WEE BLUE INN OPENS ) WINSTON-SALEM, N. C„ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1 RECITAL ! MON. NIGHT i First Chapel Is Held Thursday Morning Many Guests and Alumnae Present For Occasion “Standing at the Portal” Opens Service Thursday morning, September 15, at 10 o’clock, the opening chapel for Salem Academy and Salem College was held in Memorial Hall. Many guests were present for the occasion. After Mr. Vardell had played on the organ as prelude the triumphant IMarch in C by Calkin, the Seniors led in singing the traditional Pro cessional, “Standing at the Portal.” On the platform w'itb Dr. Rond- thalcr, besides the Seniors, were Bisliop Kenneth Pfolil, pastor of the Home Moravian Church of Win- ston-Salem, Dr. Templeman, pastor of the Brown Memorial Baptist Church of Winston-Salem, Dr. I.am beth, pastor of the Central Methodis Churcli of Asheville. Miss Grac( Lawrence, Dean of Women of Salen College, and Miss Marian Blair, thi Registrar. Dr. Rondthaler read a Psalm of praise, which was followed by prayer by Dr. Templeton. He then introduced Bishop Pfohl, President of the Board of Trustees of Salem. Bishop Pfohl welcomed the new girls to Salem and to its many and varied opportunities. Salem has made great sacrifices to maintain her higli standards this year, and parents have sacrificed to send their children away to school. Bishop Pfohl ex pressed his hope that Salem stu dents may take advantage of the opportunities offered them -and may have a most successful and happy introduced : spoken at two College Leaders Meet At Camp Hanes Discussion With Trustees Clears Many Problems A huge moving van bumped its i'ay up the bricks from the college 0 town, carrying a load of blankets, food, and Salem campus leaders, on !;ir way to Camp Hanes. It was ne o’clock on Monday, September th when they left and eleven ‘lock of the same day when they rived. Members of the Student Self-Government Council, the heads of the major organizations, and pres idents of the classes went to hold their annual conclave and two-day camping trip before the opening of The campers were met by Mr. Mrs. Harry I.ong, who are in eh of tlie camp, and they were shown to •ee cabins. After a swim and lunch T’rank and Earnest” meeting wa: d, wliere everybody spoke he mind about college affairs. Presi dent Thorp, who presided, suggested several problems, which were cussed and partially solved. The program was a series of meeting.^ and discussions, interspersed witl cr.mp activities and good camp meals Mingled witli good times at that place which was built for fun, t was, when the proper time came atmospliere of seriousness and a 1 i-like desire to accomplish si Rondthaler Speaks At Y. W. C. A. Vespers Compares Depression to the Year of Jubilee At Sale greeted the new girls with a poem of welcome, and summed up what the new year of college activity held for Salem students. Tlie scrip'ture reading by Margaret Johnson was followed by a solo by Rebecca Hines, after which Dr. Rondthaler addrcss- de the group. The main thonght that he left was that this is a jubilee year. In Bibical times every fiftieth year was set aside as one in which to pro mote peace and efface all debts and class distinctions. In modern times, though we have no sucl Dr. Rondthaler pointed Deity has forced such man who neither realized it nor could prevent it. Wiiat wc term depressior is a jubilee year, wiping out all dis tinction in the way of wealth and leaving college students especial! more alike, more equal, and greater comrades. ORDER OF THE SCORPION RECEIVES NEW MEMBERS The sting of the Scorpion wi given on Wednesday morning to fi' members of the Senior Class, who r ceived the forget-me-nots and ar bands of Scorpio. The new girls received into the secret order Ghilan Hall, Nina Way Credle, Dorothy Heidenreich, Mae Johnson, and Josephine Courtney Organizations Extend Welcome To New Girls Woman Lobbyist Relates Experiences Mrs. Palmer Jerman Discusses Difficulties in Passing Bills “There is no formula for success n getting bills through the legisla- ure,” said Mrs. Palmer Jerman in er elucidating talk to Salem Stu- ents at Y. P. M. Wednesday, Sep- ,ember 21. As a lobbyist it is Mrs. Jerman’s duty to preseint for legis lation bills that have been issued and endorsed by State wide women’s or ganizations. Mrs. Jerman said pure luck de termines whether or not a bill is passed. Before bills are presented for legislation the must be revised and studied for weeks. Then the next step is to find a member of the legislature w'ho is not only popular and efficient but also interested in the passage of the bills. It is then up to the chosen member to present the petitions. The greatest difficulty is keeping in touch with the conunittee to whom bills have been given for study. S a meeting may be called any time and may be held at any place it is rather trying at timees to be present when special bill is being diseusscd. Mrs. Jerman explained the dif ferences found in the two kinds of lobbyists. There is