TONIGHT AT 7:30 WINSTON-SALEM, N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 1932. Election Day Returns Are Almost Completed Editors Of Publications Are Announced Credle Elected President of A. A., Williams of “Y,’ Siewers of I. R. S. Tlie following are tlie returns of the elections for officers in the extra curricular activities for next year, Elections took place on Friday, March 18. Y, W. C. A.: President—Mary B. Williams. Vice-President — Margaret John- Seeretary—Pliyllis Noe. Treasurer—Zina Vologodsky. Student Government: President — Mary Katherine First Vice-President—(Open). Second Vice-President—Florence Aitchison. Secretary—Alice Stough. Treasurer—Georgia Huntingtc Senior Representatives: On-Campus — Ghilan Hall, Tom- inye F'rye, Rosalie Smith. Olf-Campus—Mae Johnson. Junior Representatives: On-Campus Elizabeth Leak, Mildred Wolfe. Off-Campus—Martha .Davis. Sophomore Representatives: On-Campus — Jane Williams. Cokey Preston. Off-Campus—Margaret Long. Athletic Association: President—Nina Way Credle. Vice-President — Josephine Wal ker. Secretai Elizabeth Leake. Treasurer—Margaret MeI.ean. Managers of Sports: Soccer—Susan Calder. Ilockev—Florence Aitchison. Basket Ball—Charlotte O’Brie Salem Was Hostess To Large Easter Groups Alumnae and Guests From Many States Attend Moravian Service Salem College was hostess during the Easter Celebration to a larger number of people than have been present in several years. In the dormitories there were eighty-five guests, coming from all sections of the United States. The rising bell sounded at 4:15 A. M. and the guests had an early breakfast at IrtS A. M. in the col lege dining room. This breakfast was typically Moravian, consisting of sugar bread and coffee. The pro cession formed in the dining room and made its way through Main Hall to the sidewalk immediately in front of the building, where a space had been roped off for tlie college guests. The morning was beautiful and ad ded a reverent impressiveness to the worship in which everyone partici pated, led by Bishop "Pfohl. The services were concluded at 7:15 when the combined bands assembled on Salem Square and played chorales. Mr. B. J. Pfohl, who has just com jileted liis fifty-first year with the liand, led tlie music. The tlirong of people here for the Moravian Services has been esti mated at 25,000. The celebration was broadcast, and reports have come in from all parts of the United States that many people in various sec tions of the country distinctly heard the band music and the voice of Bishop Pfohl. Misses Willis and Ward Present Final Recital Talented Performers Render Program With Artistic Finish On Monday night at 8:15 o’clock Memorial Hall was the scene of the first graduating recital of the yeai wlien the Salem College School of Musie presented Miss Millicent Ward, soprano, of Concord, Miss Elizabeth Willis, pianist, of Salisbury. They were assisted by Miss Dorothy Thompson, who companied Miss Ward at the piano, and by Dean Charles G. Vardell, Jr., who played the orchestral parts of Miss Willis’ concerto on the organ, Miss Ward, who received her de gree in piano last year, has been a pupil of Mr. Leslie Schofield for several years. She opened the re cital with a group of four numbers. The mood of the first “Rendi 1’ sereno al Ciglio” by Handel (1685- 1759) was rather sad. In “Lascia- temi Morire” by Monteverdi (1568- 16i;3) Miss Ward displayed tonal power and ability to bring out t'rasts. Her clear diction in ‘ raptured I Gaze” by Hopkinson (1737-1791) was evident throughout her performance. “liosalinda” a pastoral by Veraeini had an attrac tive piano accompaniment. Miss Willis, who has been the pu pil of Dean Vardell for the past four years, played as her opening ni: her “Prelude and F'ugue in C maji (from “The Well Tempered Clavi chord”) by Bach. In this selection she brought out the themes of the- ious voices very clearly. In “Rondo in A Minor,” she showed understand ing of Mozart’s style in beautiful tonal work. Miss Ward sang a second group of five numbers: “Le Chemin de la Lure” by Paulin; “Thesere exquise’ by Hahn, which had a beautiful melody, and which Miss Ward in terpreted with feeling; “Die Lotus- blume” by Franz; “Kein Hans, keine Heimat” by ]5rahms—a fast, amus ing piece; and “Marehen” by Wolff. Miss Willis played the delightfully impressionistic “Claire dc Lune” of Debussy with much musical percep tion. She gave the two Chopin num bers most brilliant execution; “I’.tude in G flat major, op. 10, No. 