VOL. X. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1929. Number 12. Dr. John R. Mott Speaker at Conference At Student Conference in Ra leigh Dr. Mott Discusses Mission of Christianity More tlian eighty representatives from different North Carolina col leges met at State College for a luncheon on Wednesday to hear Dr. John R. Mott discuss the problem of the world mission of Christianity today. Dr. Mott is the leading student of Christian Missions, hav ing made four trips around the world to study conditions abroad, having attended fifty-one congresses of the leaders of all churches and races, and being president of the Interna tional council of Christian Missions. Dr. Mott presided at the conference in Jerusalem, 1928, where the repre sentatives of fifty nations and races met to face the problem of missions. Dr. Mott stated that there on the Mount of Olives he heard again the call of God through the representa tives to give himself to the cause of Christian Missions, to study the pur pose, objectives, guiding principles, methods and message of the great movement. In fulfilling that call he made his last tour of the world, the impression of which he presented at the conference. The forces of pure Christianity are today facing an absolutely unpre cedented situation, unprecedented primarily in opportunity. Every where today the doors are wide open to the penetrating influence of Jesus Christ. The Christians of today will be expected some day to account for the way in which they have used the opportunity. Secondly the situation is unprecedented in urgency. Mod ern machinery has quickened the pace of the world. There is a rising tide of nationalism and racial patri otism which must be used to advan tage at its flood state. The nations must be trusted now, and helped in the foundation building stage of their development if the best is to be drawn out of them. The world (Continued on Page Four.) Posture Week Closes With Pageant Anna Preston and Frances Bowland Receive Prizes For Best Posture The posture pageant and contest followed by a dance which was held last Saturday night in the basement of Alice Clewell building prove 1 a decided success in every way. Anna Preston was judged as the Si,1cm girl having the best posturt, while Frances Bowland was awarded the same honor as an Academy student. “Posture Through the Ages,” pre sented by the Athletic Association, was w'armly received by a large audi ence. This pageant gave the his tory of posture and illustrated it from ancient Greece to the present time, including Grecian Grace and Poise, the Age of Chivalry, Colonial Age, the Old I'ashioned Girl, the World War Period, and the Modern Girl. The actors displayed talent and good training. The Posture Contest was the next attraction. Each participant was at tired in a bathing suit and walked out before the judges by herself to show her posture. Out of this group four were chosen for reconsideration. To Anna Preston as winner of the college contest the Athletic Associa tion presented a vase which was sym bolic of grace, poise, balance and other requisites of good posture. Runners up were Velleda James, Mary Catherine Siewers, and Anne Meister. Frances Bowland of the Academy was also awarded a vase. The dance which followed was de lightful. The Salem Syncopating Serenaders displayed their usual pep and vigor and added the final touch to a most enjoyable evening. Salem Pupils Give Recital Delightful Program Presented To Large Audience Last Week Pupils of Ernest L. Schofield, head of the voice department, were heard in a recital in Memorial Hall last week. A most interesting and enjoyable program was presented and a large audience of music lov ers and friends of the college ap plauded the singers with enthusiasm. Good tone production, clear dic tion, artistic phrasing and attention to interpretative detail characterized the work of the various soloists who were assisted by the Glee Club of the college under the direction of Mr. Schofield. This organization of sixty-odd singers made a decided im pression, this being its first appc;»r- ance in concert this season. The chorus sang with vivacity and enthusiasm. Here, again, careful attention to the details of attack, release, nuance, diction and tonal balance was much in evidence. Mr. Schofield proved an effective and au thoritative conductor. The program was opened by Miss Millieent Ward, who sang “Mornin’ on ze Old Bayou,” by Strickland, and “Thy Beaming Eyes,” by Mae- Dowell, with much charm. She was followed by Miss Blanche Phillips in del Biego’s “Homing” in which she achieved fine expression and an effective climax. Miss Wilhelmina Wohlford appeared next in a group of songs, “Piute’s Dreams,” by Huerter, and “Come to the Fair,” by Martin. Her lyric soprano voice was much enjoyed by the audience. The air, “Lascia ch’io pianga,” from Handel’s Rinaldo, was sung with delightful expression by Miss Elizabeth Rondthaler. Miss Elea nor Bagwell appeared next, singing (Continued on Page Four) MATH CLUB MEETS Miss Sallie Hege, discussing The CuUural Value of Mathematics, and Mr. Curlee explaining the fourth dimension, were the speakers at the December meeting of the Mathe matics Club, which was held in the campus living room of Alice Clewell. Before