the undesirable worker who out of selfish measures (Continue.d on Page Four) Dr. Rondthaler i Dr. I.ambetb, wlio hi Salem College commencement; I.ambcth said that he now had i real personal interest in Salem, fo; his own little girl was here. Hi spoke in behalf of the fatliers ant mothers who are sending their girli away for the first time and art trusting in Salem to send thei; daughters back better girls. Miss I.awrenee welcomed the nev girls to Salem, and Mary Katherine Thorp, President of the Student Body of Salem College, asked the co-operation of new and old girls all student activities. Miss Blair, who was introduced by Dr. Rondthaler, in characteristic fashion announced that classes would begin at eleven o’clock. Dr. Rondthaler read several tele grams received from alumnae, and he expressed his delight at seeing many alumnae in the audience. He (Continued on Page Four) Freshmen Become Acquainted With Organizations Leaders Review Extra-Curri- Cular Activities The past three chapel exercises have been used by the campus or ganizations for introducing them selves to the new' students. Kach morning an officer in each organiza tion has made a short talk about the ^ club she represented, and in many cases the Freshmen were invited to join them. This review enabled the new girls to decide with which extra curricula activities they would like to become aligned. On Thursday morning Mary Catherine Siewers talked about the ^ Student Self-Government Assoeia- tion. The Y. W. C. A. was presented by the president, Mary B. Williams. 1-j Ruth Crouse represented I. R. S., and Emily Mickey told about the Order of the Scorpions. At Friday’s (Continued on Page Four) Relentless Sophs Arrest Pesky Frosh \ow is the day of modern improvements; today is the day of changing from old methods to new. For generations it has been the custom for a young man to open a session of the superior, supreme, or any other court bv crying out in a loud voice, “Hear ye, hear ye, this honorable court, etc. In the old fashioned type of court room, sat a fat old judge, clad in enfolding black robes, spectacles, and mus tache, who was compelled to hold off his announcement of the victims punishment, until a jury had pro nounced him guilty or not guilty, a proceeding which generally consumed several hours, during which time, the jurors debated and smoked cigars, and the audience in the court grew bored and hungry, and conse quently left the trial flat in preferenise to a vegetable dinner or a picture show or even a bag of peanuts in a street car. The motto of the mob has always been, “Entertainment, amusement and gaiety are our foremost thoughts.” Only the mob doesn’t stop to say such long words, or hesitate to make complete sentences — “Fun, and niore of it,” would serve as well as any other motto for the present generation. But speaking of courts, they seem to have been rejuvenated; the interest in them has been arou.sed once more; and the attendance at our trials has improved one hundred per cent. This newly awakened enthusiasm is probably due to the change in the decorum and customs of the court. Instead of a fat old judge, severe young girls with healthy and solemn faces now preside. A chorus of female voices chant the opening sentence, not, “Hear ye,” but “Hail thou, almighty and learned su perior, I am a lowly green worm, and I apologize for my repulsive existence.” Snappy little verse, don’t you think.? The judges do not need a jury, but themselves pronounce the charge, call the victim, and administer the punishment. All in one evening’s work they did away with severe annoying cases; and the crowd of spectators during the entire proceeding, (they had not had supper, however). Not Mary Dugan herself could have plead with the court more beeseeehingly or pitifully than did Fanny I.ambeth, who when confronted by the face of her lover in the court room, nearly went into a decline. Another of the victims, in her terror of the sentence about to fall upon her, screamed as Tar- zan of the Apes would have done, “Elephants, yoo, hoo, Elephants.” All of this went over big with the audience, and they laughed loud and long when Judge Carrol, with a terrific frown between her delicate brows, stood threateningly over Celeste Me Clammy, while the poor child read one of her own foolish little love letters. (It was a pretty first class love letter, at that). A hot argument arose between Judge Wall and lier victim, neither of whom could hear the other’s side of the debate as to whether it was worse to be a Freshman in Salem Academy or in Salem College, for the side remarks of the upper classmen and the broken-hearted sobs of those awaiting trial. After Judge Padrick had fed Rachel Edgerton and Florida Graves e.".ch a raw wiener and declared it to be their last bite of food on this earth, (for the simple reasons that they were both Freshmen, and Florida is Dorabelle’s sister), and Judge Mc- I,ean had brutally turned dainty little Jean Burroughs from a handsome Dr. Jekyll into a