WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1929. Salem College Gets Bequests Miss Amy Van Vleck Remem bers Salem College in Will; Synod Closes; Board of College Trustees Elected Announcemerit of bequests in the will of the late Miss Amy Van Vleck, which will mean that Salem College and Academy will rceive ap proximately $12,000, was the out standing feature of tlie closing ses sion of the Triennial Synod of the Moravian Church, South, at Home Moravian Church, Wednesday night, November 20. H. E. Fries, one of the executors of the will, paid a tribute of respect to the late faithful member of the church, stating that her will had pro vided generously for all items in which the meeting was interested. Mr. Fries said that her life was an exemplary one and her impression was of the very best among the youth with whom she had been sc long associated. In the day sessions Colonel F. H. Fries recommended that a fund of $300,000 be raised for further devel opment of Salem College. This rec ommendation set forth three main items to be considered in the admin istration of the fund when it is raised. These items were endow ment, a gymnasium, and a central building. These tentatively outlined plans did not in any way affect the present building program which is under way for Salem Academy. Of particular interest was the election of trustees under the new schedule which allows for a num ber of the body to retire at the end of each three-year period. The fol lowing body was elected: F. II Fries Mrs. Louise B. Haywood, Mrs Agnes S. Shaflfner, F. A. Fogle, and C. N. Siewers, to retire in 1932, R. I). Shore, I-ouis Owen, Dr. Edmund Schwarze, W. F. Shaffner and John Fries Blair, to retire in 1935, and the Right Rev. Edward Rondthaler, Clarence A. Shore, Dr. Fred Pfohl, R. Arthur Spaugh and DeWitt Ha- mon, to retire in 1938. Thanksgiv’ng Program At Vesper Service Musical Numbers and Appro priate Readings Feature Sunday Y. W. Vespers Last Sunday the Y. W. C. A. vesper service was begun in the ac customed order with a hymn, a scrip ture reading by Mary Elizabeth Meeks, and a prayer by Elizabeth Marx. The spirit which pervaded the service was appropriately one of thanksgiving and praise. A choral interpretation of “Invocation,” was particularly beautiful. After this, Anna Preston read a thought-provok ing article on the importance of be ing thankful every day. She conclud ed with a poem by Margaret E. Sangster, “November Prayer”: I like to watch the leaves that dance Upon November trees; I like to hear the way they laugh Their answer to the breeze. I like the gallant gowns they wear Of gold and scarlet made— I even like the way they fall, So crisp—so unafraid! They lend my soul a little prayer. They make me, softly, say: “When autumn comes into my life, I^et me be brave and gay . . . God, give me grace to laugh and dance, As to the branch I cling. And let me wear a vivid dress. And dream of youth—ai spring!” (Continued on Page Three) Dr. Rondthaler At Thanksgiving Service Conducts Y. P. M. On Wed nesday; Interesting and Impressive Occasion An appropriate and impressive service was conducted by Dr. Rond thaler at Y. P. M. Wednesday, No vember 27. A beautiful McDowell selection “1620,” was played by Dean Vardcll. McDowell, an emi nent composer, and a teacher of the late Dean Sliirley, has left a col lection of sea pieces. “1620” is Mc Dowell’s interpretation of the voy age of the “Mayflower.” Dr. Rondthaler opened his address of the morning with the reading of the Thanksgiving proclamations of the President and North Carolina’ governor. President Hoover’s proc lamation called attention to the many God-bestown blessings for which we should direct especial prayers and thanks. In this document he said, “As surance of peace at home and abroad have been strengthened and en larged. Progress has been made in disaster preventions. Enlighten ment has grown apace in new reve lations of scientific truths and in diffusion of knowledge. Childhood is measureably more sccure. New ex perience and new knowledge in many fields has been recorded from which a deeper wisdom may grow. ' We sliould accept these blessings with resolution to devote them to the services of Almighty God.” He pro claimed Thursday, November 28, as a national holiday and a day of public prayer and devotion. This document bears an impres sion of Hoover, the pacifist and friend to man, personality in the thanks to God for a world wide in clination to peace, for domestic progressiveness, for absence of ca lamity. Tlianksgiving is significant as the only time that the government gives emphatic and national sanction of personal and group devotion. He couneiled and invited all to be mind ful of those who suffer some peculiar need or sorrow, especially widows and orphans. Here Dr. Rondthaler reviewed the condition of North Carolina’s orph anages and their dependence on the public. “Childhood or infancy,” he said, “in orphaned conditions car ries the greatest human appeal to which hearts give answ'cr.” Governor O. Max Gardner in his Thanksgiving proclamation