^'4 if ^ -4 PIERRETTE CRAMMING PLAYS ^airuiuir TIME WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY, JANUARY 16, 1932. School of Music of Salem College Attains Great Honor ELECTED AS MEMBER OF N. A. OF S. M. Salem Now Ranks With the Most Eminent Conserva tories of Music The School of Music of Salem College announces its election to membership in the National As sociation of Schools of Music. This election, which places Salem College in the front rank of Schools of Music of the nation, is significant and signal for the insti- The National Association of Schools of Music was formed a num ber of years ago for the purpose of standardizing and stabilizing the de gree, Bachelor of Music, and includes in its membership the foremost schools of music in the country, such as the Eastman School of Music, the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music, Northwestern University School of Music and others of that calibre. The admission of Salem College to the Association followed a visit of examination and investigation by Mr. Burnet C. Tuthill, secretary of the Association, who attended all the classes in Music, heard all of the Sen iors play and was present at a Facuky Recital. He reported at the Annual Meeting of the Association, which occurred late in December, that Salem College was doing a conscientious and thorough job and recommended the admission of the College to the Asso ciation. This action on the part of the As sociation marks a significant step for ward for Salem College. It means that the degree. Bachelor of Music, as granted by the college is recognized nationally as being on a par with that offered by great universities and oth er nationally known colleges and schools of music. Pierrettes to Perform “Aria Da Capo” Miss Lilly Directs Skilful Satire by Millay Saturday evening, in Memorial Hall the Pierrette Players will pre sent Aria da Capo, a subtle and skil ful satire written by Edna St. Vin cent Millay, a living American poetess who is especially well membered for 2'he King’s Hench?. The play is a fantasy, an extremely delicate satire on life and people Pierrot and Columbine, two artificial and doll-like creatures, say the ventional unconventional things which ; times appear to have a meaning and at other times appear to have he cast is as follows: Columbine—Mary Virginia Pender graph. Pierrot—Phyllis Noe. Thyrsis—Marietta Way. Corydon—Lucy Gulick-Rogers. Cothurnus—Beulah May Zachary, The play is directed by Miss Eliza beth Lilly. The entire performance will last longer than a half an hour, especially to accommodate those who are c ; industriously but who need this brief and worthwhile diversion. Miss Edith Claire Leake Is First Vice-President Student Body Selects Success or to Miss Bowen Last Tuesday morning in chapel. Miss Anna Preston stated that Miss Maria Bowen had resigned her po sition as first vice-president of the Student Self-Government of Salem College, because of her necessary ab sence during the coming second se- According to the advice of the Student Council ,tlie student body chose a member of the present coun cil to fill this important position. Miss Edith Claire Leake of Mount Airy, N. C., a Senior representative of stu dent Self-Government, was elected as first vice-president. Miss Leake has served on the Stu dent Council for two successive years and has shown herself fully capable of this honor. French Club Meets Wednesday, Jan. 15th Florence Aitchison Reads Delightful French Story Le Cercle Francais held its regular montlily meeting Wednesday after- Nina Way Credle and her com mittee, who were in charge of the meeting, presented an entertaining program. They served delicious re freshments after which Florence Aitchison read a short story in French. Mifs Evelyn Wilson explained how to play the game “Lotto,” and the rest of the time was spent in playing the game. A Few Incidentals (By Caldwell) Formal Announcement: Mrs. Sal Em College announces the temporary engagements of all her daughter to Mr. Mid Term Exams, to begin at nine o’clock on January eighteenth and end at twelve o’clock January twenty-third. (Gossiper’s note: Mr. Exams seems to be a very unpleasant fiance, be loved only of Mrs. College, the dowager mother, and it is not thought likely that any of the daughters would wed him for life.) Lost and Found: Lost—Four and one-half minutes on the Salem campus at some tim the past one hundred and thirty- years by old man, Mr. Salem Clock. Finder will please return theese utes immediately to Dr. Rondthaler who anxiously mourns their loss. Personal-. All earnest and conscientious dents are invited to attend a series of swell teas given by the Social Com- ittee of the Y. W. C. A., from four five-thirty o’clock every afternoon