VALENTINE PIERRETTE PLAYS WINSTON-SALEM, N. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1932 Former Salem Y. W, C. A. President Speaks At Vespers Member Of Class Of ’28 Gives Address Miss Turlington Describes Lees McRae College, Its Life and Its Needs Vespers last Sunday was especially interesting and challenging. The serv ice opened with a violin solo which was played artistically by Miss Helen Graeber. After the opening hymn, “Dear Lord and Father of Man kind,” every one joined in the re sponsive reading, which was verses 12-17 from John 15. Miss Mary B. Williams sang an appropriate and lovely solo. The chief feature of the Vesper service was the talk by Miss Sarah Turlington, who graduated in the class of 1928 from Salem, and who was President of the Y. W. C. A. at Salem her senior year. Since her graduation Miss Turlington has been teaching at Lees McRae, at Banner Elk, Western North Carolina. She has had at least two offers to teach elsewhere, but she has chosen to re main at Banner Elk and to give her best to the work there. Miss Turlington said that she was thrilled to be back at Salem, to talk to Salem girls, and to tell them about her school. Lees McRae College is a part of the Egdar Tufts Memorial Associa tion. About thirty-five years ago Edgar Tufts came to Banner Elk, 'which is a beautiful but remote dis trict, four thousand feet above sea level. At Banner Elk Mr. Tufts be gan the fourfold work which bears his name. There is a church, a school, an orphanage, and a hospital. I'he hospital, which was started in 1907, has a capacity of twenty-five beds, but it averages thirty patients throughout the year besides over six thousand out patients. Soon the hos pital will take new quarters in a stone building, with a capacity of sixty beds, which was built by the Duke Foundation. It is thrilling to know how Dr. Tate brought his young bride to the hospital, and how she, who had been trained to be a musician, helped him with his opera tions, and reared her three children there in the hospital. Grandfather Orphanage was estab lished in 1914. Today it cares for eiglity-five boys and girls who would be homeless were it not for this home. After the church was established Mr. Tufts felt that a school was especially needed, and he gathered the girls of the neighborhood to his home and taught them. Three years later a boarding school for girls was begun with twelve pupils and one teacher. In 1905 a boys’ department was added at Plumtree, North Carolina, which is about twenty miles from Banner Elk. Mr. Tufts and his workers did a wonderful work. For twenty-eight years teachers worked with a salary of $25 a month. Communication with the outside world was almost im possible. In spite of the hardships, many splendid workers gave their best to the work. It was always Mr. Tufts’ dream to have a Junior Col lege for mountain boys and girls. When the first permanent stone build ing was nearing completion, because of exposure and over-work, Mr. Tufts lost his life. His mantle fell on his son who had recently graduated from Davidson and who, as President dent and Business Manager of the Association, is not efficiently carrying on his father’s work, and helping to make his father’s dreams come true. In 1927 the boy’s department at Plumtree was destroyed by fire, and Lees McRae was made a Co-educa tional High School. In 1930 the first college class was added, and in 1931 {Con tued on Page Three) Salem Celebrates Founder’s Day Alumna Chapel Speaker and Trustee Dinner Featured Program The flags along the brick walk proclaimed Founder’s Day at Salem on Friday, February fifth, the hundred sixtieth anniversary of the signing of the school charter. Throughout the day this event w'as celebrated. In chapel Miss Adelaide Fries, the Moravian archivist, told of the founding of the school. As one who is thoroughly acquainted with Mo ravian history and traditions, she talked of the interest in education held by the the Salem pioneers, who opened a school for girls on the pres ent site of Main Hall one year after they had founded the town. Because of its unusual opportunities offered to girls, it was made a boarding school open to young women of all religious denominations. After that time Salem progressed in popularity and in edu cational standards, now being the oldest school for girls in the South which has been in continuous exis tence. During her enthusiastic talk, Miss Fries told interesting facts that she had recently discovered in the archives. In the afternoon from three-thirty to five o’clock the Order of the Scor pions entertained at tea for the day students and their mothers, the visit ing alumnae, and the faculty. Re ceiving with the Scorpions were the four class presidents, Mrs. Howard Rondthaler, Miss Lawrence, and Miss Riggan. The guests were welcomed in the living-room of Louisa Bitting Building. From there they went to the recreation room, where delicious Russian tea and sandwiches were t six o’clock dinner the trustees and their wives and the visiting alumnae were guests of the Senior MacDowell Club Gives Entertainment Tracy and Dunn Are Presented In “Big Time” Movie Last Saturday Evening in Memorial Hall The MacDowell Club sponsored