said, “The people of the State should be especially thankful that the con fusion and conflict arising from the disturbed industrial conditions now prevalent are disappearing and that there are signs of returning prosper ity. The industries, long hesitant, are on a sound financial basis, and signs of a returning prosperity are already beginning to appear. In spite of the confusion coming from the fundamental transition now in existence, my faith in the ultimate ability of employers and employees to reach an understanding based on mutability and good will is undimin ished. We should be thankful for the courage and sincerity of purpose with which our people are facing their problems. I firmly believe that this spirit of practical Christianity and unswerving devotion to the highest interests of North Carolina will dissolve every conflict and ment our state into one large fam ily.” Gardner is thinking of textile and domestic disorders whose extent is almost unfathomable. Is this con fusion illustrating a world-wide dis order or is it an outburst of local disorders? Are we entering into an era of disorder making want and sorrow more prevalent? Suddenly confronted with what has always (Continued on Page Three) Salem Faculty Gives Recital Three Gifted Members of the School of Music Heard This Week Three gifted members of the fac ulty of Salem College School of Music were heard Monday night Memorial Hall in a recital of excep tional beauty. Miss Viola Tucker, pianist. Miss Hazel Horton Read, violinist, and Ernest Schofield, baritone, presented a program which measured up to the highest stand ards of musicianship. The first number was Beethoven’s Sonata, op. 2, No. 3. Throughout the different movements Miss Tucker displayed marked emotional capacity and a fine command of tone quality. Miss Read next made her ap pearance and delighted the audience with her artistic performance of the “P'inale Marziale” from Vieuztempi' Concerto in D Minor. She played this difficult peice with great and achieved a brilliant climax. Miss Tucker’s second group open ed with the Brahms Ballade op. 10, No. 1 (“Edward”) and she entered thoroughly into the mood of this profound composition. In her inter pretation of Schumann’s “Vogel als Prophet” Miss Tucker gave a charm ing imitation of the bubbling song of the forest warbler and, at the same time, caught and conveyed to her listeners the deep prophetic note which underlies the entire composi- “Minstrels,” by Debussy, was a most delicious number, brimming over with a spirit of fun and brav' ado. Miss Tucker brought her group to a close with Debussy’s “Jardins Sous la Pluie” in which she achieved a lovely variety of tone color. A delightful group of songs, con- tiibated by Mr. Schofield, displayed to excellent advantage the richness and depth of his splendid baritone voice. Mr. Schofield is well-known as head of the Voice Department of Salem College School of Music and he was heard with great interest. In his opening number, “Je Ne Veux Pas Autre Chose,” by Widor, the excellence of his F'rench diction and the emotional depth of liis in terpretation were the outstanding elements. The Piper of Dundee,” which followed, was sung with rare zest and waS enthusiastically re ceived by the audience. “I Love Life,” by Mana-Zucca, brought the group to a splendid climax. The accompanists for the recital were Misses I’rances Jarratt and Dorothy Thompson, both of whom played in a most artistic manner. The climax of the entire program was reached when Miss Tucker, ac companied by Dean C. G. Vardell, Jr., at the organ, gave the Ruben- stein Concerto 4, op. 70. This, a work of the first magnitude in breadth, musical significance and technical difficulty, was most skil fully presented. Miss Tucker equal to every demand and ros great artistic heights in her per formance of this extremely brilliant composition. —Twin-City Sentinel. Academy Presents “The Rivals” English Department Sponsors Play in Memorial Hall According to an established cus tom, Salem Academy presented a play as Tlianksgiving night enter tainment. This year the piece Sheridan’s “Rivals,” sponsored by the Academy English Department, and ably directed by Miss Eleanor (Continued on Page Three) Girls HearKreisler Perform in Charlotte Miss Read and Group of Stud ents Attend Concert By Noted Violinist A most enjoyable break was made in the general routine of things Thursday, November 21, when twen- ty-five of the student body journeyed to Charlotte to hear Fritz Kreisler, the famous violinist. The trip was sponsored by Miss Hazel Horton Read who chartered a special bus for those girls wishing to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. The group arrived in Charlotte at such a late hour that the doors of the S. and L. Cafeteria had to be held open for them by request, thus placing the whole cafeteria at their disposal. Here they feasted gaily, and were told that Fritz Kreisler, himself, had lunched there most lux uriously on pigs knuckles and sauer kraut. The concert was given in the new Charlotte Armory. The artist, too great to be lauded and praised by any humble pen, played to a most appreciative audience a program that well displayed his perfection of tech nical skill and singing sweetness of tone. He played with a combina tion of ease and strength that com pletely charmed his hearers, and sat isfied their persistent applause with several lovely encores. The program: Mrs. Wilson-Greene Presents Fritz Kreisler, violinist New Armory, Thursday Evening, November 21st, 8:30 p. m. 1. Concerto, D-minor—Bach. Allegro—Adagio—Allegro. 