during Exam week and ending Friday. Among other refreshments, large doses of mental relaxation and cheer will be served in the Louisa Bitting Recrea tion Room. Emily Post’s Hint for Social Climb Any student who wishes to enjoy herself and be seen at an entertain ment which will raise her social and Intellectual rating at one and the ;ame time would do well to attend the 8:00 o’clock Saturday evening per formance of “Aria da Capo” in I ' morial Hall. Strayed. The editor claims that the Salei has gone visiting A. W. O. L., for Exam week. It is a small paper of melancholy mein, and any one who will please send it home after Exam week! Notice: The contest between the Work and Play Systems of Contract Bridge will begin Monday evening promptly at 6:30 P. M. The participants. Misses Edith Leake, Winifred Fisher Sarah Graves, and Ahna Preston state that all witnesses of this meet, which is attracting nation-wide in Rev. R. E. Gribbin Speaks At Vespers “Finding Joy Through New Horizons” is His Subject The Rev. R. E. Gribbin, pastor of the St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, spokf on “Finding Joy in Life Through Finding New Horizons” at Vespers, Sunday, Jan. 10. The prayer serv ice was held in the recreation room of Louisa Bitting Building instead of Alice Clewell, with Miss Martha Davis, the Vice-President, presiding. Mr. Gribbin’s talk was purely ir formal, offering many useful sug gestions for the new year. He began by stating that there were two meth ods of broadening one’s horizon First, by rising higher, as one would in going from one story of a house another; and second by using a tele scope to bring distant objects cl He cited several examples and then said that he wished to leave two sug gestions for the coming year. One, that we realize the importance of our daily routine both in classroom and out; the other, that we spend some time every day in quiet meditation, either in reading the Bible or delv ing into our own thoughts. In con nection w'ith these ideas he suggested a morning watch service as a solution to the problem of finding time for private worship. The service ended with the Y. W. Watch Word. N. C. C. W. Officials Grant Privileges Students Will Be Allowed to Smoke in Dormitory Rooms Dr. Julius I. Foust, president of North Carolina College for Women at Greensboro, informed students that authorities of the institution would allow them to smoke in ) dormitory rooms during the remain der of the 1931-1932 term, beginning January 8. In his communication, Dr. Foust expressed his personal dis approval of young girls’ and won smoking. He also stated that after studying the effects of the present smoking regulation, authorities will make decisions concerning future This action by the college author ities was taken in recognition of the fact that smoking was a frequent practice on the campus and that some action was necessary in order to con sider logically the petition of many students asking for smoking privileges However, all restrictions will be carefully enforced. The students can smoke only in their rooms; nowhere else on or off campus. No smoking will be permitted if the roommate objects; the smoker can not visit in other rooms for the purpose of smok ing. Each girl desiring to smoke or not to smoke must inform the college president of her attitude. A record will be kept and the parents of the young woman in question must be con suited. WINNERS OF PASSES The management of the Carolina Theatre takes pleas ure in announcing the winners of this week’s complimentary Miss Josephine Courtney of the Editorial Staff of the Salem- ite and Miss Martha Bothwell of the Advertising Staff of the Salemite. The winners are chosen ac cording to their ability and work on the Salemite. Miss Anna Preston Gives Variegated Talk At Y.P.M. Dr. Rondthaler Con cludes Christmas Story At Y. P. M. On January 6, Old Christmas Traditional Processional Is Sung On Wednesday, January 6, Christmas Day,” Dr. Howard Rondthaler conducted the first panded chapel program of the y( The processional, “Standing at Portal of the Opening Year,” a ( ditional song for the new year Salem, was sung by the Senior Class. Dr. Rondthaler continued his talk on the Christmas story. The departure of the wise from the natal bed of Jesus wa sudden as the probable disappearance of the star. They had come into frightened and disturbed city of Je rusalem and with their question, “Where is he that is born King of the Jews?”, had aroused the unspeakable fear of Herod. Bethlehem is peculiarly situated. In ancient Bethlehem there are deep canyons uninhabited and without growth. These canyons are a dezvous for the bandits who may hide there with fearless safety. In the same canyons David hid away when he