a program for Salem College and Academy in the form of an entertain ing movie. The picture was “Big Time” with Lee Tracy and Josephine Dunn. It an enjoyable picture jshowing the life, with its hard blows; that small-time actors lead. The scenes behind the curtain showed what real ly goes on after the actors have played their parts. They all have their lives to live and their only thoughts are those of desire to go forward, do big ger things, “Big Time.” Humor was supplied in the picture by Lee Tracy’s facial expressions and gestures. But most of the interested audience that evening found more humor in the fact that the costumes in the picture were of a slightly remote period, a few years back, and the dresses of the actresses were a litle short. In spite of this, the picture was a success and it is hoped more will follow. Broadus Staley sympathetically— yea, humorously accompanied at the Alumnae Meeting Concludes Salem Day Library is Scene of Enthusias tic Meet; Sidelights on Salem Life Add Interest Members of the Winston-Salem branch of Salem College Alumnae gathered in the college library on Fri- evening, February 5, to hold a most enthusiastic meeting which climaxed the celebration of Salem Day. The Board of Trustees, the Senior Class, out-of-town alumnae, and faculty of both academy and college were guests of the association for the evening. The meeting w^as called to order by the president, Mrs. Charles Fogh and a short busineess session was held during which officers for the coming year were unamiously elected. They are as follows: Mrs. B. S. Womble, president: Mrs. Will Hill, first vice- president; Mrs. Nat S. Curl, second ■president, and Miss Frances Fletcher, secretary. Greetings from other branch a ciations were brought by Mrs. Sadie Robbins Harris, of Raleigh, after which Mrs. T. Holt Haywood paid a beautiful tribute to the life and service of Bishop Edward Rondthaler, beloved teacher and trustee -head of Salem College. Mrs. Haywood re minded her listeners of the strong and enduring influence which the Bish op’s life and example still holds for all who w’ere privileged to know and love him. Nevin’s Crossing the Bar then beautifully and appropriate ly rendered by Mrs. Charles Norfleet, accompanied by Mrs. Horace Sebring. There followed a series of short discussions of student activities iby heads of various campus organizations h included Anna Preston, Eleanor Idol, Sarah Graves, Beulah Zachary, Mary Mitchell Norman, and Frances Caldwell. These girls presented very original, witty, and teresting comments and a wide va riety of subjects. Announcement of the Salem Plates which are soon to be sold was received with great interest. A letter regarding pledges toward the Shirley Scholarship Fund for music students was then read, which urged that numerous contributions of either large or small amounts be applied memory of the former dean of music. Mr. E. L. Schofield’s explanation of the recent honor which has been accorded the School of Music was re ceived w'ith much pleasure. He stated that Salem has now gained a place in the first ranks by her admittance into the National Association of School of Music. Miss Hazel Horton Read delighted her audience with a skill ful and lovely rendition of Rondo Cappricio by Saint Saens. Miss Grace Lawrence, dean of women, was formally presented to the alumnae and gave a most interest ing and frequently amusing view of student life of past and present gen erations. In conclusion,Miss Law- stated that the heart of the col lege girl of today is fundamentally the that of her mother and grand mother, although outwardly she is greatly changed. This talk was fol lowed with a brief summary of the aims and purposes of Salem Academy by Miss Mary Weaver, principal. The closing address was given by Dr. Rondthaler who discussed quite frankly the progress being made by both academy and college in the dif ficult months of 1931-32, pointing out {Gontinued on Page Three) Mrs. Chase Going Woodhouse Speaks At Expanded Cnapel WINNERS OF PASSES The management of the Caro lina Theatre announces with pleasure the winners of this week’s complimentary passes: Miss Susan Calder of the Edi torial Staff of the Salemite and Miss Ann Shuford of the Ad vertising Staff of the Salemite. Pierrette Players Give Three Plays Salem’s Best Actresses to Star In Plays by Wilde, Yeats And Synge Tonight at eight o’clock the Pier rette Players are presenting three de lightful and worthwhile plays. The first of these is Dawn, a act tragedy by Percival Wilde. The scene is laid in a typical mining dis trict. An unusual plot evolves. The players are: The Man—Virginia Noll The Doctor—Mary Louise Mickey. The Woman—Maiy B. Williams. The Child—Mary Virginia Pender- The Land of Heart’s Desire, a poetical Irish drama by William Bulter Yeats, is the second play. The whole plot is taken up with the strug gle between religion and superstition. The delightful little play which hinges on tragedy will really take its audi ence into the land of dreams. The characters are as follows: Maunteen Bruin—Mary Katherine Thorpe. Bridget Bruin—Elizabeth Morton. Shawn Bruin—Margaret McLean. Mary Bruin—Phyllis Noe. Father Hart—Marietta Way. The Fairy Child—Elois