5” and “Fantasie, op. -19.” Their mood* •ied from langorous dreaminess and voluptuousness to fiery and he- ardor which Miss Willis inter preted by her tone coloring, her use of “rubato” and the pedal. Miss Ward’s final group was per- Poetry Features “Y” Vesper Service April 3 Miss Williams Leads Program of “Finding Joy Through Poetry” Miss Mary B. Williams, who has just been elected President of the Y. W. C. A. for the year 1932-33, led Vespers on Sunday evening, April third. The program was “Finding Joy in Life Througli Poet- Miss Susan Calder read “A Pray er,” I.uey Gulick-Rogers “A Pray er,” Elizabeth Morton, “Work” and “TIic March of Men,” and Mary Etta Way concluded with “Dreams.” The poems were of the kind that are 1 pleasure to remember. There is a leauty in poetry, coming from its •hythm, perhaps, that prose lacks entirely. JUNIOR CLASS ANALYZES GREAT DEPRESSION SOLVE SITUATION TONIGHT IN JUNIOR DEPRESSION FOLLIES Select Cast and Chorus Pre sent Entertainment (Special to the Salemite) Ever since this talk of depression has been worrying people and the ef fects of it have hurt their pocket books, the Junior Class has been in terested in learning what causes that. Now they have gotten to the roi the matter, and they know how the “repression” can be ended. You have noticed tlie broad grins that the Juniors are wearing.? It is because they know a secret that they expect to impart to this school on Saturday night, April 9, at seven o’clock. Be in Memorial Hall to hear about it. Since there was considerable e pense involved in the investigatio there will be an admission charge of ten cents. President Williams has charge of the affair,, which promises to be the best entertainment on campus in weeks. There is peppy dialogue, composed b}- Williams, Silversteen, and Court ney, with a strong cast and a snappy chorus of dancers. The hero is Joe Walker, who is at first so much de pressed by the unemployment situa tion that he cannot see his way out of the rut. When he falls in love witli a beautiful girl from Kress’s, he has to admit that he ean’t give her anything but love. Just when things seem at their worst, he learns to smile. And they live happily after. Pep! Snap! Good music! Good dancing! You will never get so much for one dime as at the Depression A FEW INCIDENTALS A Few More Days ’til Vacation Exactly fifty one days until grad uation, or else one thousand two liundred and twenty-four hours, else, in detail, seventy-three thous and four hundred and forty minutes until the seniors go henee: All in all, that’s a mighty, mighty short time to be here when there’s no com ing back to answer roll call in Sep tember. New Riding Academy Mr. Anderson has a new riding academy at the polo- fields. He devoting all his time to riding no and has added more horses to 1 stable. For rainy day riding the barn is equipped with a circular shed one-third of a mile long. April Fools All that happened on April Fool’ Day is nobody’s business, but be it generally known that Miss “At” and our beloved (?) editor were superbly fooled on some good old chocolate- covered, highly-flavored onions. But what can be expected when appe tites are large and heads are lii WINNERS OF PASSES The management of the Carolina Theatre takes pleas ure in awarding the two week ly passes to the following girls for excellent work on the staffs of the Salemite: Miss Julia Meares of the Editorial Staff, of the Salemite and Miss Mary Catherine Siewers of the Business Staff of the Salemite. Ivy and Tree Planting Occurred Wed. April 6th Seniors Bestow Upon School Ivy and Tree M. M. Norman Presents Tree Which Dr. Rondthaler Accepts One of the most noteworthy events in the history of the Senior Class, took place Wednesday morning when the ivy and the tree, which represent the living memorials of the class and serve in a unique way to link the past with the present, were formally presented to the college. The first part of the meeting took place in Memorial Hall when Miss Mary Mitchell Norman, President of the Senior Class, explained briefly the significance of the occasion. Mrs. Audrey Clore LeGrand, accompanied at the piano by Miss Viola Tucker, sang “Trees” by Joyce Kilmer. The Seniors, wearing caps and gowns, were followed by the Senior Marshals, dressed in white with yellow regalia, and the Sophomore pages, wdio also wore white, to the south wall of the Louisa Bitting Building, where Miss Norman in be half of the Senior Class presented the Ivy. Dr. Rondthaler, speaking for the