WELCOME TUKA.Vl Winston-Salem, N. C., Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1932. ,, Number 1. WELCOME SALEM OPENS 161st YEAR lalem Classed With South’s Best Colleges eSearch Shows it as Best Women’s College in N. C. Salem College is classed as the women’s college in North Caro- and one of the seven best in the itire south. This distinction, which IS published on August 17 in the \arlotte Observer, came as a sur- to the administration of the illege as well as to the students and umnae of the institution. All over state the press seized upon the s that old Salem had received is honor, and congratulations from •iends and former students of the illege were sent to the president. Publicity of this distinction was ;t made this summer when Dr. lizabeth Barber Young in a lecture Columbia University spoke of her irch among southern colleges ring the past two years, which re- Ited in her book, “Seven Selected 'omen’s Colleges in Southern fates.” After study and observa- the campuses of many edu- itional institutions and after con- :leration of the needs of the modern iman and what education should for her in helping her to meet :m. Dr. Young drew her con- isions as to the seven colleges in ; southern states which were best nipped to educate the modern man. Salem was the only college North Carolina which was named one of the seven. It is evident that Salem is dis- guished not only for her age but • her progress and the way in lich she, year by year, has adapted r curriculum to meet the needs of idem life. Says the Observer-. 'he high position of Salem College attributed to the foresight of its rious faculties to keep in touch th the times.” Since 1922 this is fourth outstanding honor which ilem has received. That year the lege became a member of the Asso- ition of Secondary Schools and ilh-ges of the South. In 1931 it (Continued on Page Three) U.N.C. Bestows Degrees Upon Salem Faculty The college honors the members of the faculty who received degrees during the past summer. Dr. Min nie J. Smith, Ph.D. received that de gree in history at the University of North Carolina. After a year’s leave of absence, during which she studied for the doctorate at the university and taught at Salem only on week ends, she returns to spend her full time at the college as head of the department of ancient languages. Miss Eloise Vaughn received a mas ter’s degree in modern language at the university. In June the University of North Carolina conferred upon Dr. Rond- thaler the degree of L.L.D. Besides Dr. Rondthaler six other graduates of the university received the hood. The first woman to ever receive the honorary degree was Mrs. Hope Chamberlain. The others were Dr. David Coker, a prominent banker of South Carolina, Dr. William Preston Few, President of Duke University, Mr. Hugh McRae, an engineer of Massachusetts, Mr. Junius Parker,an eminent lawyer, and Dr. John dej. Pemberton, surgeon of the Mayo foundation. As Dr. Graham conferred the de gree upon Dr. Rondthaler he made this appropriate eulogy : “Howard Edward Rondthaler, minister, teach er. and able executive, blending a certain reserve of strength, spiritual insight, and kindly charm of mind and manner; once president of the North Carolina Historical and Liter ary Society and the North Carolina Conference for Social Service; for twenty-three years president of Salem .'Vcademy, one of the oldest schools for girls in America, and of historic Salem College in which he has, with high standards and distinguished ability, carried the traditions of re ligion, scholarship ,and music to a new excellence; present symbol and eloquent voice of that Moravian cul ture and idealism which reach across tlie seas and centuries through old Salem into many homes of our people plastic to the aesthetic and spiritual influence of a great tradition.” Improvements Brighten Appearance Of Campus While students spent their vaca tion days at home and on pleasure trips, the college received a thorough cleaning and a number of improve ments. The most important changes were in Alice Clewell Building and the Athletic Field. Alice Clewell has a new dress of rainbow hues. From first to third the walls in every room Iiave been painted in pastel shades of sea blue, green, rose, yellow and cream. With the fresh appearance which the col ors and the newly painted wood work give, the rooms are most attractive. To introduc tlie men who performed the change with paint bucket and brush it is only necessary to mention their first names: Charlie, Fred, Ernest and Sherman. Long they labored, and proud they are of their w'ork. From those four, Mr. Talley the Student Government, and Mis! Lawrence comes the urgent request that those walls be left unmarred by tacks and nails. If a picture or a pennant is to be hung on the walls, O inhabitants of Clewell, ask Mr. Talley to bring his hammer and the peculiar kind of harmless tacks which he uses to do the work for you. Not only will it save you sore thumbs, but it will protect the beauty of the wall surface. Toward the realization of four years of work and planning the Salem Athletic Association sees lower campus being converted into new athletic fields. Though at pres ent the spectator see a broad expanse of red mud, imagination can show tc to him the full plans of the under taking. The Welch Athletic Field is being completed after much work during the summer, and it is hoped that at least part of the grounds will be ready for use this fall. The plans include a level, well sodded hockey fied, three new tennis courts near the Academy walk, and the present ones improved; and one hole of golf for practice. To the fund of the Athletic Asso ciation Miss Virginia Welch of (Continued on Page Fonr) Old And New Students Arrive For Registration Freshman Week Program of Varied Activities Through the portals of Salem College come the students this four teenth day of September 1932, and tlie college bids them welcome. The bustle and stir which accompanies the opening of school spreads from the campus over the city as the peo ple of Winston-Salem see the college girls return. This begins the 161st con.secutive year that the institution has opened its doors to young w'omen. Especially is the college glad to greet tlie Freshmen and new girls. As tlicy arrive they should not feel like strangers, but as immediate members of the student body. Today the new girls are met at Alice Clew- ' II Building and the office by mem- l)c;vs of the Y. W. C. A. and Student Self- Government, who are making every effort to make them feel com fortable in their new home. Stu dents who have been here before are liappy to return, to have this reunion with their classmates, and begin an other year’s work. On I'riday, September 9 members of the faculty began to appear on the campus, and others followed. Tliat same day the president of Stu dent Self-Government, the president ■'f I. R. S., and the editor of the Salemite arrived to plan their par ticular welcomes for the girls who would arrive the next week. At that time the campus was alive, though the student body was not here. The night watchman, who remained with liis lantern on the campus iill sum mer, became cheerful at the thought that soon he would be less lonesome tjiat during the past three months. '11 the servants were busy with pre parations for the opening, and the stexm shovel on the future athletic field continued its noisy digging. “Welcome” signs were painted on the windows of drug stores, and ‘;Iiops displayed their most collegiate ■lothes. (Continued on Page Fonr)