BOOST OLD SALEM library \ SUPPORT STEE GEES VOL. XIII. WINSTON-SALEM, N. G., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1932 Number 5. Remodeled Dining Hall Opens Monday Night Dr. Anscombe Discusses Question Knowing God Christians Must Form Ade quate Conception of Deity Dr. Francis C. Anscombe, in chapel on Wednesday morning, Oc tober 12, talked on the problem that is the challenge of all Christians. Taking his text from John, 1 i, Dr. Anscombe showed that in knowing Christ we know the Father. Practically all Christians are like Philip, who is the unconscious spokesman of the human race. The question of, “What is God like?” is one that is asked by the most sim ple children and tlie most profound scientists and philosophers. A knowl edge of God the Father is a deep- seated need of mankind; this need was not given to us by God merely to tantalize us. When Philip begged “Lord, shew us the Father, and it sufficefch us,” Jesus was surprised and disappoint ed that Philip had not seen the Father in Him. “Have I been so long a time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip? He that hath seen me hath seen the Father.” When Jesus said, “If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also,” obviously He could not b^ speaking of the physical form of God. The personal attributes are neither important nor necessary to a knowledge of the real nature of God. What are His motives, pur poses, ideals ? If we can discover these then we will know the charac ter of God. In youth a childish conception God is formed. But this concept will not stand the scrutiny of in creased powers of intellect, so it is a never ceasing challenge to form an adequate conception of God. No one can give this to us. Dr. Anscombe recommended books of a philosophi cal nature which will guide the wai to casting aside former opinions and forming newer, more satisfactory ones. This is not a challenge to be {Continued on Page Three) Y. W. C. A. Forma ly Receive Freshmen Initiation Service is Beautiful And Impressive Tlie Vesper service on Sunday evening, October 9, was in the form of an installation ceremony for the new members of the Y. W. C. A. The meeting was held in the college library, which was dec orated with ferns and lighted only by candles. On the table in the center of the room were three candles which formed the “Y” tri angle. The members of the “Y” Cabinet entered, usng the hymn “Father of I.ghts” as a processional. After the scripture readina: by Margaret John son, Adelaide Silversteen sang “A In a .short talk Mary B. Williams told the purpose and the pledge of tile Association. She said that each girl stood with her candle she was reminded of the silent vow had made, to try to understand Jesus ■md to follow Him in His task. •Tcsus loved to be close to nature and to be alone in a garden or among the mountains and trees. Here at .Salem every one has an opportunity to follow Him and to try to be more like Him. After Miss Williams’ talk and her explanation of the greeting and wel come symbolized in the lighting of the candles, the installation service was completed by the Y. W. C. A. watchword and the choral amen. Prosperity Ship Sails to Ideal. Friday, the twenty-first of Octo ber, will see every Salem girl, in the guise of either customer or clerk, in the Ideal, for that particularly day Salem Day. The management of the Ideal has kindly consented to let Salem girls have almost complete charge of the store on that day, and in addition has promised to give a liberal contribution to the organi zation in charge. In return for this courtesy Salem girls should indeed patronize the Ideal, particularly on Almost every girl will sometime in the course of the following week be asked to act as clerk, and as usual. 'everyone approached will do her ut most to co-operate. Mary B. Wil liams will be in charge of the main floor, Mary Katherine Thorp in charge of the second floor, and Lou ise Brinkley, the basement. Be sure to watch the newspapers for advertisements for Salem Day, and above all listen to the Salem Day broadcast over WSJS Thurs day evening from eight to eight-fif teen. It will certainly be a treat to hear Salem talent perform over the Don’t forget to make out your sliopping list for October twenty- first at the Ideal. Buy the ideal things from an ideal clerk at the Ideal. Models Display Latest Modes Of Autumn Style-Minded Audience Views Fashion Show The Fashion Show sponsored by the I. R. S. was held in Memorial Hall Saturday night at 8:00 o’clock. A large audience witnessed the ex- ; of many Parisian modes model ed by six of the college and two of the academy students. Four of Winston-Salem’s leading stores were represented: Sosnik’s, Montaldo’s, Ideal and The Anchor. There were seven complete