school accepted. The procession singing “Fairest I.ord Jesus” marched to the east side of the building where Miss Norman presented the tree. In his acknowl edgement of the memorial. Dr. Rond- tlialer increased the impressive spirit and the traditional feeling of the tree planting ceremonial by a few re marks concerning the tree. The tree, which is a flowering poplar, is the lineal descendant of aged and beau tiful trees on the campus. Dr. Rond thaler beautifully entered into the point of view of the tree’s personal ity and interpreted the event from that standpoint. It is significant that both the ivy History Club Members Favor N. D. Baker Roosevelt Runs Baker Close Second in Salem Presiden tial Primary “Who will be our next president?” This question which is being asked far and wide was answered in minds of the students of the History Club Tuesday evening. Members of the club under the direction and supervision of Miss Ferguson held a mock convention to discuss the issues and chances of certain men being candidates in the next election. The party issues were discussed by Miss Anna Preston. Miss Mildred Hanes capably pre sented Newton D. Baker, former Secretary of War during President Wilson’s presidency, for the 1932 presidential candidacy. Miss H. McDonald showed tc club how Sen. W. E. Borah, forcible speaker and well liked man, is ready to fight for the laboring man even at the expense of the rich. Senator Borah’s main trouble is the securing of the Republican nomination, cause with his successful career senator, his untiring efforts to help the masses, his outstanding wor' chairman of Committee on Foreign Relations, and with the Progressive Party back of him, he would go far in the election. Calvin Coolidge, according tc Eugenia Johnson, would have a pret ty hard time in being re-elected be cause he, while in office, did not reach the expectations and hopes of the people. He just escaped from the White House before the “depres sion” and he hopes to re-enter just in time to see “the doors of prosper ity swing wide.” Mary Katherine Thorpe told the club how Hoover who entered the White House at a bad time, has done all that anyone could expect under such circumstances. It is bad, ac cording to Miss Thorpe, to change horses in the middle of a stream and she feels confident that Hoover has a good chance in being re-elected. “Al Smith still has a chance” was the point of Miss C. Braxton’s talk. His religion. Miss Braxton thinks, would not follow him in his career if he were elected as president. Pro hibition, which has the country astir, really a minor issue and Miss Braxton is confident that Al Smith “although down is not out.” Miss Isabelle Ferguson presented Franklin D. Roosevelt, present Gov ernor of New York State for the Democratic presidential candidacy. Home Economics Club Meets In Practice House Mrs. Ernest Monteith Talks of ‘Psychiatric Work and Home Relationship” Tho Home Eeonomies Club held its April meeting in the Practice, Thursday, April 1 at 7:00 o’clock. Mrs. Ernest Monteith, teacher and Psychiatrist, was thi speaker of the evening. Her sub ject was “Psyichiatric work and Home Relationship.” Mrs. Mon- tcith said that a broad, deep, sym pathetic understanding must exist between the child, his parents and his tcacher. She gave illustrations of her work in a millionaire’s school in Hillsboro, California, and in a poverty-stricken mountain school in Balsom in Western North Carolina, by telling of three Academy Spends Busy Post-Lenten Week Final Basket Ball Tournament, Tree-Planting, Lectures and Entertainments Fill Week On Saturday, March nineteenth, the Academy, to the great envy of all College student.s, w'as dismissed for the Easter holidays returning only on March the twenty-ninth. This week has been a very busy and eventful one for the Academy. On Monday morning, during the ;gular cliapel hour, the tree-plant ing ceremony, sponsored by the Stu dent Representatives, was held. Sev en poplar trees and two Japanese cherry-trees were planted. The final basket ball game of tlie season was played Thursday after noon with a banquet following on Friday night. Friday morning, Mr. John Wells lectured to a small group of students “Puppets and Marionettes.” This talk gave practical advice on pro ducing and managing puppet shows was particularly interesting as the Academy hopes soon to present a puppet show of Little Red Riding Hood. Today, the Sophomore Class is giving a luncheon in honor of the Senior Class at the Blue Willow.