IPILaVT Da\L I WINSTON-SALEM, N. C„ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1932 Princi^^ Of Academy Speaks Jit Y. W^C. A. Vesp ers Inspires Sunday I Many Visitors Attend Evening Group Miss Weaver Speaks on Joy Through Loyalty; Applies Story of Ruth to College Life On Sunday, February 21, Mi Mary Weaver, principal of Salem Academy was the speaker at Y. W. C. A. Vespers. Continuing the Y. W. C. A. theme, Miss Weaver spolte on “Finding Joy in Life Trough Loyalty.” Miss Weaver began her talk with the lack of it is apparent every day of loyalty. There is love country-patriotism. There is a loyalty to a cause or organization—that, or the lack of it is apparent every day in our campus life. Then there is loyalty to one’s self — one’s ideals. So it is that every man who succeeds in anything wins through his u flinching, unfailing, tireless loyalty that particular thing.” Through the story of Ruth, the Moabitess, Miss Weaver showed how one can be loyal to one’s friends. Ruth made the most beautiful con fession of love and loyalty ever made and was faithful to that confession during all the days of poverty and hardship that followed. Ruth shines not because of her beauty, her work, or her genius, but because of her simple act of love. “Loving truly and well, helped her to live truly and well.” Even when Noami became bitter because of her past hardship, Ruth went to the barley fields to glean—a pauper’s work. Loyalty demanded that she give up social status and she was loyal. Ruth proves Dr. Fosdick’s state ment that love is two-sided. “On one side is responsiveness; on the other side it is responsibility. Miserable bargain hunters are those of us who try to get one side without the other. Ruth’s loyalty was two-sided. Along with the joys and ecstacies of friend- Thursday Music Hour Students’ Recital Shows Talent of Young Players The last of a series of February students’ recitals was given at music hour on Thursday afternoon. Before an audience of music students and an unusually large number of visitors, composers of several centuries and dif ferent nationalities , were represented in a well-rounded program of organ, piano, violin, harp, and ’cello num- Especially interesting were the three young performers, Dorothy Ann Myers, the violin pupil of Miss Reed, Laura Elizabeth Bland, the piano pupil of Miss Jones, and Ann Nisbet, pupil in harp of Miss Schaffner. They displayed technique and interpreta tion amazing for their years. The program follows: Sequenz in C minor Karg-Elert Dorothy Thomp; Reverie Tolhurst Dorothy Ann Myei HighlandLaddie Morey George Dickieson (Continued on Page Three FRANCE HONORS MR. SCHOFIELD Service Medal For War Work Awarded Faculty Member Mr. Ernest Schofield, head of the voice department of the School of Music, has been recog nized by the government of the French republic for his service to that country during the World War. Mr. Schofield was among the very first of those who volunteered when France, in 1918, asked for one thousand men to drive ambu lances on the battle front. In appreciation for the service he has been awarded a medal. Honor Roll For First Semester Is Announced Forty-Four Students Show High Scholarship Records OnTuesday, February 23, the first semester honor rolls were chapel service. Dr. Rondthaler read the list and congratulated those who had attained these good grades, the list of forty-four students, eleven made an average of A mi: twenty-three made an average of B plus. FIRST SEMESTER 1931-32 The following students made average of A minus or above in t first semester: Senior Class Mary Alice Beaman — Farmville, N. C. Mae Kreeger—Winston-Salem. Mary Virginia Pendergraph—Mt. Airy, N. C. Beulah Mae Zachary — Brevard, N. C. Junior Class Florence Aitchison—Winston-Salem. Dorothy Heidenreich — Durbin, North Dakota. Mary Louise Mickey—Winston- Mary Lillian White—Winston- Salem. Sophomore Class Alice Stough—Charlotte, N. C. Freshman Class Margaret McLean — Lumberton, N. C. The following students made an Four Classes Fight In Peppy Tournament All Teams Play Good Basket Ball as Sidelines Cheer or a week and a half the ir class basket ball tournament has been going on. This tournament is one of the most exciting and most popular of the Salem sport year, and is a pre liminary to the basket ball banquet- celebration which will take place next Saturday, March 5th. This year all classes and teams have shown excel lent spirit in the basket ball games. The “green Frosh” especially must be commended for their class spirit, as their sidelines have been nothing but continuous yells combined with the “good ole Freshman Spirit.” The Juniors, with a score of 37 to 34, carried away the victory of the first class game which was played Thursday evening, February 18th. SOPHOMORES DOWN FROSH The second game of the series took