this program, the presi dent, Selma Crews, read and ex plained the constitution of the club to the new members. At the con clusion of the program, several math ematical riddles were solved. In discussing her subject. Miss Hege said that any subject or science is of cultural value if it makes life fuller and richer, if it places one in a position of greater harmony with one’s surroundings, if it leads one to a better understand ing of nature, and if it gives one a better understanding of the develop ment of the race. Mathematics is therefore a cul tural study because out of it grows confidence of the human intellect; because it gives training in inde pendence of mind, and an appreci ation of closely wover^ system of thought; because it trains one in rec ognizing the fundamental features of a science or a situation; because it is a common heritage from many races, and because there is beauty in mathematics, in its logic and or- •anization. SCIENCE CLUB MEETS ON FRIDAY EVENING On Friday evening the Science club met in the science laboratory It-ctnrc roo;i.. Annit Koonce Juttoii gave a current event. She told about how oil wells are being drilled in the ocean on the coast of Cali fornia. Mary Ayres Payne made the talk of the evening. She spoke about “Endocrine Glands” and il lustrated her subject with slides which were thrown on a screen. The talk was very interesting as well as instructive. Final Hockey Games Played on Monday Sophomores Win the Coveted Hockey Cup in Champion ship Contest On Monday afternoon, the final hockey game was played between the Freshmen and Sophomores.f Cap tain Shorty Biles led her team on the field with the real spirit of ’32 and led it off again victorious. Shorty Biles and Martha DeLaney won the laurels of the day. Both played an excellent game and weathered the storm like veterans. The ball was in Freshmen posses sion over two-thirds of the game but a lack of determination and fighting spirit prevented them from scoring more than once. The final score was 3 — 1 in favor of the Sophomores. To add to the excitement of the day, the Seniors and Juniors played a consolation game. The teams were about evenly matched, however the Juniors won by a 2-0 score. The outstanding players in the Junior- Senior battle, were Ruth Carter, Margaret Richardson, Adelaide Win ston, Adelaide Webb and Mildred Fleming. Annual Senior Vespers In Memorial Hall Lai-ge Crowd Attends Impres sive Christmas Vesper Ser vice Sunday Night A most beautiful and impressive ceremony was the traditional “Sen ior Vespers” held Sunday evening in Memorial Hall. This rite is one of unusual charm and dignity and characterized by the Yuletide spirit its memory is one long cherished and remembered. The Seniors open ed the services singing “Hark, The Herald Angels Sing,” and entering, they took their places in unusual formation on the platform. Dr. Rondthaler then offered a very beau tiful prayer, after which the Seniors formed a choir and sang a succession of Christmas anthems, including “Holy Night, Silent Night,” “The First Noel,” and “O- Come, All Ye Faithful.” They were accompanied by Miss Hazel H. Reed, playing the violin, and Miss Ina Cox at the organ. Mr. Ernest Schofield sang an old French carol, “What Perfumes the Air,” a charming Christmas number, being followed by a reading by Dr. Rondthaler of a Christmas poem ex pressing the child of today’s idea of the Nativity. Miss Ina Cox at the organ played “The March of the Magi” and Miss Estie Lee Clore sang a Christmas song, “The Virgin Slumber Song,” by Regar. The Seniors then descended from the platform, in pairs, each bearing a lighted candle. At the center aisles they were met by their soph omore assistants who carried un lighted candles, which were lighted and one candle given to every mem ber of the audience. The Seniors returned to their places on the ros trum and all sang, “Softly the Night Is Falling,” after which Dr. Rond- thaler pronounced the benediction. Salem Academy Has Charge of Music Hour Students of Academy All Take Part in Beautiful and Im pressive Pageant At Music Hour, Thursday, Salem Academy presented an interesting and impressive pageant. It centered around “Adoration,” a painting by Gerard Honthorst, which represents the scene of the nativity of Christ. The worship of the shepherds and of the kings was shown. Every stu- (Continued on Page Three) Mrs. Agnes Winslow Gives Lecture Here Educational Representative of Victor Talking Machine Co. Presents Talk Mrs. Agnes Winslow, Educational Representative of the Victor Talk ing Machine Company, gave a most interesting lecture and demonstration to the members of the class in Public School Music, Monday, at 1:45 in the music classroom. She discussed tlie use of the talking machine in teaching music appreciation in the primary grades. Music appreciation was first taught in the public schools of Milwaukee twenty years ago. The term “music appreciation” formerly implied the enjoyment of music. Recently it has come to mean not only the enjoy ment but also the understanding of music, which is an intellectual pro- (Continued on Page Four) Salem Girl to Entertain at Clubs Mary Brewer Invited to Per form Before Kiwanis and Lions Clubs Mary Brewer, who has for almost four years been an unfailing