LIBkAkt i t.. SALEM GIRLS LIBRAR’-i VAN DYKES WINSTON SAi,EM, N. ('., SATURDAY. OCTOBER 19, Dr. Mangum Tells About Life in Africa Interesting Spee^ on African Mission at Y. P. M. Academy Students Make Horseback Trip Girls From Academy Spend Week-End at Camp Near French Club Holds Its First Meeting Sociology Group Makes Interesting Field Trip County pliysidan, conduoted a group of Sociology stud.T.ts on a most in- tcri-stiiii!- field triu. The County Ju- .•md tlie languages, religions, ners, and custoins of tlu.' African ;,]d n,an. probably eighty «-ho iniaginci he was an in the villages. The people tall, graceful, and upright, esi: Organ Recitel Sunday By Dean Vardeli Soccer Championship Won By F Dean Vardeli Gives Talk on Opera I'or Y. \V. C. A. V day evening, October i:i, Dean Var dcil of the Music Dcpartnunt, gav an organ'recital in Memorial Hall. Id tnnu agani slie uiter- o.pponents- ^V>lays. There •who played well, too. gusted ,s1k- hv that of tlie DR SCHALLERT TALKS AT SCIENCE MEETING Winners of Salemite Tryout Now on Staff SALEM GIRLS TESTED FOR BROADCASTING RED AND BLACK AGAIN ADORNS EFFICIENCY CUP STUDENT COUNCIL TREASURER ELECTED B. T. at C'harlotte for to ))ut on a ])rogram within a weel or two. Dfffercnt persons and div the MjAe/. AlTie Mae (Jcrken, Nancy ."ox, lX;iisy,..I,CC'. Carson, I'rances Douglass W Lucy W Van Dykes Sponsors “Salem Day”