was cruelly pursued by Saul, was through these valleys that the wise men, no doubt by night, warned by God in a dream, pursued their flight. At this time Herod the Great was seventy-one and was within forty days of his terrible death. When he told e wise men to return to Jerusalem id to bring word of the young child, ey must have sensed his insincerity. Of course much interest is attached the departure and to the ultimate destination of the Magi, sometimes called kings, simply because the word Magi means great. Did they bear their good tidings to their distant people in Persia? When they pre sented their gifts, they accepted Jesus is the child whom they sought. Their story has faded away as the star into obscurity. Tradition hardly ventures follow them. Meanwhile Herod raged in the temple at Jerusalem. As a climax of ;he disappearance of the Magi he ordered that all the boy children un der two years of age in and about Bethlehem should be slain. This terrible act was in accordance with the character of Herod. He was half-Arabian, a stranger and a foreigner, and the Jews hated him. Presently he was to be carried down the baths beyond Jordan to try to re the terrible disease which was literally eating' up his loathsome body. As soon as he left Jerusalem, revolution broke out. Rabbi Judas and Rabbi ^ Matthias, respected citi- Miss Brietz Wed* MrJ J. L. Chambers Popular Member of Salem Music Faculty Weds During the Christmas season Salem College lost one of its music faculty members when Miss Marie Brietz, popular teacher of music, married Mr. James Lee Chambers. The marriage, which was a com plete surprise, took place on Sunday, December 27, at 7:30 P. M., im mediately following the Love Feast at the Christ Moravian Church, where Mrs. Chambers is the organist, Mr. and Mrs. Chambers left short ly afterwards for a trip of several days to Florida. The couple is now residing on Franklin Street in Win ston-Salem. SALEM DELEGATE TO TOLEDO, OHIO, REPORTS National Student Federation Determines Views on Prohibition and World Court Issue At Young People’s Meeting Miss Anna Preston gave a detailed and colorful report of the seventh an nual session of the National Student Federation in Toledo, where she was the representative of Salem College. Miss Preston was introduced by Dr. Rondthaler, who, though he refrained from too much praise of a local stu dent, impressed the audience with the responsibility which fell to a delegate of this convention. The account of her trip included business and social affairs, colored with descriptions of the interesting people with whom she came in con tact. In spite of her bewilderment in the big city, she found herself act ing as secretary to the treasurer of the Federation, directing other delegates who were even more lost than she. When she told about “the little ras cal from Missouri” and “the pom pous representative from South Caro lina,” her listeners were given inti mate glimpses of the students at the convention. Sessions were held in the ball room of the Hotel Commodore Perry where, as throughout the city, special courtesies were extended to delegates. There were discussion of international student travel, prohibition ,the League of Nations, and radio broadcasting on educational subjects. Special atten tion was given student problems, to school politics, athletics, debating, and inter-collegiate news service. The most heated discussion was concerned with the honor system, to which many students were opposed. A high light among the speeches was the address by Dr. McCracken of Vassar on the unusual subject, “Are Students Peo- ple?” During the five days of the con vention there were formal and inform al social events, from singing around the piano in the hotel to a ball in Madison Garden. At the conclusion of this extraor dinary talk Miss Preston said, “This convention was both a grand success and a grand flop. It was too in definite in its results and was hinder ed by sectionalism and politics, which ; rotten in a neat way. Yet, it venture in practical idealism, an opportunity for the exchange of ideas; and the Federation appears to be worth while as a help to students and student leaders.” Academy Celebrates Annual Speedball Game Exams to Begin Next Tuesday The Academy girls returned to school on January 5. Each week two students have been sent to the Juvenile Relief Home to teach the children how to play. On Thursday the annual speed ball game took place on the athletic field and Friday night the players were honored with a banquet. From Tuesday to Friday next week examinations will take place in the Academy. Judging by their conversations the Academy girls had a big Christmas and probably broke all their New Year’s resolutions before they were