outfits modeled, beginning with pajamas and concluding with formal evening clothes. Included in this represen tation, were pajamas, negligees, sport wear, suits and coats, Sunday silk clothes, dinner dresses and rid ing habits, all having the necessary accessories. The eight models were: Ruth Crouse and Phyllis Clapp, repre.sent- ing Montaldos; Elois Padrick, Lucy James and Virginia Bailey repre senting The Ideal, Virginia Smith The Anchor, and Mary I.illian White and Janie Hall, Sosnik’s. The evening dresses portrayed car ried ta.ste and selection as well as varied types. Virginia Smith wore A white evening gown of rough flat crepe. The V neck was low and bordered in rhinestones. A girdle surrounded the waist, tying in t‘ front. Virginia Bailey modeled black dress with a very low back and V neck. The straps were of rhinestones. With this she wore a black velvet wrap with white fur, Elois Padrick’s wrap was green and loose, hanging from the shoulders. Her dress was crossed with straps in the back and was lutted at the waist. Large buttons were the only trimmings. Janie Hall wore awhite bunny fur wrap with a standing col lar and cape style. Ruth Crouse entered with a red ca,pe, double- breasted effect with a white dres.‘^ and red feathers outlining the .shoul ders and back. The front part of the neck was high. Lucy James’ dress was of dark wine with black ruffle trimmings. She wore long black gloves and carried a bag trim med with rhinestones. Phyllis Clapp’s dress was peach-colored with a square back and draped sleeves. She wore a dark red wrap with short brown fur cuffs. The negligies were equally as beautiful in appearance. Phyllis Clapp wore a blue and red crepe de chine negligie. The sleeves were blue with the red trimming running into points, and were bell shaped. Elois Padrick wore a pink silk night eown covered with a flesh negligie. This was close fitting, with a flare at the bottom. Ruth Crouse 1 a pink satin and lace negligee with pajamas to match. The sport cloths, on the whole were the most effective displays of the fashion parade. Lucy James’ outfit was a red coat and dress trim- (Conlinued on Page Three) Vardell Tells History, Mechanism of Organ Tope of Musical Instruments’ Subject of Music Hour Talk Mr. Vardell chose “The Pope of Musical Instruments” for the sub ject of his second talk in music Hour Thursday afternoon. He explained that the title was not original, that Charles Maria Widor, eminent or- ganist-composer very aptly called the organ the pope of the instru ments. The organ is not one instru ment but many instruments, since every pipe is a separate instrument. Even musical people think that the pipes one sees are all of the organ, but there are between 15,00 and 2,000 pipes on the organ in Mem orial Hall. The organ breathes the atmosphere of religion, the church, power, and Widor has correctly named it, the Pope. Mr. Vardell traced the history of the development of the organ, from the pipes of pan in mythology, the clay model of Carthage, and the hy draulic, which in appearance ap proached the modern organ. In the eleventh century stops were invent ed, and gradually other mechanismc were added, until by the seventeenth century was, in a way, a perfected instrument. It was ready for the masterpieces of Bach. The significance of the organ is that one person can bring under con trol many degrees lof power and tone coloring. The real function of the organ is to be an organ, not to imitate. To be a successful organist one must (1) be a good pianist; (2) have a good bodily frame; (3) be deft, (4.) have adaptability, (6) be a musician and a fluent sight reader. The opportunities of an organist are not as many as there used to be, but there is always a steady demand for good church organists, and there is a slight opening for radio organ- RONDTHALER INVITED TO DUKE^OCTOBER 23 Duke University has invited Presi dent Rondthaler to preach the monthly sermon at the University Chapel on October 23. Dr. Rondthaler has accepted the invitation. The subject of his serm on he cannot tell. “That,” says the experienced preacher, “is the twen ty-third.” Salemite Staff Hears Journalism Instructors Mr. Perry Outlines Year’s Newspaper Course in Hour Is your attention caught at the mere idea of personal interest? Quite naturally it is, and that is why the first meeting of the year held by the Salemite staff casts such a direct light upon the students of On Wednesday night at seven o’clock, in the Recreation Room of the Louisa Bitting building, the members of the Salemite staff had as guest at their first meeting Mr. W. D. Perry, instructor in Journal ism at the Reynolds High School. After the business part of the meet ing had been completed, he was in troduced by Miss Josephine Court