place Monday afternoon at 4 o’clock in the hut between the Freshman and Sophomore classes. The Sophomores won the contest with a score of 28-23. The victors jumped into an early lead and remained ahead throughout the game. The score at the end of the second quarter was 19-17. The winners played a fast game of ball, which was characterized by quick and accurate passes and good shots at the basket. Even the “subs” did fine work. “Lib” Leake, tall Sophomore cen ter, was first on the tips. When the ball w'ent into Freshman territory it was soon captured and returned. Grace Pollock and Martha Davis also showed up in good form. At first the Freshmen seemed lost (quoting the Twin City Sentinel, Freshmen) but when they got their bearings they certainly gave the Sophs plenty of competition. Cokey Pres ton and M. Long were Frosh Line-up and summary: Sophomores Pos. Freshmen Leake (5) (4) Keatley R.F. Huntingdon (13) (2) Carroll L.F. M. Holleman (4) (2) Binder C. Pollock L. Holleman C.G. Petree Long R.G. Woosley Neal L. G. Substitutes — Sophomores: Calder Sophomores Present Faculty Take-Off Large Attendance Enjoys Saturday Night Stunt At last the faculty have seen them selves as others see them. Saturday ight in Memorial Hall the sopho mores performed a very successful stunt when they presented a faculty tea and meeting. The stars of the evening were Marian Hadley Rondthaler, Broadus Staley as Dean Vardell, Isabelle Pollock as Miss Ferguson, and Lena Petree as Dr. Anscombe. Outstanding also were Betty Boone as Miss Riggan, Helen George as Miss Lawrence, Georgia Huntington as Dr. Willoughby, Alice Stough as Miss Forman, Martha Mann as Miss Read, Sarali Linds: as Miss Barrow, Dolly Blair as Miss Tucker, Susan Calder as Miss Smith, and Allene Woosley as Miss Atkin- During the business session there was a fashion show presenting dif ferent gym costumes, as suggestions for the apparel of the faculty basket ball team. The models, as home economics students, were Anne Eliza beth McKinnon, Gertrude McNair, Frances Hill, Katharine Lasater, and Ruth Grey Price. The faculty line up as announced by Miss Atkinson is as follows: Center forward, Miss Barrow; right forward, Dr. Rond thaler, left forward. Miss Ferguson; center guard, M’iss Lilly; right guard, Dr. Anscombe, and left guard. Miss Hastings. During the business sessions sug gestions were made that the teachers buy the excess sophomore caps, that oral English classes be disbanded, and that the class periods be short ened. The business session lowed by a program planned by the social committee. At this 1' audience enjoyed “The Woodhouse Waltz” played by Mr. Vardell and Miss Tucker, a violin solo by Miss Read, and a Hawaian dance by Mary Absher, who was the first student to cross the holy threshold of the faculty meeting. The meeting was followed by formal dance in the recreation of Louisa Bitting. Music wa; nished by Misses Mary Celeste Frontis, Annie Zue May, and Mary Frances Linney. Shakespearean Lecturer Gives Dramatic Address Church Crowded During Washington Memorial Memorial Service Held 132 Years Ago is Reproduced When George Washington visited the small settlement called Salem he was impressed with the Moravian services in the Gemeinhaus, and he particularly enjoyed the singing of the German chorales that the Mo ravian emigrants had brought with them. For that reason, added to the fact that Moravians worship so reverently with music, when in 1800 President Adams issued a proclama- that memorial services should be held on February 22 of that year for the then recently deceased General Washington, it seemed singularly fit ting that the Moravians should hold a song service. In connection with the Washing ton Bicentennial celebration this identical service was reproduced last Sunday, February 21, at 4:30 ii afternoon in the same church where it was given one hundred and thirty- two years ago. It was conducted by Bishop J. Kenneth Pfohl. Through the efforts of Miss Ade- Y.W. C.A. Holds Association Meeting Industrial Girls Speak CO-EDITORS WIN CAROLINA PASSES This week the two compli mentary passes, which the Caro lina Theatre gives weekly to members of the Salemite staffs, go to Misses Josephine Courtney and Dorothy Heidenreich, so ciety editor and associate editor respectively, who jointly edited this week’s Salemite. These two junior co-editors won the passes because of their excellent edition of the paper. Don’t you think they deserve —Editor-in-Chief. The monthly meeting of the Association was held on Tuesday ning, February 23, at eight o’clock in the recreation room of Louisa Bid ding Building. At this meeting of the Association, our organization was visited by the Industrial Department of the city Y. W. C. A. Miss Gillette, the indus trial secretary, brought with her eight Industrial Girls who work for Reynolds