and popular source of amusement on Sa lem campus, has gained more wide spread fame than her classmates may have realized. Recently she has been invited to be entertainer at two important social functions. In spite of the fact that Mary’s first engage ment was scheduled for Friday, De cember 13, she remained calm and unafraid at the intimidating pros pect of performing her well-known impersonations before such an im posing audience as the Mount Airy Kiwanians and their wives —• on “Ladies’ Night.” Mrs. L. B. Pen- dergraph invited Mary to take part in the program on this occasion. And now she has received another request for a presentation. This time she is to be entertainer at the “La- die.s’ Night” meeting of the Winston- Salem Lion’s Club, to be held at the Country Club some time in January. Mary JBrewer sends forth an urgent plea for somebody to do something that will be suitable for her to imi tate. “All suggestions will be ap preciated.” NEW CLUB ORGANIZED Due to the difficulty which stud ents in elementary French had in conversing with the advanced stud ents in La Circle i'rancaise, a junior French club. La Petite Circle Fran- caise, has recently been organized with Miss Alice Collins as sponsor and adviser. The first meeting of the club, the purpose of which is to acquaint its members with the songs, history, customs, and culture of France, was held Wednesday after noon, December 11, in the campus living room of Alice Clewell build ing. Miss Collins announced that the Modern Language faculty had, after due deliberation over the recent try outs, selected the following ofiieers; President, Dorothy Heidenrich; first vice-president. Rose Best; second vice-president, Ruth Crouse; secre tary, Mary Alice Beaman; treasurer, Mary Katherine Siewers. During the business hour the club chose Mary Martin as Salemite reporter. The club further decided to di vide its membership into committees of eight, each committee being re sponsible for one program and social hour of the club. The program, which was carried out entirely in French, was featured by Christmas carols sung by the club, selections on the Victrola by Caruso, and a French story, Les Sabots de Petit ..Albert, read by Mary Alice Beaman. The Christ mas story was read from a French I Bible by Dorothy Heidenrich. Second Advent Address Given In Chapel' Dr. Rondthaler Interprets the Shepherd Story Told By Luke At the Expanded Chapel service Wednesday, Dr. Rondthaler gave the second of a series of Advent ad dresses, in a beautiful and thrilling interpretation of the age-old shep herd story told by Luke. He began his remarks by saying that since the shepherds were ostra cized and had no standing in the life of the church, ’ the story was told to them. “And there were in the same coun try, shepherds abiding in the field.” By day the good shepherds take their herds upon the lofty hilltops so that they may graze where th^ grass is freshest and greenest. However, when night comes, they descend to the plain, or fields for shelter and protection against the cold. There, by the light of the stars and a tiny fire, some watch, whOe others sleep, all are silent. This they did two thousand years ago and do today. “The glory of the Lord shone round about them and they were The light of God’s glory came upon them with startling suddenness. Yet there is nothing grotesque or in- ceivable in the emergence of it. It is only natural that the men would be amazed at so unusual a happen ing, amazed and silently wondering. Fear came out of the very radiance of the light. What could be a sweeter or more natural sequence, than a voice explaining the light? (Continued on Page Four.) Unusual Program At Y. W. Vespers Musical Selections Service Is Held In Memorial Hall The Y. W. Vespers service of Sunday, December 8, consisted of a program given by a group of music students from Columbia Heights High School. The service, which was held in Memorial Hall, was com posed of spiritual numbers and other musical selections. The first num bers were “He Is Mine” and “Good I.ord,” sung by a male quartet. After two soprano solos, “Smilin’ Through’ and “The Rosary,” sung by two of the girls, the accompanist gave a rendition of “Liebestraum.” A bass solo, “Asleep in the Deep,” followed. The male quartet concluded the pro gram with “We’re Going Home to Heaven,” and “Steal Away,” and gave as an encore “Do You Call That Religion?” This was one of the most enjoy able programs of the year. PIERRETTES GIVE PLAYS On Saturday evening, December the sixth, the Pierrette Players, under the auspices of the MacDowell club, presented two one-act plays, “Miss Tassey,” and “Pierrette’s Heart.” The first gave a tragic pic ture of the disillusionment of the English shop girl. The following cast under the direction of Athena Campourakis gave an excellent in terpretation of the tragedy: Rose Clifton—Mary Virginia Pendergraph Mrs. Postlewaite— Athena Campourakis Miss I.imerton Millieent Ward Sarah Grace Martin Miss Torrey—Edith Kirkland. “Pierrette’s Heart,” a delighful little romance under the direction of Adelaide Winston was charmingly presented by the following charac- Pierrot Lyda Womelsdorf Pierrette Betty Sloan The Farmer Carrington Holman

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