ney, Editor-in-Chief of the Salemite. Mr. Perry is not only a delightfully entertaining talker, but also a well- informed critic in the field of journ alism. He began with the primary objective in journalism, which is close observance. This applies to surroundings, conversation, and lit tle everyday occurrences, as well as dramatic incidents. The importance of printing an abundance of names in the paper was stressed as an asset to make the paper popular. Mr. Perry divided his talk from this point into three divisions, the first being the discussion of leads. Since leads attract the attention, it is necessary that they interest the reader at the very beginning. There are many different types of leads, the most common of which are: the summary, the question, the emphatic statement, the verse lead, the direct quotation, the informal tone, the golden text or keynote lead, the proper name, the definite number, the prepositional phrase, the noun clause, and the temporal clause. The lead, which is a short summary of what is to follow, is made attractive by variety. Leads should not be over seven lines long. The second part of Mr. Perry’s talk concerned headlines. The head lines play vividly on the imagina- (Continued from Page Three.) Picnicker Confesses Overeating Thursday Enjoys Delicious Supper on Lawn Oh, what bliss to stretch one’s el bows and wave one’s fork about in airy gestures without jabbing some unfortunate soul in some part of her anatomy. No one seriously objects to eating in the Wee Blue Inn. Al though its really quite an adventure, there’s nothing like having a whole square mill in which to spread one’s goods and chatter. Can it be that any reader was as piggy as the writer and went back for a second helping? As a provider. Miss Stockton is undoubtedly the best yet. If the freshmen just v/ouldn’t grow! It was a great idea in the first place. In the second place, there never was such a time, such a place, and such atmosphere. There is probably such a thing as speechless ness and forgetfulness of self when in the presence of great beauty, but the luminous moonlight surrounding? did not seem to have the least effect on anyone’s appetite. Can you blame them? Renovated Mess Halils ReadyForUseNextWeek First Meal is I. R. S. Banquet Monday Night The dining hall will be ready for use on Monday night. That calls for a celebration, thinks I. R. S. and immediately that live-wire organiza tion plans a banquet for the opening Since Wednesday, October 15 stu dents and faculty have been crowd ed into the Wee Blue Inn and the day students’ rooms in South Hall for their three daily meals. Cafeteria breakfasts were impossible, and table etiquette was difficult. The excellent management of the dietic ian, Miss Stockton, did not allow service and menus to fall below their former standard, though the emerg ency was hard to meet. The disastrous fall of the ceilin(>- was caused by damp weather and the hc.ating of the building, which cracked the plaster in the old build ing. More reliable materials of stone board now replace the former ceiling. The entire dining hall i‘ renovated, with walls fre.shly can vassed and papered in light tan. Al though the accident was most un fortunate, the “new” dining-room is a pleasure. The I. R. S. banquet is an an.swer to many requests for “another form al dinner.” So successful was the last one that students are clamoring for another. Dr. Rondthaler Attends Y.M.C.A. Celebration “Youth Looks Forward” Subject of Dinner Speech “With characteristicly Charles tonian dignity and beauty the Y. M. C. A. celebration was con ducted,” said Dr. Rondthaler upon his return from the South Carolina seaport. “I would have given much for the priviledge of speaking on that occasion.” Tlie event, held on October 11, was part of the world-wide celebra tion of the one hundred eleventh an niversary of the birthday of Sir George Wiliams of England, foun der of the Y. M. C. A. The cele bration at Charleston was particular ly significant, since it was in that city that in 1854 the Christian As sociation was founded on the Ameri can continent. At the banquet in the Y. M. C. A. hall Dr. Rondthaler was the guest speaker. The Charlestonian feeling of hereditary responsibility, which appealed to the speaker’s innate sense of the fitness of things, was shown in the calling of the first Y. M. C. A. roll of the city. Tliis eighty-year old roll was answered by lineal descendants of each of the members. Dr. Rondthaler spoke on the subject “Youth Looks Forward, Not Backward.” Among congratulations and mani festations of interest was a telegram of per.sonal greetings from Presi dent Hoover. On Friday Dr. Rondthaler made a talk to the Y. M. C. A. at Chapel Hill for a celebration of this same anniversary.