Tobacco Company and Hanes Knitting Mill. Eleanor Idol, the president, presided and introduced Miss Gillette to the students. Miss Gillette talked of tlie local Y. W. C. A. and its work in the In dustrial Department. The member ship of this club is several hundred. One thing that the club strives to do 's to develop friendships between itudents and industrial girls, for with out this, both groups would miss something. “Association” itself means a lot. It gives a chance to those that want it to sit down and talk with others, learn their experiences, and see some of their joys and responsi bilities. Mae Cook, of Reynolds Tobacco Company spoke next. She told tie of the whole process of cigarette making and of her own particular job,, that of inspecting the cigarettes be fore they are put into packages, see ing that the name is printed with cor rect spacing and that the paper is well seamed at the back. Mae esti mated that 4,500 cigarettes were packed in one hour by one machine and there are 451 packing machines. She added with a winning smile that we could figure the number per day for ourselves. She was proud of her job and talked of the company Elizabeth Thompson of Hanes Knitting Mill was the other girl speak. She told of the little details the making of underwear, how the thread is spun, of the knitting, dying, making of button holes, the cutting, seaming, and the inspections, illustrat ing her talk with huge spools of thread, underwear, and pictures of the factory and the employees’ homes. Both girls encouraged questions, and questions were certainly popped them, all sorts, kinds and moods of them. A social hour followed the talks in which acquaintances were made and enjoyed not to mention the music and ice cream. Mr. Witty Reads Scene From Merchant Venice Urges Students to Study Shakespeare Carefully At expanded chapel on Wednes day, Mr. Henry Witty of Cincin nati, who is a student, lecturer, and teacher, particularly of Shakespeare, gave the court scene from the “Mer chant of Venice.” Before he began the presentation, he spoke of the im portance of technique. Great artists look for technique rather than for emotion in the interpretation of drama. To be a good reader one must have poise, a well-trained voice, and the ability to make his lines sound fluent and full of meaning. After these remarks, Mr. Witty proceeded to give a scene from Shakespeare in the manner of an artist. His portrayal of Antonio was to show a sad man, despairing of all hope of saving his life from the merciless Jew. Shylock v^as prob ably his best role. He was a half crazed, raving, mercenary Jew w'ith a cackling laugh and greed in his eyes. A quite difficult feat was Mr. Witty’s showing how the women Portia and Narcissa would behave if they acted the parts of men. These “roles within roles” were at once masculine and feminine. Pausing between speeches, but never deviating from the dramatic atmosphere which he created, the lecturer criticized certain faulty pre sentations of this scene that had been given. He emphasized the importance of correct pronunciation, of proper enunciation and stress. As he spoke, he urged his audience to study Shakes- speare intently, regarding it more as a part of literature for study than for pure enjoyment. It cannot be read lightly with any advantage to the Enthusiastic applause showed the appreciation of his audience for this unusual entertainment. Appropriate his profession as an actor, he re sponded with bows. Academy Pupils Visit Historic Sites In Salem Dr. Rondthaler Conducts Tour Of Salem Campus The Tuesday after George Wash ington’s birthday Dr. Rondthaler took the entire Academy 'student body on a tour of old Salem. From the square he pointed out the carefully planned architecture of colonial Salem. The arched win dows, the beaded doors, the colored ■chimneys, and the cement or stone first stories could be clearly seen. He then explained to us that Salem was a carefully planned town. In the center was a square with an avenue of elm and poplar trees running from corner to corner. All the buildings then deemed necessary were built around this square and across, the then unbelievably wide, Main Street. The first building visited was the Brothers’ House or Widows’ House, as it is now called. There are two cellars in this well-constructed house. The floors of each are cov ered with immense stones. In the first basement is an enormous fire place where most of the com munity meals were cooked. It was this fireplace that the Swiss chef refused to feed the British soldiers at the time of the Revolution. On floor is a well-lighted little which many of the .little children went to school. Dr. Rond thaler told several interesting anecdotes of his days spent there. The lowest cellar is the mythical

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