2. Concerto, D-Major, Tschaikowsky Allegro Moderato Andante (Canzonetta) Allegro vivacissimo. 3. (a) Shepherd’s Madrigal, (Old German) Kreisler (b) Gypsy Caprice—Kreisler (c) Piece en foune de Haban era—Ravel (d) Jeta—De Falla-Koch- (e) Danse Espagnole, DeFalla-Kreisler (From La Vida Breve) Carl Lamson, Accompanist. SENIORS TAKE PLAY TO DAVIDSON “The Hidden Guest” is going to be presented for the third time this season at Davidson College Satur day night. It is sponsored by the Davidson Dramatic Club which has offered a fifty-fifty guarantee and all expenses paid. It promises to be a big week-end at Davidson, according to Mr. John Z. Preston, dramatic manager, fol lowing the Duke-Davidson game and the cast is looking forward to this event with greatest pleasure. The Davidson Dramatic Club has co-operated very heartily with the Senior Class and Salem appreciates their interest. There has been a change in the cast. Red Turner will take the part of Hubner, the convict, in the place of Mr. Lewis, who is spending the holidays at his home in South Caro- N.C.C.P.A. Convenes At Lenoir-Rhyne Delegates Report Entertaining Programs and Interesting Business Meetings The North Carolina Collegiate Press Association met at Lenoir- Rhyne College at Hickory November 21, 22, 23. There were present rep resentatives from the publications of Duke, Carolina, State, Meredith, N. C. C. W., Wake Forest, E. C. T. C., Lenoir Rhyne, Queen’s, G. C., High Point College and Salem. The convention opened with an in formal tea which the delegates en joyed after registration. That night the Kiwanians of I (ickory gave a banquet at the Country Club. Fri day morning informal discussion groups were held in which the edi tors and business managers, and their assistants, discussed the problems peculiar to their campuses and pa pers. On Friday afternoon Lenoir- Rhyne College played a football game against Erskine, in spite of the snow and hail and slush. An other banquet was given Friday night by the Hickory Daily Record, at which such interesting features as Yo-Yo contests, quartets, and solos were enjoyed. A hosiery mill of Hickory gave a pair of hose to each girl as a souvenir. Each boy receiv ed a walking stick. The discussion groups were resumed after a general business meeting. The convention ended with luncheon in the college dining room. The convention closed with the invitation to meet at High Point College in High Point next spring. FOOTBALL SEASON CLOSES Yesterday saw the close of the football season in the collegiate world, barring, perhaps two or three intersectional games that may be played. The sports editors had the business of figuring the relative standings of the different teams right up to start of the games yesterday. This morning they will no doubt tell the gridiron fans who’s who in the (Continued on Page Ihree) Class Yells and Songs Presented In Chapel Y. P. M. in Charge of College And Class Cheer Leaders Last Week Y. P. M. held last Wednesday morning proved to be one of the most interesting of the year. A short chapel was held during which the Pierrette Players represented by Ed- itli Kirkland presented to the college sixty dollars made by the presenta tion of “The Importance of Being Earnest.” This sum has been added to the Living Endowment Fund. Following chapel the meeting was in charge of Mary Brewer, college cheer leader, who conducted the song contest. The four classes presented their respective songs which were judged upon their words, tune, pre sentation, and pep. In addition each group gave class yells. Mr. Ernest Schofield, one of the judges, an nounced the final decision in favor of the Freshman class. The biggest “hit” of the morning was the jazz orchestra (newly or ganized by the Athletic Association) whose offerings were received most enthusiastically and even uproarious ly by the student body. Its conduc tor, Sue Jane Mauney, proved her self capable of obtaining the best results from her fourteen players. The snare drummer, “Babe” Silver- stein, featured in several numbers with marked success. With each yell and song the high spirits of all present steadily in creased and the hall was filled with the echoes of real pep such as Salem has never seen excelled. The students all joined in singing that old-time favorite, “Back to Sa lem,” also the new school song and the “Alma Mater.” The orchestra played a military march as recession al; and the meeting disbanded ready in spirit for the athletic baiiquet on Saturday. This is the song which won in the contest: (Continued on Page Three)