Page Four. THE SALEMITE Saturday, October 15, 1932. POETRY In thinking; of modern poefrry, one’s mind is immediately turned toward the works of Edna St. Vin cent Millay. Renaisscence, a most as- toundinj; performance, of this >fon- eration, was written when Miss Mil- lay was nineteen years old. It be j?ins like a child’s aimless verse or « countinft out rhyme. All I could see from where I .s-tood Was three long mountains and a I turned and looked another wa; And saw three i.slands in a hay. •So with my eyes I traced the lin Of the horizon, thin and fine, .Straight around until I was com Back to where I’d started from; And I saw from where I stood Was three long mountains and a —Edna St. Vincent Millay. In the poem by Stephen Phillips is painted in words a picture of on of the many fall scenes around u AN OCTOBER DAY Through dry and hurrying leaves Ciolden our way; .Sound of the wind, south west Erom the wild day! W’ild all thy loosened hair. Blown in my eyes; Till thou doth .seem a part Of autumn skies. Wild from the setting sun Rushes the rain; Ah, be it true or false, Thy kiss again ! —Stephen Phillips. IT CAPTURES THE HEART OF THE WORLD Moonlight . . . their last hour togeth«r . . . between them the shadow of a past tragedy . . . here is romance to take your - S € € II IE T y KAPPA DINNER The pleges of Alpha Phi Kappa sorority were entertained on October second in the recreation room of Louisa Bitting Building with a lovely banquet, given by the mem bers of this sorority—Tiny corsages were at each guest’s place. During the evening, aside , from the main feature, which was eating, the guests danced between courses and were en tertained further by singing, and passing around the famous Miceky “Mouse,” much to the discomfort of Wanna Mary Huggins. The sorority colors were carried out in the banquet, itself, in the flowers, decoration, and pledge rib- Cokcy Preston, Virginia Kali, Mar tha Neal, Marietta Way, Mary Penn, Rachel Carroll, Claudia Foy, Mary Drew Dalton Elizabeth Gray, Marv Louise Fuller, Dorothy Moore, Bet ty Tuttle, Georgia Huntington. BETA PLEDGE SUPPER The Beta Beta Phi pledges were entertained Saturday, October first, with a pledge supper given in their honor. The supper was served buf fet style from a table where the so rority colors, black and red predom inated in the decorations. The pledges were given lovely corsages of red roses and were pinned with the Beta {)lcdge buttons.. 'I'hose present were: •Mary Catherine Siewers, Mary Katherine Thorj), Margaret Johnson, l‘'rances Hill, Isabelle Pollock, Mary Sample, Grace Pollock, Dorabellt (iraves, Annie Shufford, and pedges: Anne Taylor, Miriam Stevenson, B(th Norman, and Elois Padrick. SIGMAS PLEDGE NEW MEMBERS Tuesday night, October 11, the Delta Sigma Delta Sorority enter tained at a dinner given in the Rec reation Room of the Louisa Wilson Bitting Building, in honor of the pledges. The room was attractively decorated in lavender and white dahlias, carrying out the sorority colors. Before the four course din ner was served the pledges were |)resented with corsages and pledgf pins. Those present were the pledges .\nnie Zue Maye, Margaret Ward, Margaret’ Wall, and Marion Hadley. And the old members: Natilda Mann, Nina Way Credle, Mary Price, Elizabeth Price, Katherine Lasater, and Ann McKinnon. THETA SORORITY ENTERTAINS At six o’clock on Saturday, Sep tember 31st, the installation of the new members in the Theta Delta Pi sorority was held. After the in stallation, a delicious cold supper was served the new members with the old girls acting as hostess. The Theta pledges are Patsy Mc- Miillan, Margaret McLean, and Lila Wamble. PIEDMONT ENGRAVING 0>. PHOTO ENGRAVERS Dial 9722 Winston - Sal.m i TEAGUE’S I Women’s Smart | Apparel | Dresses and Suits S For Sports, S Afternoon and Evening g Opp. Carolina Theatre g Dial 8602 § Winston-Salem, N. C. § THRILLING NEWS — !. Lloyd’s New Price Policy $4.95 TO $9.95 Polo Coats p:xclusive Velo Suoda Zipper Ja£s Blouses, Sweaters, Skirts $1.96 To $2.95 SNAPPY NEW FALL MILLINERY $1.95 To $2.95 89c To $L59 “i'lNE FEATHER” HOSIERY 67c Pair, 2 Pairs $1.2 LLOYD’S CORNER FOURTH AND MARSHALL STREETS Carolina Hotel and Theatre Building PHONE 2-0C02 FRESH clcjo/LeJkiU Camel pareh«*il or ioasitftl § Muih- FKESH - FKESH ;^ff.xoo!,oc>ooooooooo,o,o'OOO'y jC' , '>'0000 '-0 o 0 “ FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE —AUTOGRAPH BOOKS —ADDRESS BOOKS —ACADEMY STATIONERY -ATHLETIC HOSE —BIBLES —BOOK ENDS —BRACELETS —BOOKCOVEES —BLOTTERS —BRASS TRAYS —BIRTHDAY CARDS —COMPOSITION BOOKS —CORRESPONDENCE CARDS —COMPACTS —CRAYONS —■CONVALESCENT CARDS —CANDIES -CRACKERS —CIGARETTE BOXES —CLOCKS —DIARIES —DICTIONARIES —DRAWING PAPER —ERASERS -FOUNTAIN PENS -FRENCH STATIONERY —GREETING CARDS —HOOVER APRONS —INK —JEWELRY —KODAK FILMS —KODAK DEVELOPING —KLEENEX —KOTEX —LAMPS —LETTER KNIVES —LEATHER BILL FOLDS —LUX —MIRRORS —MUCILAGE —MEMORY BOOKS —NOTE PAPER —NOTE BOOKS —NOTE BOOK PAPER —POST CARDS —PENNANTS —PICTURES —PLACQUES -PENCILS —PINS—SALEM —PENNANTS—SALEM —PASTE —POCKET BOOKS —PINS —PORTTOLIOS —PLAYING CARDS —RINGS —RECIPE BOOKS —PASTELS —RULERS -SEALING WAX —SALEM BELTS —SALEM PLACQUES —SMOCKS —SALEM STATIONERY —SCISSORS —SALEM STICKERS —SILK HOSE —SOAP —SCRAP BOOKS —SYMPATHY CARDS —SALEM DOLLS —TENNIS BALLS —TENNIS SHOES —TESTAMENTS —TABLETS—SALEM —TYPEWRITER PAPER —TYPEWRITER BOOKS —TYPEWRITER RIBBONS . —TOOTH PASTE —THREAD —WATER COLORS —WASTE BASKETS -WRITING CASES COMPLETE GIFT DEPARTMENT Salem Book Store SALEM DAY « SALEM SQUARE PHONE 9826 At THE IDEAL | FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21 | H Visit the store with all your friends to greet the | PROSPERITY SHIP | Sail On Salem | EFIRD’S DEPARTMENT STORE QUALITY, SERVICE AND PRICE I “COLLEGIATE CLOTHES” | I DARLING SHOP I :« Darling Dresses Always ■ » § 420 North I.iberty Street ^ WATCH REPAIRING AND JEWELRY REPAIRING repairing. Jewelers West Fourth Street, Opp. Nissen Bldg.