Padrick. Last comes John Millington Synge’s Riders to the Sea, which deals with the bare tragic life of Maurya, old woman, whose husband and sons have been destroyed by the cruel sea against which the Irish peasant is continually struggling. At last, overcome by grief, she finds un limited calm in disaster. These are the characters: Maurya (an old woman)—Mary Virginia Pendergraph. Bantley (her son) — Cathleen (.her daughter)—Cortlandt Vocational Director Discusses Economics Colored Salem Plates Are Now On Sale Distinctive Dinner Plates of Many Colors to be Sold at Reasonable Prices Students, faculty, alumnae and friends of the college will be interest ed in the announcement recently made public concerning the sale of Salem Plates which are now being prepared especially for the college by Josiah Wedgewood and Sons in England. These will be available in sets of ight, each plate bearing a different :ene of some part of the campus and in a choice of colors blue, green, se pink, mulberry, and sepia. The plates are regular dinner size id will bear a beautiful festoon bor der design around the central picture. Because of their size and the variety of scenes and colors they will be gen erally useful to all lovers of Salem, who may desire to purchase them for themselves or as gifts for others. Sam ples will be on display sometime with in the next few weeks and a definite purchasing date announced. Prices are as follows: for the set of eight plates $12.00, (an average of $1.50 per plate), and single plates for $2.00 each, plus shipping charges from Boston. The plates will be sent from England by orders only, which will be filled in the sequence in which they arrive; therefore, an early order ill insure prompt receival. These beautiful reminders of life Salem give lasting impressions of student experiences and, judging from the enthusiasm with which their coming is anticipated, will become the cherished possessions of hundreds of Salem’s daughters. Duty of Women in Solving Present-Day Economic Prob lems is Emphasized Mrs. Chase Going Woodhouse, vo cational director of N. C. C. W., speaks for the second time this school year at Expanded Chapel, on Wednes day, February 3rd. Her topic was the duty of women in solving eco nomic problems. Beginning hler talk. Dr. Wood house stated that certain economic problems had to be faced and that the sooner people stopped dodging them the sooner they would vanish. Wom en have just as important a part in the solution as men, for year by year they are taking on new responsibilities. Only 11 per cent of the women in the United States are considered women of leisure, and 62 per cent are actually engaged in housework. These 20 million homemakers put in to the ury seven billions of dollars per or one half the w'ealth of the United States. Thus, if women con tribute so much wealth to the United States and are constantly coming into possession of more money, they ought be interested in how this wealth should be spent. Unfortunately, statistics show that well educated women are still enter ing the over-crowded professions in stead of securing jobs suited to their intelligence. Their obligation should be to put themselves in the positions best suited for themselves and for society. 'Peaching and social work do offer the best security if one is able to get the job, but in times of over- owded positions, other professions e better suited to the intelligent aman. In the field of favorable positions, e of the most suitable is the secre tarial job, for it may be used in any field in which one is interested. As example of the duty of a secretary, the case of a private secretary to an important lawyer may be taken. She must keep up with the stock market, write her employer’s speeches, select reading matter for him, look after his household bills, discriminate his visi- buy his tickets, attend to his family’s vacation, in fact, do every thing that may relieve him in any way. W^omen, Mrs. W^oodhouse do not make enough of this job of office wife. In this position there jobs for two types of women: those that like routine and those that like authority and variety. For the •outine type is the position of office manager, and for the variety loving type are the positions of contact people banks. Another interesting field of work is the personnel job. The women in this position are employed by depart- stores and manufacturing plants to head the welfare work of their em ployees. They are the medium be tween the officers and the laborers. This profssion needs a little more preparation than an ordinary college education. Department store work is also a paying field. However, one must know color, design, textiles, merchan dise procedure, world markets, and economies in fashions before attempt- :o look for any important po- I. An understanding of the cus tomer, which can be learned only by actual selling, is also one of the most important qualities one must have to be suited for this work. In the advertising field, women ay more easily secure positions in their research department of large IS than in the actual drawing de partments. This department is con cerned with finding statistics for ad vertisers and' has an enormous file of