shivering, sniveling Mr. Hyde, there was but one ease left. She, poor wretch, foamed at the mouth from fear of Judge Way and Life buoy soap on her tooth brush, and the audience stayed after the show to help gather up the debris and what was left of the seven victims. This modernized court was resumed the following evening after supper, and the judges were sterner and more relentless than ever, (only Judge Carrol’s cap was hind part before). Miss Sunny Shirvey Kirby was the first nun>ber on the program. A half glass of water w'as thrown in her face to revive her from fainting, or else she was lying flat on the floor trying to find her mouth with it and failing. From the mouth of Jane Rondthaler ])roceeded the stream of water which failed to put out Judge Penn’s ligttted match, and w'hich therefore lost for her her life. I'ondly she kissed her mother good-bye, so tliat her mother also had a share in her punishment. Nancy McN'eely, thinking no doubt that she was back home in her own swimming hole, struck out across the court room floor doing the Australian crawl. It was a sad sight but nobody saw fit to weep or gnash any teeth, except Lucy James and McArn Best who gnashed away six soda crackers and then tried their pitiful best to whistle bravely with their dicing breaths. And then, before any one could pre\ent it, two sliiny gold fish dangled before thf- startled eyes of the onlookers. .ludges Preston and Carrol bound the eyes of Rats Garret and Hook.s, and forced a fish down each gagging throat (don’t worry, we couldn’t waste the ten cent gold fish, so sardines were used, which were just as slimey). i Now let us repeat—where are the old-fa.shioned, boring trial scenes of yesterday? I-et’s liave quiet little murder Sophomores. 3 for a change, bccause v ; Freshmen being mangled by Freshman Week Program of Varied Entertainment I. R. S. Banquet is Final Event A carefully planned series of vents proved very successful for 'reshman Week. On Wednesday, September 11, the Student Self-Gov ernment Association was hostess. The morning and afternoon were spent in ‘gistration and the assignment of rooms. How'cver, Wednesday night, the mechanics and intricacies of the first day of school were laid aside, id tlie Freshmen were entertained a formal reception. Misses Mary B. Wim.-uus, Wanna .Mary Huggins, and Mary Mills presented a delight ful musical jjrogram. Thursdav afternoon the Wee Blue Inn was opened for the first time and was the scene of an informal tea given in honor of the Freshmen by thr Order of the Scorpion. This was followed by a iiienic dinner on Lower ('ampus for all Day Students. On Fridav the bad bold Sopho mores came into possession. After haunting the Freshmen all day, the Sophomores presented them with warrants to apjjcar in Court at 6:4.'). On this night and also on Saturday night the l'r(‘shmen were forced to humble themselves before the whole Student Body. I.ater Saturday night the Sophomores took back all their cutting remarks and, garbed as farm ers and farmerettes, entertained at a reg'^Jar apple eider and pretzel jubilee. The Y. W. C. A. made the Fresh men feel really at home on Sunday. In the afternoon there was a tea with Miss Matilda Mann as hostess. Sunday evening Dr. Rondthaler spoke at a very impressive ves])er service. This was followed by an informal hour, when marshmallows were toasted at an ojien fire. Monday night Miss Lucy James won the beauty contest, which was tkVfirst feature of an entertainment gi\.’V by the Athletic Association at thf'^ywimming pool. Miss Celeste McC;lamniy won second place. I.ater there were water contests and races. Tuesday afternoon the offices of the Salemite and the Sights and Insights were opened informally. Tuesday night the staffs of these two publi cations entertained at an exclusive Type-Setters Ball. Receiving at the door were Maggie and Jiggs. The comic community was present. A formal dinner on Wednesday night, September 21, culminated I'reshmanWeek. The (entire student (Continued on Page Four) Dr. Poteat Speaks At Second Chapel Service Theme is Based on Writings of Domitian On Friday morning Dr. Hubert M. Poteat, one of Wake Forest’s faculty members, delighted the stu dents and faculty with a brief, but thought-producing talk. After ad dressing Dr. Rondthaler and the audience, he speaker announced that, although he was not a preacher, he was going to take a text. “Now He drove all the Philosophers out of the city,” part of the third verse of the. ftfth chapter of the writings of Domitian was the text. After giving tlie quotation. Dr. Poteat set about to ex))lain Domitian’s reasons for driv ing the philosophers from his do- Through the influence and teach- ir«gs of the philosophers, the people U^arncd to think. No one can be the absolute ruler of thinking men. Tyranny sinks when man begins to think. America is not an entirely free country because the people al low others to think for them. A (Continued on Page Three) 1^031

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