egg shell. Possibly the most important phase of all is association with other girls. It is very unwise to limit one’s self to a few friends; think of the interesting new people we might be saying these things merely to fill up space, or to make a good impression, or to incur ( cism for seeming to preach (or to be typocritical). Having “been here,’' we realize the importance of having- varied interests and of being c; ful not to overlook interest phi of college life. PARAGRAPHICS The Senior Class seems to have phenomenal money-making proclivi ties this year. We think that they should be congratulated for having acquired one hundred dollars during the past three weeks. This has certainly been a strenu ous week for practically everybody on the campus—what with all the electing, pledging, installing, and campaigning. Let’s relax today. By way of relaxation, try “Col lege Love.” (Make this a pun if you’d rather.) We had “one-of-those-feelings- that - you - have - when - you - know this-has-happen-before,” upon seeing Cam and Ikey in Miss Stipe’s office Wednesday night. Pictures for Sights and Insights are being taken very early in the term—much earlier than usual. Such a good beginning surely hints of pleasing final results. According to our opinion, the last Y. P. M. (and its sequels) was par ticularly entertaining. The phrase ology of the various speakers was, in general, delightful—as were the an tics of those who served as living il lustrations. You: “Say, Tough Break, I hear you failed your English re-exam’. Is that true?” No So Dumb: “Yea, Dr. Wil loughby asked us to write an essay on the ‘Result of Laziness,’ and I sent up a blank sheet of paper.” REASSURANCE Why should one year bring me More than one perfect thing? Did ever winter herald More than one spring? How shall I fear the future When I have this ? Whatever autumn threatens Summer gave—your kiss ! —J. Johnson. THE SALEMITE Self-Government Group Welcomes the Freshmen The freshman class of Salem Col lege was installed into full member ship in the Student-Self-Govern- ment Association Thursday evening. An impressive service was held in Memorial Hall. The auditorium was in darkness, except for a light on the platform, where an imitation fire was burning when the freshmen entered, all dressed in white, carrying the colors of their respective high school. Virginia Martin, president of the association, told the freshmen that during the period of probation an effort had been made to teach them the rules of the association and to assist them in getting adjusted to college life. She said that she hoped the spirit in which the instruction was given would be reflected in their lives. Symbolic of the fact that all the love and devotion which the fresh men had felt for their high schools when they came to Salem was now blended to form allegiance to their class and to the college, they passed in front of the fire, tossing their high school colors into the imitation Pledge cards then read in unison by the freshmen were: “LTpon signing this card, I pledge myself to become an honorable mem ber of the Student Self-Government Association of Salem College; to obey its rules and to uphold its high est principles and to the best of my ability to influence others to do so.” Dr. Rondthaler spoke briefly upon the responsibility which the fresh men owe their high schools. He said that they are more responsible now than when they were still attending high school; that they are carefully watched by the institutions from which they have been graduated, be cause they interpreted those institu tions an drepresented them. The installation service closed with the singing of the Alma Mater. She was only a cigar-maker’s daughter, but she certainly knew her TRAINING A TODDLER “Has your baby learned to walk !t?” “Heavens, no! Why, he’s just learning to drive the car.” Kansas City Star. BUY TOILET GOODS —From— O’Hanlon’s Drug Store NORTH CAROLINA’S BEST KNOWN DRUG STORE BY GIVING YOU PERSONAL SERVICE WE THINK THE SERVICE YOU WILL LOVE WILL BE “TRUELOVE’S” Truelove Cleaning Works Repairing a Specialty Office and Plant: 330-332 S. Main St. Phone 1047 for Service Repairing a Specialty FISHER’S DRY CLEANING 214 West Fourth Street “W. D. T. B.” (We Wo the Best) SMART NEW SPORT WEAR FOR CAMPUS OR STREET THE NEW KNIT-SUITS COME IN BEAUTIFUL NEW FALL SHADES - VERY REASONABLE $1250 $18-50 NEW FALL COATS EXCLUSIVE STYLES— $49.50 $169-50 215 WEST FOURTH STREET Welcome Salem Girls Blue Ribbon Ice Cream AFTER CLASSES A Product of Peerless Ice Cream Co. THE BLUE WILLOW Extends you the heartiest welcome of all. Come up soon and try some of our DeHcious Specials. PRIVATE PARTIES GIVEN SPECIAL ATTENTION Open all day. Spruce, between 4th and 5th Sts. WHEN YOU THINK OF FURNITURE THINK OF Huntley-Hill-Stockton Co. The Name That Belongs With Good Furniture GOOCH’S Phone 5105 WHEN YOU GIRLS WERE ABSENT FROM SALEM WE FOUND THERE WAS A MISSING LINK FROM OUR STORE NOW YOU ARE BACK—WE FIND THE MISSING LINK, AND WE WANT TO THANK YOU FOR PATRONIZING US Now, Girls, if you want to smile, try one our LoIIypops, Made from Blue Ribbon Ice Cream, Salem Best Cream. Bring in your Kodak Films and let us S?ive them Developed for you on short notice. B. W. ROBERTS, Proprietor